How advertising works
Let’s enjoy two advertisements!
1. Do you like McDonald's better than KFC because of the advertisement?
Advertisements WHERE? In newspapers Everywhere On billboards In magazines Advertisements WHERE? On TV At the airport On buses At the cinema On the radio In train stations
Compare advertisements Compare the two advertisements, which one is easier for you to remember? Why?
Things go better with Coca-Cola. Obey your thirst.
Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!
The new digital era 数码新时代
Understanding the advertisements on page 42. Water A. What is the most common name for H2O? Why did they call it H2O? Water. Because it rhymes with “slow”.
B. What is the purpose of this advertisement? To encourage people to use water wisely and to save water where they can.
2. Super Shooze A. What group of people is the advertisement made for? Young people who like sports, the latest fashions and like to be part of a group.
B. What message does the advertisement give? If you wear our shoes you’ll have an exciting life, and be popular and have fun.
C. Do you think the message is true? Give reasons. No, because just wearing a certain brand of shoes won’t make you exciting, popular or have fun—it takes much more effort than that.
3. Refresh water A. Why are the first two lines written bigger than the rest of the advertisement? These lines appear bigger so that they are the first thing people notice about the ad.
B. The advertisement says that when you buy two, they will give you two more at no extra cost. Does this mean the advertiser will lose money on the sale?
No, the advertiser will have worked out a price that will still give him a profit even if he is giving away two bottles free. The advertiser also benefits by selling more bottles than he would have if he hadn’t offered the free bottles.
C. Why do advertisers often use the “Buy one get one free” message? People love a bargain, so they are attracted to free offers and are more likely to buy the product if they think they are getting something for free.
4. Environment A. What does this advertisement encourage you to think? It encourages us to think of the sky, air and our environment and about how the environment is being spoiled.
B. What do you think causes air pollution? Human beings cause air pollution by burning fossil fuels, such as gas, oil, coal, etc by using some modern machines, transportation vehicles and also by manufacturing modern products.
C. How else can advertisers make people more aware of our fragile environment? Tell people more and help them to be more aware of the importance of protecting our environment.
5. “Speeding” and “How fast am I going”? A. Both of these advertisements have the same purpose. What do both ads want people to do? They want people to stop speeding.
B. Both ads target a certain group of people. Who are they? Drivers. C. If you were a driver, which advertisement would have most effect on you? Why? Students give their own answers.
Scanning Scan the headings of each section and get a general understanding of the text.
Sum up the main idea of each section. Section I (para.1) Section II (para. 2) Section III (para. 3-7) Section IV (para. 8-9) Introduction What is an advertisement? How do advertisers make effective advertisements? How effective are advertisements?
Detail reading Read the text carefully and try to answer the following questions: 1. Who advertises? 2. Why do they advertise? 3. Where do they advertise? 4. How do they decide where to advertise? 5. Does advertising work?
Who advertises? Businesses, individuals, organizations and associations. 2. Why do they advertise? They want to sell something or to inform or educate the public.
3. Where do they advertise? On TV and radio, in magazines and newspapers (also on clothes, billboards, at sports fields, on buses and trains, at bus and train stations and many other places).
4. How do they decide where to advertise? They consider their budget and what medium is most likely to be seen or heard by the target consumer. Does advertising work? Yes and no. People are not usually persuaded by ads to buy things they have no use for. However, ads do change people’s opinions over time.
Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks with proper words. How advertising works What is an advertisement? An advertisement is a 1______________________ that informs or influences people. message or announcement
How advertising works How do advertisers make effective advertisements? Identify your target Advertisers 2 _______________________ and find out as much as possible about them, which 3 ___________ for decisions about what type of advertising techniques to use with this group. identify the target group forms the basis
How do advertisers make effective advertisements? Appeal to your target In order to 4 ________ people to do something, advertisements often appeal to our hopes and dreams or our emotions. persuade
How do advertisers make effective advertisements? Use a suitable medium As well as reaching the right audience with the right technique, advertisers must also 5____________ _________________.Obviously, cost will play a big part in this decision. place their ads in the right medium
being constantly exposed How effective are advertisements? However good an advertisement is, people 6 ______________ be persuaded if the product is unsuitable for them. On the other hand, 7______________________ to advertisements can help to change our opinions over time. are unlikely to being constantly exposed
Conclusion What is an ad? 1) Definition (a message or announcement that intends to inform or influence people) 2) Means (words, pictures, music, film…) 3) Advertisers (business, individuals, organizations, associations)
How do advertisers make effective ads? 1) Identify the target (find out necessary information about this group) 2) Appeal to the target (hopes, dreams, emotions, desires…) 3) Use a suitable medium (cost, media)
How effective are ads? When there is a need for the product. 2) If the target audience is exposed to ads constantly.
HOMEWORK 1. In pairs, discuss the questions in Ex 2 on P44. 2. Finish Ex 3 on P45 in pairs.