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Presentation transcript:

Data and Analysis Tools Team DOT Assistance Programs – FHWA Robert Pollack August 8, 2017

Data and Analysis Tools Team activities Developing Safety Data Guidance Providing Technical Assistance Developing Training Promoting EDC Data Driven Safety Analysis Sharing Information and Resources

Safety Data Guidance: Where is It? 23 U.S.C. 148(f)(2): - Establishes a subset of the MIRE that are useful for the inventory of roadway safety; and Ensure that States adopt and use the subset to improve data collection Ray - The HSIP Final Rule, which went into effect April 14, 2016, outlines the “Fundamental Data Elements” that constitute subset of MIRE.

Model Inventory Roadway Elements Serves as a guideline to help transportation agencies improve their roadway and traffic data inventories Provides a basis for a standard of what can be considered a good/robust data inventory Helps agencies move towards the use of performance measures About to release MIRE Version 2.0 Recommended listing of roadway inventory and traffic elements critical to safety management

Subset of Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) to be Collected - FDEs For non-local paved roads (37elements split into) Road segment elements Intersection elements Interchange/ramp elements For local paved roads (9 elements all dealing with) For unpaved roads (5 elements all dealing with) Subset enables jurisdictions to analyze crash experience of roadway networks relative to the expected average crash frequency given roadway and traffic characteristics at specific locations

Technical Assistance For State DOTs and Local Highway Agencies Targeted Programs ( Roadway Data Improvement Program Roadway Data Extraction Technical Assistance Program Customizable Technical Assistance Resource Center Safety & Design Team ( Roadway Safety Professional Capacity Building Program ( Bob In addition to the Technical Assistance available through the Resource Center and Safety R&D’s STAC, the RSDP has several technical assistance programs. Our goal is to be able to meet any kind of safety data & analysis-related technical assistance request. The first 2 programs (RDIP and RDETAP) address specific issues; the third covers everything else.

Roadway Data Improvement Program (RDIP) Assist States to improve the collection & management of roadway/traffic data elements What data are collected and how? How are the data used and by whom? What data management policies, practices and procedures does the State have in place? Are the roadway/traffic data able to be integrated with other data (e.g. crash, citation, vehicle)? What is the quality of the roadway/traffic data? RDIP would be particularly good for States reviewing their data programs and/or planning/implementing improvements to and/or reorganization of their data programs. In this program, a team of technical experts spends several days in the State reviewing data programs, sharing insights from other States, and offering recommendations.

Roadway Data Extraction Technical Assistance Program (RDETAP) Deliver technical assistance to state and local agencies on methods of identifying, extracting, integrating and reformatting roadway data from existing resources (video logs, Google Earth, Bing) RDETAP to deliver accurate and consistent roadway data for use in analytic models

Safety Data & Analysis Technical Assistance Program Open to all states and local agencies or their representatives Matched with subject matter experts Range of services available: One-on-one consultations Peer exchanges on-site or web based Technical workshops This is our most basic and flexible program.

Training National Highway Institute HSM Suite 38000 Web-based training Resource Center Customized Safety Analysis courses HSM briefings and workshops Complete suite of HSM training for practitioners Interactive Highway Safety Design Model Performance-Based Practical Design Systemic Approach to Safety Crash Modification Factors: Science/Application/Development Safety Data and Analysis Fundamentals (Under development) Transportation Performance Management for Safety

Safety Data & Analysis Training New NHI training being developed: Safety Data and Analysis Fundamentals course Pilots for 3 states and/or local agencies in Fall 2017 Analysis tool courses: Safety Analysis of Freeways and Interchanges Overview of the new HSM Chapters 18 & 19 Safety Data and Analysis Fundamentals (Under development) Transportation Performance Management for Safety 2-day workshop explores how geometric design, traffic control, and other factors affect roadway safety. The agenda provides and overview of the new HSM Chapters 18 & 19 and guidance on how to use ISATe and/or the IHSDM to analyze freeway/interchange safety. Contact:

Data-Driven Safety Analysis (DDSA) Initiative Goal: Integrate safety performance into ALL transportation investment decisions Jerry EDC = Every Day Counts. EDC’s goal is to identify and rapidly deploy proven but underutilized innovations to shorten the project delivery process, enhance roadway safety, reduce congestion and improve environmental sustainability. What is the Data-Driven Safety Analysis Initiative? Its the application of two science-based analysis approaches, into two common transportation processes. The two approaches that we’re referring to are Systemic and Predictive, and will talk about those in greater detail in a moment. The transportation processes we’re talking about include Safety Management (which is probably no surprise to anyone), BUT THE OTHER IS Project Development, because we believe that safety performance should be integrated into ALL highway investment decisions. For this EDC-3 initiative, will be primarily focusing on design decisions, such as Alternatives Analysis, Design Exceptions, and would also include Performance-Based Practical Design.

The application of the latest evidence-based tools and approaches What is DDSA? The application of the latest evidence-based tools and approaches to safety analysis Provides reliable estimates of an existing or proposed roadway’s expected safety performance Helps agencies quantify the safety impacts of transportation decisions, similar to the way agencies quantify: traffic growth environmental impacts traffic operations pavement life construction costs DDSA is the application of the latest evidence-based tools and approaches to safety analysis. These approaches use crash, roadway, and traffic volume data to provide reliable estimates of an existing or proposed roadway’s expected safety performance. DDSA helps agencies quantify the safety impacts of transportation decisions, similar to the way agencies quantify: traffic growth environmental impacts traffic operations pavement life construction costs Source: AASHTO, AASHTOWare, Roadway Safety Foundation

DDSA can be applied throughout the Project Development Process… So where can DDSA be applied in the Project Development Process? Really, it can be applied throughout, and we’ve tried to boil it down to four broad stages. It can be applied in planning, alternatives analysis, design, as well as construction, operations, and maintenance. Source: FHWA

Roadway Safety Data Capability Assessment Evaluate states ability to execute data driven safety analysis and performance measurement Enable FHWA to track progress of states ability to collect, analyze, and manage roadway safety data Roadway Inventory and standards Data analysis tools and uses Data management and governance Data interoperability and expandability 4 Pilots will be completed by July

RSDP Information Resources Roadway Safety Data and Analysis Web Page RSDP Toolbox Stuart

Safety Data and Analysis Toolbox Web resource to help users identify appropriate tools based on their needs and capabilities Organized by task Collect, Analyze, Manage, Research Types of tools Software, Data bases, Guides & Information sources Key Message: Roadway Safety Data and Analysis Toolbox, and Develop a series of individual tools that will reside in the Toolbox. The individual tools are written documents—starter kits, primers, informational report, how-to guides, decision-support guidebooks, training materials, or software that will assist State and local agencies in roadway safety data collection; development, refinement, and management of their safety data system; and use of the data in safety analyses supporting performance-based planning, safety management, and project development decision making.   The Toolbox will be a web-based structure for organizing information and guiding users in selecting the tool best suited to the job at hand. The structure should accommodate currently available roadway safety data and analysis tools, documents developed under this Task Order, and additional tools developed beyond this Task Order. The Toolbox should be a one-stop shop for all levels of users to learn about and access roadway safety data and analysis tools.

Team Contact Information Ray Krammes – Data & Jerry Roche – DDSA & HSM Analysis Tools Team Lead Implementation (202) 366-2175 (515)233-7323 Bob Pollack – Data Programs Stuart Thompson – RSDP & Technical Assistance Toolbox & Data Integration (202) 366-8090 (202) 366-5019 Esther Strawder –Planning Yanira Rivera – RSDP Toolbox & RSDP Training (202) 366-6836 (787) 771-2518