Challenges for the maritime sector: an ESPO perspective Eugenio Quintieri, Senior Policy Advisor, Bilbao, 28 March 2017
The European Sea Ports Organisation Who we are Founded in 1993 Represents port authorities, port associations and port administrations of the seaports of the 23 maritime Member States of het EU and Norway. Spain represented through Puertos del Estado Observer member: Israel Double role: First port of call for European Transport policy makers in Brussels A knowledge network that drives ports to perform better Since 2009: joint office with the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP)
The European Sea Ports Organisation What we do Ensure that the economic importance of European ports is recognized in the European Union and its Member States and that the sector is heard on any measure likely to affect it; Promote free and fair competition in the port sector; Ensure that European ports play their full part in delivering economic efficiency; Promote the highest possible safety standards in European ports; Encourage ports to be proactive in protecting the environment
The European Sea Ports Organisation How we do it Technical expertise and advisory input comes from the technical committees and networks on topics as diverse as port governance, intermodal transport, logistics and industry, sustainable development, marine affairs, trade facilitation, customs and security, economic analysis and statistics, cruise and passenger port issues, labour and operations legal issues. The recommendations of the technical committees are submitted to ESPO’s Executive Committee which takes the final decision
The European Sea Ports Organisation An example of our work: ESPO & the Environment ESPO strongly encourages ports to be proactive in protecting the environment by: Providing guidance and preparing recommendations on environmental management (Green Guide) Drafting guidelines on specific issues (e.g. nature protection) Developing and promoting tools and methodologies for port environmental management (EcoPorts tools - PORTOPIA) Providing the platform for port cooperation and sharing of environmental experience (ESPO/EcoPorts network) Visibility and credit to frontrunners (ESPO Award, EcoPorts labeling and certification)
Environmental priorities evolve
Current challenges of European ports Growing traffic volumes in ports, more and more clustered Ever increasing vessel size and the cost of subsequent adaptation of port and –port-hinterland infrastructure Increasing market power (alliances of shipping lines) National budget constraints => less public funding available for transport (ports) Energy: Volatility in energy prices, the new energy landscape and the transition to alternative fuels Entry into force of the stricter sulphur limits in ECA zones An increasing societal and environmental pressure Potential changes in shipping routes following key infrastructure developments outside het EU (Panama, Suez, Nicaragua, Artic Route) Geo-political situation Further globalisation of business and society Remaining barriers to the internal market for maritime transport Refugee crisis and limitations to Schengen
Political Challenges of European ports • Infrastructure needs: the current EU Transport Infrastructure Policy and its rationale, as enshrined in the current TEN-T and CEF legislation, needs to be achieved but the budget is limited (Based on an estimation of the cost of ports projects in the final reports of the nine corridors, there is already more than 40 billion EUR needed to realize the sea port infrastructure projects”) • Trade facilitation: the implementation of the current Reporting Formalities Directive, which should have paved the way towards a more harmonised internal market for maritime transport, has encountered problems. The European Commission is now bundling forces to prepare for the next steps and possibly a European Single Window. At the same time, Europe is focusing on taking away barriers in maritime transport, new global trade barriers seem to be in preparation. • Environmental challenges: The third important topic is – without doubt – climate, the role ports have to play in Europe’s decarbonisation agenda and the disruptive impact this will have on the business of European ports.
Political Challenges of European ports • Infrastructure needs: ESPO pleads the institutions further strengthen Europe’s TEN-T and CEF and to further plead for the important role European ports are playing in this Network. • Trade facilitation: ESPO shares the aim of the Commission and other stakeholders to work without further delay to realise the aims of the reporting formalities directive and achieve administrative simplification. In general, ESPO extensively works on easing trade and reducing the impact of geo-political events. • Environmental challenges: European ports can play a crucial role in moving towards a low-carbon transport system and economy. ESPO asks the European Commission to encourage investments in maritime ports that enhance the role of alternative fuels and energy. However, ports should not be competing on the environment and that environmental policy initiatives should not distort competition between ports. Environment will also be the central theme of ESPO’s Conference in Barcelona on 1 and 2 June.
Digital Agenda for Ports: use the infrastructure more efficiently Conclusions Ports are facing important challenges, especially in terms of infrastructure needs, environmental protection and trade facilitation In order to face them, legal and financial support from the European Union is needed But there is more: Implementation of the ports policy that empowers Europe’s ports to meet tomorrow’s challenges Digital Agenda for Ports: use the infrastructure more efficiently Thank you!