Welcome to Woodside Mrs. Webber – Elgar Class Teacher Miss Richer – Mozart Class Teacher Mrs. Roberta McGrath, Miss. Sharon Lindsay, and Mrs. Marcella Potts.
Our routine Gate open: 08:35 School starts: 08:50 Break: 10:20 -10:35 Lunch : 12:15 -13:15 Home time: 15:15
Cross-curricular writing Year 4 Timetable: Lesson Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Maths 2 English 3 Computing/PE Cross-curricular writing Topic 4 Art/ D&T Science PE PSHE French 5 Music RE Spellings GOLDEN TIME
Cross Curricular Themes Rugby World Cup The weather Mountains and map skills
Year 4 School Trips: West Wycombe Mausoleum (Autumn term) Residential trip to Woodrow House One other trip linking to Ancient Greece theme, to be confirmed. (Spring term) Verulamium, St Albans (Summer term)
Establishing Positive Routines Together Daily reading Daily times table practise Spelling practise Weekly homework (sent home Thursdays) Independence (PE kit, school bag, named uniform, snack and bottle) Communication with teachers (e.g. home school book) Drop off and pick up – large playground Teachers will bring children out every day at 3.15pm Appointments to be made through the office There will be a parents evening in November
Rewards and Celebration Every week the class teacher will choose children to receive: Certificate of Commendation (given out in Whole School Assembly each Friday) Star of the Week and Learning Log of the Week (Mozart Class) Headteacher’s Awards are also given. Housepoints are awarded for good work , positive attitude and effort. Edison Class Reporting Journal for the class newspaper will be sent home at weekends.
A quote to end with: “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” (Socrates) “You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.” (Clay P. Bedford)
Any Questions Regarding Today’s Presentation?