Cu coventry Course rep training
TheRepSystem Coventry University Partnership between CUSU and Coventry University Official channel for students to feedback on their course and the University Student led, giving students more empowerment In place to make sure students get the most out of being at university
Structure of Rep System Vice President for Education CU Coventry Campus Officer Deputy Campus Officer Senior Course REPS Course REPS Students Service Reps
VICE PRESIDENT FOR EDUCATION ADEDOYINSOLA ADEBANJO A full time Sabbatical officer from July 2017 – July 2018 Oversees all Representation and educational matters within SU including: Course and Service Reps Regularly meets with Campus Officer Attends high level University meetings
2017/18 CU Coventry Campus Officer Jordan Featherstone CU Coventry Campus Officer CU Coventry Campus Officer oversees all course representation in CU Coventry and works closely with the Deputy Campus Officer, CU Coventry Staff and Vice President for Education.
Deputy Campus Officer One position within CU Coventry Elected out of all Senior Course Reps and Service Reps in CU Coventry using an on-line election in early November. Meetings: Regular meetings with the CU Coventry Chair Academic Committee – Twice a year Regular meetings with CU Coventry Senior Management Student Leadership Team Meetings – every 2 weeks Encourages promotion of Rep System in CU Coventry helping to fill vacant Senior Course Rep positions. Support on the deliver of Student Leadership Team meetings and Rep Conferences.
SENIOR COURSE REPS COURSE REPS Chair or Minute Student Forums Liaise with academic staff from their Student Forum Grouping Recruit and mentor Course Reps Attend Student Leadership Team Meetings and Rep Conferences COURSE REPS Attend Student Forums, training and Reps Conferences Seek out the views of students on their course Feedback to students any outcomes from the Student Forums
Your role in detail…
Seek out the views of students on your course… This is a really important part of your role, in order for the Rep System to properly represent the views of all the students on your course you need to try to speak to as many of them as possible.. So not just the ones you sit next to! You can be as creative as you want in gathering your course mates views, but here are a few suggestions: Lecture Shout-Outs – make sure your course mates know you are the Course Rep by introducing yourself at the beginning of a lecture and invite them to come and speak to you if they have any issues, questions or feedback about your course The Feedback Postcard – hand out at the beginning of lectures and collect at the end Facebook – you can set up a Facebook page/chat where students can message you Check out the Rep Comms Pack at for more ideas
Attend Student Forums (6 per year) In most cases, courses of a similar nature are grouped together to make a Student Forum, so the name of your Student Forum is an umbrella name for these courses. Who attends a Student Forum? 2 x Senior Reps - 1 Chair and 1 Minute Taker Course Reps - a minimum of 1 Rep for every 20 students CU Coventry Staff – the number of staff present should not outnumber students Your role at a Student Forum is to give any feedback that you have gathered from other students on your course and take notes of any relevant information so you can feedback to your course. If you can’t make a meeting please make sure you contact the Senior Course Reps in advance so they can log your apologies. Please also email over any feedback that can be raised on your behalf.
Feedback to students any outcomes from the Student Forum Again, be as creative as you want but here are a few suggestions: Lecture Shout-Outs If appropriate, you can make an announcement at the beginning of lectures Notices Print out information and put it up on notice boards in your Faculty, but check with a member of staff first Facebook If you have set up a page for your course you can update it after meetings
Issues that are brought up at Student Forums... Teaching room issues When discussing issues with course reps and students, before presenting them at your student forum you need to do the following: Get as much information and detail as possible Make sure the info is FACTUAL Discuss possible solutions and outcomes IT Service and Computer Resources Timetabling matters Library Service/Course literature Teaching methods and support Assignment Feedback
Come along to the Reps welcome Meeting Thursday 27th September 12pm – 1pm Meet with Reps from across CU Coventry Meet the CU Coventry CEO Introduction from the CU Coventry Campus Officer LUNCH! How to contact us: Email: with any other questions