@ the School Education Gateway Teacher Academy @ the School Education Gateway www.schooleducationgateway.eu/teacheracademy
What is the Teacher Academy? Teacher Professional Development Online Courses On-site Courses Teaching Materials Course Catalogue
Launch Date: 31st May 2016
Course Catalogue Free and open online courses Developed specifically for the Teacher Academy Content and experts from a wide range of backgrounds Available in English and one other language Digital badges and certificates awarded On-site courses across Europe Close to 5000 courses to choose from Offered by independent course providers Costs of participation in the courses can be supported with Erasmus+ funding (Key Action 1)
Online Courses 5 courses in 2016 covering a variety of topics: Project-Based Learning – starts on 6 June http://bit.ly/pblcourse Diversity in Classrooms – September Competences for 21st Century Schools – October Maths 2.0 – October Supporting Newly Arrived Migrant Children in Schools – November Courses will feature…
Lesson Plans Animations Classroom Videos Webinars Teacher, Student & Expert Interviews Screencasts
Crowdsourcing activities Sharing & discussion with peers Peer review Learning diaries Q&A with experts Quizzes
On-site Courses In-service training courses offered in Europe for teachers, teacher trainers, and non-teaching staff involved in school education. Teachers and school management: Find courses to support staff professional development. Training providers in the Erasmus+ programme countries: Inform teachers about your course offers! Costs of participation in the courses can be supported with Erasmus+ funding (See Key Action 1: Mobility project for school education staff). http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/
Teaching Materials A variety of teaching materials created by eTwinning teachers, EU institutions and other EU-funded projects Supporting Europe-wide cooperation between teachers Available in multiple languages
Join the Teacher Academy! www.schooleducationgateway.eu/teacheracademy