Master Property Planning and Facilitation Process Board of Education Update November 17, 2016
Presentation Overview Overview of MPP Process, Goals, and Objectives Community Forum Review of Concepts/Considerations Update on Request for Development/Proposals Process for Lahser Facility Review Options for Lahser Facility Questions/Answers
Overview of MPP Process, Goals, and Objectives Bloomfield Hills Schools underwent a Request for Proposals (RFP) process to engage a firm with impeccable credibility, extensive real estate expertise, and peerless communication/facilitation savvy to engage a large group of knowledgeable and highly engaged community stakeholders in a facilitated Master Property Planning process. The engaged firm will be charged with determining the highest and best use for buildings and properties scheduled to no longer house specific school programming as of September of 2015. This process will be conducted in the overall context of the district’s preferred future in light of current and anticipated programming needs, enrollment trends, building capacities, and physical plant needs The focus of this process will be on creating opportunities for the future while also optimizing building utilization and reducing the infrastructure burden on the district. The process welcomes the opportunity to entertain creative ideas and discover mutually beneficial partnerships that optimize the value proposition for the district, potential collaborating entities and the community as a whole. The goal of the process is to develop a handful of the most viable options for review and consideration for each site and the District as a whole and deliver a plan (or small set of options) with flexibility to move with ebbs and flows of student enrollment.
Community Forum Review of Concepts/Considerations
Bloomin’ Preschool at Fox Hills Property Name Concept 1C Lahser Site Hold onto Property Maintain field house, gym, and locker rooms for BHS use Demolish remaining portion of facility Review possible lease spaces with long-term agreements for pool, auditorium, athletics facilities Concept 2 Hickory Grove Site Demolish facility Sell through “Packaged” RFP for residential development Concept 3 Bloomin’ Preschool at Fox Hills Maintain ownership of entire site Review market data relative to possibility of selling 10 acres for highest/best use Utilize funds from real estate sale for capital improvements Concept 4 Pine Lake Site Maintain ownership of property for future consideration Review market data relative to possibility of selling through “Packaged” RFP for residential development Concept 5 Wabeek Site Sell through “Packaged” RFP for residential development to maintain R-3 HOLD SOLD HOLD HOLD SOLD Note: Each concept for individual sites are independent and could stand alone as a task/next step for further consideration
Update on Request for Development/Proposals Process for Lahser Facility
Late August 2016 RFP response due date; only (1) proposal received Early August 2016 Request for Proposal (RFP) issued for Lease Options, advertised on District and State website, and sent to (6) interested parties Late August 2016 RFP response due date; only (1) proposal received PMC and Clark Hill reviewed technical and financial information from proposal response. Proposal did not include the “earnest money deposit” as required in the RFP. September 2016 PMC reviewed proposal received with proposing entity regarding proposed scope, time, schedule, financing, etc. for the proposal received and discuss next steps. October 2016 PMC reviewed options and related capital costs with BHS and Barton Malow Company relative to abatement, demolition, possible improvements November 2016 PMC to present an update to the Board of Education to obtain input and meet with the Advisory Committee regarding proposal received. December 2016 The Advisory Committee to review the proposals received and provide insight for Board review
Review Options for Lahser Facility
LAHSER - CURRENT ENVIRONMENT Site: 43.5 acres Facility: 226,626 s.f. Current Uses: BHS Athletics (site/facility) Robotics (facility) Community (site/facility) Operating Costs Based on BHS records, holding costs equate to over $400,000 in annual costs for Lahser facility/site. These costs include utilities, maintenance, insurances, testing, and monitoring costs
LAHSER - CURRENT ENVIRONMENT Locker Rooms Field House 17,000 s.f. Weight Room Gym 10,500 s.f. Pool 10,600 s.f. Support Area Locker Rooms Lab Space 7,620 s.f.. Auditorium 9,375 s.f. Office Area 6,135 s.f. Academic 117,494 s.f. Music/Storage 7,440 s.f.
OPTIONS FOR LAHSER FACILITY “Hold-As is” Holding costs equate to over $400,000 in annual costs for Lahser Site. These costs include utilities, maintenance, insurances, testing, and monitoring costs for the Lahser facility. Site work still requires approximately $1.2M for the following: Parking Lot / Lighting Tennis Court Updates Track Reseal/Repaint Replace Dugouts Ball Field Improvements “Demolition” Anticipated costs for abatement/demolition costs for total facility = $1.7M “Required Improvements” Critical needs include $75,000 for Pool Area mechanical/electrical Critical needs include $320,000 worth of “wet” roofing area Deferred needs includes $900,000 for HVAC/controls Deferred needs includes approx. $4.1M for architectural improvements Deferred needs above these item are $6.4M based on BMC report
LAHSER – DEMOLITION ENTIRE FACILITY = 226,626 s.f. x $7.50 per s.f. = $1.7M DEMO
LAHSER – MAINTAIN ATHLETICS PORTION OF THE FACILITY 52,312 s.f. Gas/Sewer/Water 56,820 s.f. MAINTAIN = 52,312 s.f. Electrical = 174,314 s.f. DEMO
LAHSER – FACILITY OPTIONS COST SUMMARY Bloomfield Hills Schools Year Built: 1967 Grade Level: Potential Future Work Additions: Classrooms: Lahser High School Building Area: 115,000 Enrollment: Site Acreage: Building Project Work List First Draft: Category Direct Indirect Total Proposed Description Unit Unit Cost Cost Estimate Notes Year Roofing Work wet insulation 1 LS 75,000.00 $75,000 $22,500 $97,500 508 SF 2017 roof area A2 15,084.00 $15,084 $4,525 $19,609 48 SF roof area L 156,090.00 $156,090 $46,827 $202,917 7095 SF 2018 $0 Roof work subtotal: $320,026 Architectural Work Infill pool 1,176 CY 130.00 $152,880 $45,864 $198,744 237,000 gallons 2019 sawcut and demo tile cap 10,000.00 $10,000 $3,000 $13,000 concrete cap at pool area 3,000 SF 8.50 $25,500 $7,650 $33,150 backup generator 175,000.00 $175,000 $52,500 $227,500 2020 building demolition 388,000.00 $388,000 $116,400 $504,400 Enclose corridor at demolition limits 25,000.00 $25,000 $7,500 $32,500 Renovate pool area 10,000 155.00 $1,550,000 $465,000 $2,015,000 lights, windows, floor Replace interior doors and hardware 30 EA 3,250.00 $29,250 $126,750 Replace corridor acoustical ceilings 9,000 6.00 $54,000 $16,200 $70,200 estimated corridor area Interior painting - corridor walls 12,000 1.50 $18,000 $5,400 $23,400 Interior painting - corridor plaster ceilings 2,500 2.50 $6,250 $1,875 $8,125 Interior painting - Fieldhouse 8,000 $12,000 $3,600 $15,600 Replace vinyl floor in Fieldhouse 11,000 7.00 $77,000 $23,100 $100,100 Renovate Fieldhouse bathrooms 300 145.00 $43,500 $13,050 $56,550 Abatement allowance 150,000.00 $150,000 $45,000 $195,000 100,000.00 $100,000 $30,000 $130,000 Replace dugouts Two fields Replace auditorium carpet Replace exterior doors 10 3,500.00 $35,000 $10,500 $45,500 Architectural Work subtotal: $4,111,419 Mechanical Work Replace boilers 2 125,000.00 $250,000 $325,000 Replace RTU 4 50,000.00 $200,000 $60,000 $260,000 Loop mechanical systems at demo area 60,000.00 $78,000 Controls $172,500 $51,750 $224,250 Pipe insulation after abatement Mechanical Work subtotal: $900,250 Electrical Work Cut electrical for demo Replace lighting in shop area 4,000 8.00 $32,000 $9,600 $41,600 Fire alarm 15,000.00 $15,000 $4,500 $19,500 Fiber repairs 30,000.00 $9,000 $39,000 Electrical Work subtotal: $113,100 Site Work Parking lot lighting 13 $9,100 $54,600 LED retrofit of existing Fencing and gate allowance 20,000.00 $20,000 $5,000 Parking lot replacement 450,000.00 $450,000 $135,000 $585,000 Resurface tennis courts 52,000.00 $52,000 $67,600 replace tennis courts Reseal and repaint track Ball field improvments Sidewalk replacement $6,000 $26,000 Site work subtotal: $953,200 BUILDING TOTAL: $6,397,995 Notes: The building total is non-escalated and is totaled on the "By-building" tab of this estimate. Bloomfield Hills Schools Year Built: 1967 Grade Level: Potential Future Work Additions: Classrooms: Lahser High School Building Area: 115,000 Enrollment: Site Acreage: Building Project Work List First Draft: Category Direct Indirect Total Proposed Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Cost Estimate Notes Year North Demo building demolition 101,000 LS 3.85 $388,000 $116,400 $504,400 Abatement allowance 1 150,000.00 $150,000 $45,000 $195,000 Enclose corridor at demolition limits 25,000.00 $25,000 $7,500 $32,500 Loop mechanical systems at demo area 25,174.00 $25,174 $7,552 $32,726 Cut electrical for demo 10,000.00 $10,000 $3,000 $13,000 Fire alarm 5,000.00 $5,000 $1,500 $6,500 Fiber repairs 30,000.00 $30,000 $9,000 $39,000 Cumulative $0 $823,126 North Demo subtotal: Occupy South Area Roofing - wet insulation 75,000.00 $75,000 $22,500 $97,500 508 SF Roofing - roof area A2 15,084.00 $15,084 $4,525 $19,609 48 SF Roofing - roof area L 156,090.00 $156,090 $46,827 $202,917 7095 SF Infill pool 1,176 CY 130.00 $152,880 $45,864 $198,744 237,000 gallons sawcut and demo tile cap concrete cap at pool area 3,000 SF 8.50 $25,500 $7,650 $33,150 Replace boilers 2 EA 125,000.00 $250,000 $325,000 Replace RTU 4 50,000.00 $200,000 $60,000 $260,000 Controls 1.50 $172,500 $51,750 $224,250 $2,197,296 Occupy South Area subtotal: $1,374,170 Occupy South w/Improvements backup generator 175,000.00 $175,000 $52,500 $227,500 Replace interior doors and hardware 30 3,250.00 $29,250 $126,750 Replace corridor acoustical ceilings 9,000 6.00 $54,000 $16,200 $70,200 estimated corridor area Interior painting - corridor walls 12,000 $18,000 $5,400 $23,400 Interior painting - corridor plaster ceilings 2,500 2.50 $6,250 $1,875 $8,125 Interior painting - Fieldhouse 8,000 $12,000 $3,600 $15,600 Replace vinyl floor in Fieldhouse 11,000 7.00 $77,000 $23,100 $100,100 Renovate Fieldhouse bathrooms 300 145.00 $43,500 $13,050 $56,550 Replace auditorium carpet Replace lighting in shop area 4,000 8.00 $32,000 $9,600 $41,600 Replace exterior doors 10 3,500.00 $35,000 $10,500 $45,500 Pipe insulation after abatement $3,046,521 Occupy South w/improvments subtotal: $849,225 Swimming Pool Upgrade Renovate pool area 10,000 155.00 $1,550,000 $465,000 $2,015,000 lights, windows, floor Swimming Pool subtotal: Total Demo Building Demo 216,000 sft 3.69 $797,000 $239,100 $1,036,100 400,000.00 $400,000 $120,000 $520,000 Utilities Disconnect/Reconnect 100,000.00 $100,000 $130,000 Total Demo subtotal: $1,686,100 ] Site Work/ Athletics Parking lot lighting 13 $9,100 $54,600 LED retrofit of existing Fencing and gate allowance 20,000.00 $20,000 Parking lot replacement 450,000.00 $450,000 $135,000 $585,000 Resurface tennis courts 52,000.00 $52,000 $67,600 Replace tennis courts Reseal and repaint track 61,900.00 $61,900 $18,570 $80,470 Replace dugouts Two fields Ball field improvments 19,500.00 $19,500 $5,850 $25,350 Sidewalk replacement $6,000 $26,000 Site work subtotal: $1,254,020 BUILDING TOTAL: $5,986,641 Notes: The building total is non-escalated and is totaled on the "By-building" tab of this estimate. Bloomfield Hills Schools – Lahser High School CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY (Barton Malow Co.) Description Total Do nothing (site work only) $1,254,020 Demolition of entire Facility $1,684,215 Re-purpose Portion $1,374,170 Improvements of Remaining $TBD – Contingent on use of spaces Notes: Escalation not included in these figures
Next Steps: Obtain input from Board of Education Present and obtain input from MPP Advisory Committee Draft final proposal(s) for Board consideration
Questions + Answers
Helping to Plan the Future: Robert Stempien, AIA Senior Vice President (248) 603-5252 Paul R. Wills, AIA, LEED AP Partner (248) 223-3316