Curriculum that Brings the Common Core to Life Session 1 Secondary
Who We Are EL Education (EL) is one of the nation’s leading K-12 education organizations, committed to creating classrooms where teachers can fulfill their highest aspirations and where students can achieve more than they think possible. Our approach is grounded in respect for teachers and school leaders as creative agents in their classrooms.
EL Education’s curriculum is characterized by… student-engaged assessment practices Build academic skills and students’ ownership rigorous academic projects Connect to real-world issues persistence, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, communication and independence Promote a culture of learning
Effective Collaboration Norms and Guidelines In order to cultivate a climate where everyone is focused on ongoing, positive growth and improving student achievement, we will use the Seven Norms of Collaboration. Seven Norms of Collaboration Promoting a Spirit of Inquiry and Balancing Advocacy Pausing Paraphrasing Probing Putting Ideas on the Table Paying Attention to Self and Others Presuming Positive Intentions
Learning Targets I can describe how the structure of EL's curriculum frames instruction in a way to intentionally promote student learning. I can describe how the curriculum framework exemplifies the shifts and standards.
Each Module Contains Three Units Extended Writing (2-2.5 weeks) Extended Reading and Research (2-2.5 weeks) Building Background Knowledge (2-2.5 weeks) In addition to instruction linked to the central text(s), each unit includes a text list of suggested classroom resources at all levels that can be used with students at other times of the day.
Module Overview Documents Purpose: to understand how the texts and activities progress, over the course of eight weeks, and build toward the final performance task. Describes what students will read and write as well as the assessments Identifies central texts that lessons are specifically designed around Includes a calendared Curriculum Map which provides a sense of pace This begins a set of 10 slides for you to use, if you choose, to review key points of the curricular resources. Talk through them briefly, as needed, as time permits.
Module Assessments There are assessments embedded in each unit (mid and end). Excellent potential for grade level conversation/ professional collaboration. Students are practicing assessment all year long. Remind participants that they looked closely at the assessments and their alignment to the standards in yesterday’s session. Also, stress once again how these assessments are spiraled over the course of the modules.
Performance Tasks Be sure to highlight the difference between the Performance Task and the unit assessments. This is a culminating project, which takes place during Unit 3 of every module. Performance tasks are designed to help students synthesize and apply their learning from the module in an engaging and authentic way. Performance tasks are developed using the writing process, are scaffolded, and almost always include peer critique and revision. Performance tasks are not “on-demand” assessments. (Note: The end of Unit 3 assessment often addresses key components of the performance task.)
Unit Overviews Each one goes into depth about the scope of each unit. Participants actually looked at a lesson from this unit for Grade 3 yesterday. Each one goes into depth about the scope of each unit. Helps you understand on a day-to-day basis the learning targets each lesson will address.
High Quality Curriculum with Detailed Lesson Plans This high quality, engaging curriculum includes detailed lesson plans to support teachers at every level of practice. It can be viewed as an exemplar of Common Core- aligned instruction for veteran teachers, or as explicit scaffolding for teachers who want more support.
The Structure of a Lesson Plan All lessons have the same structure which not only provides content to teach, but also coaching points for the teacher . -Respect teachers as professionals -View this curriculum as PD, “show” CCLS-aligned instruction at granular level -Dual purpose of each lesson: building skills and building knowledge -Title conveys this dual purpose: literacy: content -Long-term target again -Supporting target: the “bite” out of the standard that we will take today
Instructional Shifts You have already looked at the Shifts in your first few days of training. An anchor document is provided for you in your notebook on p. X of your Participant’s Notebook. Point out that the middle school modules cover all of the ELA standards if all 4 modules are taught. Take out per Amy R
Learning Target Check-In I can describe how the structure of EL's curriculum frames instruction in a way to intentionally promote student learning.
Learning Target I can describe how the curriculum framework exemplifies the shifts and standards.
Task Card: Digging into the Curriculum Groups of 5 You will each become an expert on a key component of the curriculum. Use the Task Card to guide this process.
Curriculum Framework Topic Targets Texts Tasks I can describe how the curriculum framework exemplifies the shifts and standards. Topic Targets Texts Tasks The 4 Ts The first 3 Ts, targets, topics and texts were determined at a very high level before the modules were fully developed. The final T (tasks, including text-dependent questions and assessments), were created following the principles of backwards design. In this part of the session, participants will learn more about the Ts.
Building Background Please read pp. 91 (bottom)- 93 (middle) from Transformational Literacy. This piece of text will help build your background around the 4Ts framework.
4Ts Anchor Note-catcher Locate the 4 Ts Anchor Note-catcher in your Participant’s Notebook. Jot down your key learning about each T. You will be delving deeply into this framework over the next 2 days in order to understand how this type of framework (with these foci, create a trajectory for student learning that focuses on building student knowledge. We will return to this anchor note-catcher at the end of each session.
Chalk Talk Take a few minutes to view the curriculum anchor charts around the room. Using sticky notes, leave your thoughts of how the 4 Ts Framework for Curriculum design is evidenced in different components of the curriculum. Feel free to discuss your thoughts with others around you. Things to think about: How does this framework support increasing student engagement? How does it impact instructional rigor? Where do the instructional shifts live in the different components of the curriculum?
Learning Target Check-In I can describe how the curriculum framework exemplifies the shifts and standards.
Reflect Turn to a shoulder partner and discuss the following prompt: How did talking with a colleague help you process the content of this session?
Reflecting on Learning Targets Self-assess your progress toward meeting the learning targets for this session: I can describe how the structure of EL's curriculum frames instruction in a way to intentionally promote student learning. I can describe how the curriculum framework exemplifies the shifts and standards. Facilitator can