Aim: How is primary and secondary ecological succession different? DO NOW Describe what you see is taking place in this picture.
Ecological Succession Land or water communities changing over time 2 types: primary & secondary A stable climax community is the end result of succession An example of a climax community is a beech-maple forest or an oak-hickory forest (both hardwood forests)
Primary Ecological Succession An area of bare rock changing into a beech-maple forest Takes a long period of time to happen As time goes on, grass replaces lichens (pioneer organisms), shrubs replace grasses, pine trees replace shrubs, oak trees replace pine trees and beech & maple trees replace oak trees
Image of Primary Succession
Death & Decomposition As new plant life replaces old plant life, death of plants & the action of decomposers enrich soil in the area, making it more rich, allowing for more complex plant life to grow
Climax Community A climax community will stay stable and exist only until a catastrophe takes place, such as a flood, fire or a volcanic eruption If the climate or soil is the same after the catastrophe, the same climax community will grow back into existence If the climate or soil is different, a different climax community will take the old community’s place
Animals As plants in an area undergoing ecological succession change, animals change, too!
Secondary Ecological Succession A process of change taking place in an area with a mature community, where a catastrophe or disturbance has taken place Soil remains Area will undergo secondary ecological succession Takes less time than primary ecological succession
Secondary Ecological Succession
Primary vs. Secondary Ecological Succession
Q: Primary or Secondary Ecological Succession?
Animation & Group Activity
Individual Activity On loose-leaf, answer the AIM for today This will be your exit slip Leave it on my desk, before you leave today!
Homework Read txt. pgs. 62-64 & answer questions 1, 2 & 4 on pg. 64