Strengthening Convergence for Enhancing the Social Inclusion of Marginalized Communities A Pilot Project implemented by Centre for Advocacy and Research- Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamilnadu
The Context Marginalised communities of sex workers and transgender groups face social as well as systemic hurdles in accessing their entitlements and citizenship rights. “We do not fit in any of the categories created by the government to provide social protection to women and because of this ambiguity service providers are often confused on how to include us as beneficiaries. It has therefore become imperative for the government to redefine women in its policy documents and ensure the inclusion of women from all marginalized communities.” - Pushpalatha R, Swathi Mahila Sangha, Bangalore, Karnataka “Sex work is an age old profession. Though the government is aware of our existence why has it not taken any steps proactively to improve our situation? As a minimum necessary step towards inclusion, the government machinery should treat them with non-discrimination and respect like human beings.” – Manda Chavan, Varangana Sakhi Sanghatan, Kolhapur, Maharashtra
Building on Policy Support “….Special attention” must be accorded to the “needs of vulnerable groups like sex workers, men having sex with men and injection drug users.” - 12th Five year Plan, 2012 …(the State should create) conditions conducive for sex workers to live with dignity in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of the Constitution.. (Buddhadev Karmaskar versus State of West Bengal) - Supreme Court, 26th July 2012
Keeping this in focus, the National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW) in collaboration with the Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR) and its partners embarked on an initiative to create a pilot project for Assessing and Designing a Social Inclusion Plan for Socially Marginalized and Excluded Populations such as sex workers and who are survivors of violence and even trafficking and transgender persons in the three States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra. We later extended the endeavour to Tamil Nadu an supported DAPCU in Salem and Madurai What did we Do? 1) From September 2012-July 2013 evolved a Consensus on Mandate and Design State Mandates: State level Mandates created in Andhra Pradesh (1st Oct, 2012); Maharashtra (26 Nov, 2012) and Karnataka (July 2013) under the umbrella of NMEW and the Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD); DWCD became the Nodal Department 3 states and they mandated designing Pilot Projects in Bengaluru, Belgaum, Solapur, East Godavari, Anantapur; later extended to Madurai and Salem under aegis of District Collectors (DAPCU) (2012 -2013)
2)Based on evidence gathered by Community Researchers on priorities, perceptions and experiences, assessed exclusion and planned the process of inclusion 291 Key Informant Interviews in 4 states revealed the following exclusion-Not accessed – Aadhar 54%, ration 44%, Pension-67% Educational Scheme-41% 3) Build an Enabling Environment Legal Services Authority- Secured on 25 July, 2013 Directives from Executive Chair, NALSA affirming the Rights of Most-at-Risk (MARPs) to complete legal protection and rights Sensitised 300 IPS Probationary Officers and 83 senior officers sensitized at National Policy Academy (NPA)2012-2013, 2015 Modules and Primers on ITPA and Legal and Human Rights of MARPs shared with NPA, 2015 Effort culminated in NALSA launching a scheme to strengthen convergence of all departments including PLVs to strengthen sex workers access to legal and social development, November 2015 4) Facilitate community leaders to address violence, access legal aid and services 270 cases relating to a range of violations were addressed. The state-wise break-up is: Andhra Pradesh-162, Karnataka- 91, Maharashtra –10, Tamil Nadu- 7. Set up 7 Legal Aid clinic in 4 states.
Single Window in Anantapur, East Godavari, Salem, Madurai, Belgaum, Bengaluru and Solapur Across the districts 7 districts from March-April, 2014 to June 2016; 33 schemes accessed Ascertained 50055 sex workers and transgender; Submitted 30794 Applications and Got 25196 Sanctioned
System Strengthening (1)Breaking Silos, Forging Convergence Dialogues and Consultations - 767 - AP – 135, Karnataka – 276, Maharashtra – 303, Tamil Nadu – 53; WCD – 214, ICDS – 147, Food and civil supply – 147, Pension - 55…… What did this lead to? 2) Changes in Administrative Norms- 17 DOs (Departmental Orders), 6 GRs (Government Regulation); 54 Letter of Support–54; 6-New Guidelines-to reform Aadhar, ICDS, Housing, Pension, SHG, Ration. (across states); Inclusion of Sex Workers and TG representatives in the Women's Policy Drafting Committee, Maharashtra G.Rs – Convergence – 2, Primary Education and Sport -1 State Womens Policy – 1, District Social Inclusion Committee – 1 , Aadhar card DO – WCD-5 , Education – 1 , Convergence – 4, Legal Campaign – 1 Pension – 3 , ICDS – 1, Aadhar – 1 , Voter ID – 1 (AP, Maharashtra and Karnataka) Letters of Support – Convergence – 2, Livelihood MEPMA – 4, Housing – 4 , Social Audit training – 1, Labour – 1, Ration DAPCU – 1 WCD – 24, Social welfare – 3, Education – 3 legal services – 9, (AP and TN)
(3) Impact of GO/GR-Scaling up Social Inclusion: System Strengthening: In Maharashtra Aadhar-10631 enrolled in 21 districts -10631 In Karnataka ICDS_ 3310 enrolled; 2657 beneficiaries In Andhra Pradesh – Rural Livelihood - 10 Mandals, Anantpur, 324 enrolled; 48 secured loans Tamil Nadu– Unorganized Workers Welfare Card-491 got in Salem and Madurai Community Strengthening 1)Capacitating Community 635 sex workers, transgender 73 CBOs of 46 districts in 4 states trained on law– 398 as Para legal Volunteers of Legal Services Authority and 237 on all gender laws by experts across states 95 Trained and conducted Needs Assessment as Community Researchers 45 Trained and appointed as Village Social Auditors 2) Acted as Resource Persons; Representatives 45 Social Auditors participated in 15 Social Audits in AP 9 Sex Workers became members of Anganwadi Vikas Samiti, Maharashtra and Karnataka 4 as Jury Members of Lok Adalat –AP, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra Representatives of 4 CBOs trained 90 Officers of‘Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao’ Program in a ToT on Community Facilitation of ICDS Scheme
(3) Reaching out Information on Social Entitlements Using 344 scheme education drives and one to one and one and group they reached 19261 Andhra Pradesh- 2287 (One to One) – 3203 (One to Group) Karnataka- 1268 (One to One) – 1651 (One to Group) Maharashtra- 2123 (One to One) –4403(One to Group) Tamil Nadu- 1854 (One to One) –2472(One to Group) 287 dedicated camps were held to reach out to 30974 beneficiaries Maharashtra-18012 Andhra Pradesh- 15126 Karnataka- 10322 Tamil Nadu-6595
Evidence Strengthening: Developing MIS to Track from expressing interest, applying to sanction