Project Complexity Proposal prepared for Andrew Pekin: 12th August 2016
CHOBANI CHALLENGE: Improve visibility and understanding of project complexities Chobani are seeking an approach to improve the visibility and understanding of project complexities within their business. This challenge has arisen as there is no clear distinction between simple projects (ie. label change) and projects that have more complexity and as a result, higher technical risk (ie. pack size change impacting wrapping machines). Projects are only discussed based on status (on/off track) in the NPD meeting forum with minimal focus on complexities and risks.
WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE? Improve stakeholder awareness and understanding as to why one project is more complex than the another. Improve understanding of what is a risk and an issue within a project. Improve resource planning and allocation in accordance with project complexity. Develop a simple set of tools for existing and new projects which clearly highlight complexity and risk.
SCOPE The tools can be applied to all projects however will be focused towards small to medium sized projects. Chobani currently manage larger projects with high capital and complexity through a dedicated project management team.
Workshop With Cross Functional Team Coaching Tools APPROACH 1 Workshop With Cross Functional Team Train on how to define risks and issues. Build complexity matrix and ratings (red/amber/green). Apply new tools to 3 live projects. Coaching Post workshop to refine/build or apply to further projects (if required). Tools Risk and issues training module. Product Construct matrix to determine level of change and risk within a project.
DELIVERABLES: Tools Risk and Issue training What is a risk vs. an issue? What is a mitigation and contingency plan? Product Construct Change Matrix Developed in collaboration with cross functional team, the matrix is based on categorising projects by the degree of change to a product against a set of predefined parameters. Each change is rated on complexity and risk (red/amber/green). Parameter examples: recipe, process, packaging.
DELIVERABLES: Workshops One Day Session (5 hours) Two Half Day Sessions Risk and Issue training with cross functional team Learn what is a risk vs an issue, how to define and write a mitigation plan. Product Construct matrix Define product parameters to measure change against. Define criteria for complexity and risk rating (red/amber/green). (ie. What would we classify as “green” for a recipe change?) Workshop new matrix with 3 live projects. Session 1 Risk and Issue training with cross functional team Learn what is a risk vs an issue, how to define and write a mitigation plan. Product Construct matrix Define product parameters to measure change against. Define criteria for complexity and risk rating (red/amber/green). (ie. What would we classify as “green” for a recipe change?) Session 2 Workshop new matrix with 3 live projects. OR
COST Cost Workshop + Tools $ 4,675 ex GST Includes: Preparation of training materials 1 x workshop or 2 x half day workshops 1 x coaching session Tool refinement & consulting on implementation, as necessary
Workshop With Technical Team Coaching Tools Asset Mapping Workshop With Technical Team Create asset map for existing and future projects on one manufacturing line. Coaching Post workshop to present to cross functional team or apply to another manufacturing line. Tools Asset Map to highlight existing and proposed new equipment required to manufacture project pipeline.
DELIVERABLES: Tools Asset Map Developed in collaboration with technical team (R&D and manufacturing), the asset map will outline technologies of an existing manufacturing line and overlay the future project pipeline and highlight the new equipment required to manufacture the new products.
DELIVERABLES: Workshops Half day session (3 hours) Asset Mapping Map technology for one manufacturing line (including line and kitchen). Overlay project pipeline to show where new equipment is required and where equipment can be shared.
COST & TIMING Cost Workshop + Tools $ 2,475 ex GST Includes: Preparation of training materials 1 x workshop 1 x coaching session Tool refinement & consulting on implementation, as necessary
Thank You We look forward to collaborating with you. Contact: Elesha Kelly R&D End to End Project Manager – Food Innovation Centre E: P: 9905 8444