GISCI Geospatial Core Technical Knowledge ExamTM GISP Exam GISCI Geospatial Core Technical Knowledge ExamTM 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS, GISP May 5th 2016
How was the exam put together? What is on the exam? Are there exam preparation materials? What is the passing score? How was the exam put together? The exam was developed using an industry-standard exam development process. A job analysis was conducted to determine the core GIS knowledge areas essential to all GIS professionals, and the exam questions were written specifically to address those areas. The exam questions were vetted in multiple review and validation activities. More than 400 certified GIS professionals provided input to the exam development process, representing a broad spectrum of GIS job categories, sectors, and levels of experience. A group of these GIS professionals wrote the exam questions. What is on the exam? The exam questions address 44 specific GIS core knowledge areas in 6 categories. The knowledge areas are provided in the Exam Preparation Information document on the GISCI website. This document also provides more detailed information concerning the exam contents, characteristics, and administration process. Are there exam preparation materials? GISCI provides a brief Exam Preparation Information guide on its website. This document lists the specific knowledge areas that the exam tests and the types of sources where information about these knowledge areas can be found. It also provides information about the exam characteristics and testing procedure. Over time, GISCI will augment this resource with more information that may be useful in preparing for the exam. In the meantime, other organizations and professionals associations are considering preparing exam preparation materials. What is the passing score? A candidate must answer 75% of the exam questions correctly to pass. 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS, GISP WV State GIS Coordinator
How was the passing score determined? When will the exam be offered? When will the exam be offered? Where is the exam offered? Are there sample questions? How was the passing score determined? The passing score, or cut score, was determined through an industry-accepted standard setting process. When will the exam be offered? The exam will be offered during limited periods twice a year, generally in the spring and fall. Each testing period In 2016, the exam will be offered in late June-early July and again in late fall. Exact exam dates and registration periods will be announced approximately 2 months before the exam dates. Where is the exam offered? The exam is administered at testing facilities around the US and internationally. It may also be offered occasionally at special events. Exam locations can be seen on the GISCI web site: Are there sample questions? Some sample questions are available on the web site as a part of our exam prep information here: 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS, GISP WV State GIS Coordinator
Will you give the test at local or regional geospatial functions? Where do exam fees go? How do you pay for the exam? How will the exam be kept current? Will you give the test at local or regional geospatial functions? Not at first, however, we do see that availability as an attractive option in the future. As the exam matures, we hope to be able to provide specific testing windows at selected conferences. That timing will probably not come about for a few years, yet. Where do exam fees go? The exam fees cover the costs associated with administering the exam and providing the ongoing exam content updates and maintenance. How do you pay for the exam? You can pay by credit card, check, or international money order transfer. How will the exam be kept current? Exam maintenance follows a regular update and maintenance cycle, involving adding and replacing questions each year, and reviewing and updating the knowledge categories and related questions every 3 years. 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS, GISP WV State GIS Coordinator
How many people took the exam? What was pass rate? What is the cut score? When is the next test and how often is it offered? How many people took the exam? GISCI has determined that, consistent with some other certification exams in other industries, we will not release the number of people who took the exam at this time. What was pass rate? GISCI has determined that, consistent with some other certification exams in other industries, we will not release the pass/fail rate for the exam at this time. What is the cut score? A person must score 75% of answers correctly answered in order to pass. When is the next test and how often is it offered? The Exam will be offered twice each year, in early summer and late fall. 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS, GISP WV State GIS Coordinator
Is training available anywhere? How do I prepare? Is training available anywhere? How many questions will be on the exam and how long will it be? If I fail, what can I do? How do I prepare? We have a document of exam preparation materials available for review on the GISCI site: This will allow each individual to determine his or her strengths and weaknesses and to study accordingly. Is training available anywhere? Not at this time, however, we do expect that training materials and workshops will be developed in the future. GISCI does not offer test preparation. How many questions will be on the exam and how long will it be? The exam is expected to consist of up to 150 questions. It will be taken in a 3 to 3 1/2 hour exam window. If I fail, what can I do? You can retake the exam at the next offering. 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS, GISP WV State GIS Coordinator
What does certification do for me? Why an exam now? What does certification do for me? Do I need to take exam to recertify? Can GISPs take the exam? Why an exam now? An exam has been under consideration since the GISP was established, and the profession has now advanced to a level that a comprehensive GIS exam could be produced. The voluntary portfolio was successful in establishing the GISP Certification as a valuable geospatial credential, but the exam will raise its value to the profession by providing a clear measure of professional achievement in key knowledge areas. What does certification do for me? That question is ultimately to be answered by each individual according to their own circumstances. IF pursued, it does provide a third-party, independent evaluation of an individual’s professional capability in GIS. Do I need to take exam to recertify? No. The Exam will be a requirement for first-time GISP applicants and will not be required for recertification. Can GISPs take the exam? No active GISP will be allowed to take the exam. 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS GISP WV State GIS Coordinator
What is the exam appeals process? What feedback do test takers get? What feedback do test takers get? Why did recertification change from 5 to 3 years? Why did the fee structure change? What is the exam appeals process? To appeal any part of an individual’s exam results, you will contact the Executive Director, who will then take the specifics of the case under review. What feedback do test takers get? Individuals who pass will receive a simple notice of passing. Those who fail will receive a more detailed review of their performance on the individual knowledge areas to assist them in planning to re-test, if they desire. Why did recertification change from 5 to 3 years? The key to a decision to change the certification period: the fact that the geospatial profession is changing so rapidly that the certification period needed to address that increased need for continual learning. Why did the fee structure change? The GISCI Board recognized that the historic certification/recertification process and fee structure had not been changed since our creation and provided an unsupportable value that could not be sustained over time. With the creation of the exam and the need for continual exam maintenance and updating, the need for a revenue base to support that addition became necessary. 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS GISP WV State GIS Coordinator
Why is there a maintenance fee? What do I get for it? What do I get for it? Can I get a discount? Why is there a maintenance fee? After an evaluation of our fee structure, we recognized that the current fees were not supporting the current and future needs of the organization. In order to remain healthy and capable of sustaining the GISP and possible specialized certifications under consideration, we say the need to bring the fees in line with future needs. What do I get for it? The GISP Certification provides a world-recognized geospatial credential, increasingly utilized by industry, organization human resource departments, and managements as an independent, third-party-supplied endorsement of GIS professional capability. Can I get a discount? No. There is no discount available for any of the certification or exam fees. 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS GISP WV State GIS Coordinator
What are those requirements?. Is GISCI accredited? ADA compliant? What are those requirements?. Is GISCI accredited? I have a disability; what should I do? Are we ADA compliant? Yes. We cooperate with our exam provider to meet and provide all necessary requirements, should they be needed. What are those requirements? All examination centers are equipped to provide access in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and every reasonable accommodation will be made in meeting a candidate’s needs. Applicants with disabilities or those who would otherwise have difficulty taking the examination should make a request for alternative arrangements with PSI. Requests for any special accommodations should be made in writing, describing the specific accommodations that will be needed, and must include supporting documentation on official letterhead from a licensed professional. Is GISCI accredited? Not yet, however, we expect to apply for certification accreditation from the appropriate body in the near future. I have a disability; what should I do? Contact the Executive Director to begin conversations on what provisions can be made. 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS GISP WV State GIS Coordinator
WV State GIS Coordinator Tony Simental, MS, GISP WV State GIS Coordinator 1 Mont Chateau Rd. Morgantown, WV 26508-8079 304-594-2331 2016 WV GIS Conference Morgantown, WV Tony Simental, MS GISP WV State GIS Coordinator