Activity 2.10: Develop a project pipeline for Employment Actions under the Sector Planning Document for Competitiveness Within activity 2.10 two project pipeline development workshops were organized during July 2016. During these workshops representative of the MLSW have generated following project ideas: Establishing and Enhancing Migration Service Development of Standards of Occupation Youth in the Labor Market Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers Additional project idea was proposed which was developed by MLSW: 5. Development of Integrated Information System of MLSW
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – rationale Great number of jobseekers registered as unqualified and low generation of jobs mismatch of vocational skills with the needs of the labor market, inconsistency of work experience as a request by employers lack of capacities in vocational training to absorb the needs for increasing the skills of jobseekers lack of transportation needed for jobseekers from rural areas Labour market in Kosovo is characterised by informality lack of qualitative records regarding labor market needs lack of services provided for jobseekers' carrier guidance low demand for on-the-job training and interning by the employers, motivating category II beneficiaries' to participate in active employment measures In Kosovo employment offices there is around 915 unemployed person per one counsellor and that means that counsellor in larger no of cases cannot dedicate sufficient time to deal with specific groups of unemployed
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – objectives General objective: To contribute to efficiency and effectiveness of PES services and to increasing the employment through promoting local employment development Specific objective: Increasing the skills and employment opportunities of unemployed through strengthening PES in delivery of services and provision of active labour market measures on local level
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – results Needs for skills on the labour market identified New and redefined vocational training programs defined based on identified needs Developed capacities of Public Employment Services employees Increased readiness of employers to provide on the job trainings A more channeled carrier guidance service for the jobseekers established Companies directly contacted to actively seek jobs Jobseekers trained in accordance with the skills in demand by the labour market
Result 1: Periodic analysis of the labour market needs Activities: Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – activities Result 1: Periodic analysis of the labour market needs Activities: 1.1 Drafting the methodology to analyse the labour market needs 2.1 Researching labour market needs with the companies 2.2 Establishment of focus groups for the results obtained and dissemination to the public 2.3 Establishment of focus groups comprised of at least 20 persons with companies in 7 regions based on main economic sectors.
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – activities Result 2: Redefining new vocational training programs based on the labour market needs Activities: 2.1 Drafting a list of vocational training programs 2.2 Development of curriculums for these programs 2.3 Development of a cost-benefit analysis
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – activities Result 3: Capacity building of Public Employment Services Activities: 3.1 Infrastructure remodelling 3.2 Capacity building of Vocational Training Centres 3.2 Provision of on-line services
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – activities Result 4: Incentivizing companies to provide opportunities of on the job training for jobseekers Activities: 4.1 Informing companies about the schemes 4.2 Design and implementation of the scheme 4.3 Scheme monitoring and assessment
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – activities Result 1: Carrier advice and guidance in the adequate profile Activities: 5.1 PES staff training and re-training 5.2 Preparing informational materials for carrier guidance for jobseekers 5.3 Preparing an information corner for carrier guidance
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – activities Result 6: Increasing skills for activation of jobseekers Activities 6.1. Informational, advisory and motivational campaigns 6.2. Organizing motivational and employment fairs 6.3. Establishment of business clubs 6.3. 12 work clubs organized on a yearly basis
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers – activities Result 7: Jobseekers training organized Activities: 7.1 Training jobseekers based on carrier advice 7.2 Pilot training as defined within the result 2
Increasing employment through development of vocational skills of the jobseekers– target groups, other stakeholders, budget Target groups: Jobseekers, Employers, VTC's, Employment Offices Other stakeholders: Competence Centres, Vocational Education Schools, Chamber of Commerce, NGOs Provisional budget: € 3, 000,000
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