Take Sides! Federalists (ADAMS) - Sit near window


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Presentation transcript:

Take Sides! Federalists (ADAMS) - Sit near window Federalists who like WAR sit in the back. Republicans (JEFFERSON) - Sit on door side of the room

Trickery, Treachery, And “Tyranny! ” It’s 1797! Trickery, Treachery, And “Tyranny! ”

Treachery - The X,Y, Z Affair Tyranny - The Alien and Sedition Acts The Story Continues … Trickery - Election 1796 Treachery - The X,Y, Z Affair Tyranny - The Alien and Sedition Acts 1800 Election

1796 Election Trickery Hamilton tried to get Pinckney elected over Adams! The rumors were that Hamilton thought he could control Pinckney easier than he could Adams! The results were: Jefferson wins the Vice Presidency. Hamilton begins to split the Federalist Party.

1796 Election Trickery The French also try to influence the election in favor of Jefferson. Americans are furious about French interference in our election.

Jay Treaty Makes the French alliterative word for “mad” Paris - Relations with France go from bad to worse. The Proclamation of Neutrality and the Jay Treaty make the French very angry. The French respond by beginning to seize American ships trading in the B_____________ W____________ I___________.

Jay Treaty Makes the French word for “mad” Paris - Relations with France go from bad to worse. The Proclamation of Neutrality and the Jay Treaty make the French very angry. The French respond by beginning to seize American ships trading in the B_____________ W____________ I___________.

Jay Treaty Makes the French Furious Paris - Relations with France go from bad to worse. The Proclamation of Neutrality and the Jay Treaty make the French very angry. The French respond by beginning to seize American ships trading in the British West Indies.

The X, Y, Z and Affair Paris - Adams sent John Marshall, Charles Pinckney, and Elbridge Gerry to France to negotiate peace.

The X, Y, and Z Affair The French Minister Tallyrand sent three agents to offer a treaty -- at a price. The three agents (X, Y, and Z) demanded a bribe of $250,000 and a $10 million dollar loan to sign a peace treaty!

"Millions for _______________ but not one cent for ________________!"

"Millions for _______________ but not one cent for ________________!" But wait a minute, aren’t we already paying tribute to someone?

Federalist Hawks Call for War! Washington - Adams considers asking Congress to declare war on France. Hamilton hopes to lead the Army.

Federalist Hawks Call for War! Adams blames France and Americans who show "Unqualified devotion to the French Republic." Everyone knows that Adams is referring to Jefferson and the Republicans.

The Alien and Sedition Acts Washington 1798 - Congress passes 4 new laws. The laws were aimed at stopping the growth of the Republican Party.

The Alien and Sedition Acts Naturalization Act - Citizenship Requirement goes from 5 to 14 years. Who are naturalized citizens?

The Alien and Sedition Acts 2. Alien Act - The President can imprison or deport any foreigner. What could Adams do to new immigrants who spoke against him?

The Alien and Sedition Acts 3. Alien Enemies Act - Aliens of countries at war with the U.S. can be arrested and deported.

The Alien and Sedition Acts 4. Sedition Act - It becomes a crime to speak or write critically about the President, members of Congress, federal laws or the federal government! How many of you think this is a good idea?

The Republicans Respond! Philadelphia - The Republican Press responds by charging President Adams and the Federalists with tyranny and violating the First Amendment.

The Republicans Respond! Benjamin Bache, the grandson of Ben Franklin and editor of the Republican paper the Aurora, is dragged out of his house and beaten senseless by a Federalist Mob!

The Republicans Respond! 25 Republican newspaper editors are arrested for criticizing the government, and 10 are convicted! How do you think Americans react to this?

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Jefferson and Madison write new resolutions challenging the Alien and Sedition Acts. Two states approve the resolutions.

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions The Kentucky and Virginia Legislatures declare the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional. They claim each state has the right to nullify, or cancel, a federal law.

France Makes Peace with America! Paris - The New Leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, is at war with England. He does not want to go to war with America too!

France Makes Peace with America! President Adams sends another diplomatic team to France. In the Convention of 1800, France and the United States agreed on terms for peace. Hamilton and the Federalist War Hawks are furious with President Adams. The Federalist Party begins to split apart.

Homework Assignment Pick a side!! Write a Letter to the Editor including at least 2 of your group’s key points. Create a cartoon.

Watch the video about Adams 1800 Election Time! Sign your name to vote for either John Adams, Federalist or Thomas Jefferson, Democratic-Republican Watch the video about Adams during the election.

BREAKING NEWS: Election 1800 Results! Electoral College Votes: A Tie 73 for Jefferson the Federalist 73 for Aaron Burr the Federalist 64 for Adams 63 for Charles Pinckney Who is the President and who is the Vice President?

Hints If there is a tie, the House of Representatives votes for the winner. Each state gets one vote in this type of vote. Even though Hamilton and Jefferson usually disagreed, Alexander Hamilton HATED Aaron Burr.

After 35 rounds of voting … Hamilton throws the voting to Jefferson! THOMAS JEFFERSON becomes the 3rd President in 1800. Historical Significance?

Historical Significance of 1800 Election The Federalist Party breaks up End of Federalist Era Constitution Amended to change Presidential Election process 12th Amendment separate ballots for President and Vice President And guess what? Aaron Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel!

Predict what Jefferson is going to do about the Alien and Sedition Acts!