Journal Management System Pusat Sitasi Malaysia
Pusat Sitasi Malaysia inisiatif untuk memelihara jurnal tempatan ini memperbaiki kedudukan ranking universiti di Malaysia dengan meningkatkan kualiti penerbitan terutamanya bagi jurnal-jurnal ilmiah tempatan
MyJurnal digunakan oleh PSM untuk memuatnaik dan mengindeks jurnal-jurnal tempatan mengandungi data bibliografik dan kandungan teks penuh* artikel-artikel yang diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah berwasit di Malaysia Meningkatkan akses pada kandungan jurnal ilmiah tempatan kepada komuniti global; dan Meningkatkan keternampakan kandungan yang menggalakkan penggunaan dan menjana sitasi kepada artikel yang diterbitkan. * Teks penuh artikel hanya dipaparkan bagi jurnal yang mengamalkan dasar akses terbuka
Mycite menyediakan laporan sitasi dan bibliometrik bagi penyelidik, jurnal dan institusi di Malaysia
KENAPA MyJMS Semua proses untuk melaksanakan peer review telah ada – drpd hantar manuskrip sampai menerbit. Pelbagai role pengguna Our journal editors wanted more functions which we find it difficult to fulfill because there are only 2 IT staff and we have other new systems to develop for researchers and new modules for analysis which will be feeding information for education, ranking,research etc. Besides that, some universities already have their peer reviewing system for their journals. As a centre under Ministry, we have to do more coordinating and managing and not too much of operational. Therefore, we have chosen OJS to provide support to journal editors who are still doing peer review proses manually. Editorial Manager /ScholarOne indeed are good systems but because of the subscription fee, we had to look for other options and OJS may be the UI not as user friendly as these paid systems but all the required functions are already available. We have ISI/ WoS indexed journal using OJS to manage their journals.
Roles In MyJMS journal manager – setups the environment for the journal author – submits and can track the status of a manuscript editor – can assign a sub section editor to follow through the process for each manuscript or he/she can also handle this by him/herself until accept the manuscript for publication sub section editor – if assigned, have to do the reviewing process for the manuscript – inviting reviewers, communicating with the author and editor Reviewer – reviewing process with just 1 click from the email or with file attachment (all the email templates already available in the system) Copyeditor, layout designer, Proofreader – once accepted for publication, a manuscript can be sent for copyediting, proofreading and layout designing until publishing it in the system
Other functions Email templates already available for all the processes. Customization of email can be done by journal manager Notification done automatically – new submission, reviewer agreed to review, completed a review Reminders for reviewer done automatically before and on the due date Reports available - for articles submission status, etc If action need to be taken for a manuscript, it will show in different color coding. If reviewers currently reviewing, the system can show how many manuscript he/she is reviewing, completed, the rating of the reviewer based on previous review Metadata of articles can be exported in many forms – XML for PubMed, DOAJ (useful if journals need to be sent to other indexing database) Can be linked (using plugins) to PubMed database to check whether a reference in a manuscript, whether the article available in PubMed – useful for medical journals There are also many other functions that we may not fully explored.
Upgrading OJS Whenever there is new version for OJS, a notification will be sent to the site administrator so that we can upgrade. Newer version is available - version 3.0.2
Author If the ‘New Submission’ is not there, click on My Profile
Submission: Step 1
Submission: Step 2
Submission: Step 3
Submission: Step 4
Submission: Step 5
Check Status
Assign Section Editor Edit metadata Upload supplementary file Change the manuscript type Read author comments Assign a section editor to do the reviewing process Edit metadata
Assign Section Editor
After assigning section editor In Author page
Section Editor
Section Editor Upload after blind, with line number and page number
Assigning reviewer
Assigning reviewer
Journal Manager
Journal Manager
File browser Create new directory The Files Browser is an advanced feature that allows the files and directories associated with a journal to be viewed and manipulated directly
Journal section Create Journal Section(s) All this option will be applied to the journal Here it will be display user with role section editor
Review form Journal Manager create web-based forms that include a variety of pre-set questions to guide your Reviewers and result in more consistent commentary
Review form After creating review form, edit form to add form item(s) Form item will be list here Create new item(s)
Review form Preview created item(s) Item(s) can be created using this option(s) Preview created item(s)
Language Currently no other language available If Available This is screen to configure language
masthead Masthead can be set only Editorial team or all created list Output creating Masthead To display email for member appear
Prepared emails All template email Edit template to custom email
Reading tool Journal Item that will appear. You can select the subject that best matches your journal to provide additional reading tools that are specific to that discipline. For example, if you choose Humanities, you will not see search options for the Health Science index PubMed
Reading tool Validate will check that all of the URLs for the resources associated with that subject are valid. Depending on the amount of associated resources, this may take a few minutes. Metadata describes the subject item. Contexts show the various options that are available for that subject area
Reading tool This option will allow you to add social networking links (Facebook, Delicious) to your Reading Tools via the AddThis ( service
SETUP - details Journal information that will appear at journal front page
Setup - policies This form will add information to the About the Journal section of your journal web site, under its own Focus and Scope section. One-click access allows editors to send reviewers an email message with a URL that goes directly to the review page for the article in question, without the need to create an account or login. This option is meant to reduce any technical barriers to reviewer participation, however it is somewhat insecure as anyone who might be able to guess the URL could navigate to the review page
Setup - policies The privacy statement will appear on the About the Journal section of your web site. Because you will be asking people to register with your journal and collecting their personal information, it is important to let them know of your policies in this regard. Add all co-authors to the include list when an Editor sends a Notify Author email
LOCKSS is an open source solution to archiving online journals You can add a link to an external Reviewer database here. This will provide a quick reference source for Section Editors or Editors looking for potential new reviewers for the journal. LOCKSS is an open source solution to archiving online journals
Setup - submission To add new checklist item When submitting an article to your journal, authors will be asked to ensure certain conditions are met using this submission preparation checklist. Authors will not be able to proceeed past the first submission step until they agree to all checklist conditions To add new checklist item
Setup - submission You also have the option to require that authors agree to your copyright notice before completing their submission, and to add a Creative Commons license to the journal web site. This allows for the option of requiring authors and/or reviewers to file a Competing Interests statement
Setup - submission This form allows you to select from a number of indexing formats, add relevant examples to guide the authors, and provide them with a link to a subject classification system (such as the Library of Congress) You can request a notification email be sent to the journal's primary contact, or another address, whenever an author has completed the submission process You can register the contents of your journal with the Public Knowledge Project Metadata Harvester or other OAI- compliant services (e.g., OAIster), which will allow for comprehensive searching among sites that adhere to the OAI Protocol for metadata harvesting.
Setup - submission These services allow the system to extract and parse citation information from the list of references the Author provides Configuring the Citation Database Connectors. These connectors will allow Editors to check the extracted citations against external databases for added accuracy Configuring the Citation Output. This allows you to configure which kind of citation style Editors will use to compare extracted citations agains
SETUP - Management If you enable subscription control, you can allow for delayed open access to content Set the publication schedule that is best for your journal Restrict site- and article-level access through the use of user registration
SETUP - Management If you wish to use DOIs, you will not only need to select one of the options here This is often useful for print journals that are going online If your editors will be acting as copyeditors, select the second option If you have individuals to act as layout editors, select the first option. If your editors will be acting as layout editors, select the second option Announcements page for your journal web site, and post messages to your readers
SETUP - Management These templates can be created in any file format (e.g., Microsoft Word) and be used by the Layout Editor to ensure a consistant desig Provide instructions to your Layout Editors to add reference links to article If you have individuals to act as proofreaders, select the first option. If your editors will be acting as proofreaders, select the second option
Setup – the look Journal title will be journal’s header Image size: 1200 X128 pixel All information entered will be display in front of journal page
Setup – the look This information will display on front page Journal footer will be appear in every page(s) New navigation links can be created Journal Manager also can set maximum item to display per page Layout page for journal can be change
Stats & REPORTs All templates report that can be export Option that will be applied to generate the report(s) Custom report also can be generated
System plugin Currently included plugins include an alternative user authentication system (LDAP), imports and exports, an indexing tool for Google Scholar, themes & block plugins for UI extensions List all installed plugin To install new plugin
Import/export data Import / export fomat available. Can add more in system plugin
Users Enrolled in this Journal Role Enrollment can also be sync from other journals created
Enroll a User from this Site in this Journal Journal’s manager can enroll registered user(s) from this system to this journal. Registered user can be enroll to multiple journal in this system by just register him/her once.
Show users with no role In this page, created user(s) will be shown
Create new user User’s registration page for new user All mandatory field(s) mark with (*)
Merge user Created user can be merge if he/she is a same person
Journal Manager, editors, section editor, reviewers, authors, readers, subscription manager This is screen for listing above role users Create new user/ enroll user /sync enroll also can be done here for particular role