SURGICAL SUTURES AND NEEDLES Katsan Katgüt San. Tic. A.Ş 1571 sokak No:22 Çınarlı/İZMİR- TÜRKİYE Tel: +90(232)4861185 Fax: +90(232)4863379 email: TRAINING PRESENTATION NO 2: EG2/REV00/130616
MULTIFILAMENT : These are braided sutures made of multiple twisted filaments. They pose better resistance and flexibility.
MONOFILAMENT : It’s made of single filament. Tissue passages are easy. It does not accommodate microorganisms leading infections thanks to its monofilament structure.
PGA ( POLYGLYCOLIC ACID ) Absorbable Multifilament 30 days tissue support Absorption time: 60-90 days Violet Ethylene Oxide
PGAR ( POLYGLYCOLIC ACID RAPID ) Absorbable Multifilament 10-14 days tissue support Absorption time: 40-45 days Undyed Gamma irradiation
PGLA ( POLYGLYCOLIC-CO-LACTIDE ACID ) Absorbable Multifilament 30 days tissue support Absorption time: 56- 70 days Violet Ethylene Oxide
PGLAR ( POLYGLYCOLIC-CO-LACTIDE ACID RAPID ) Absorbable Multifilament 10-14 days tissue support Absorption time: 40-45 days Undyed Gamma irradiation
PGCL (POLYGLYCOLIC ACID-CO-CAPROLACTONE) Absorbable Monofilament 21 days tissue support Absorption time: 90-120 days Violet Ethylene Oxide
PDO (POLYDIOXANONE) Absorbable Monofilament 60 days tissue support Absorption time: 180-210 days Violet Ethylene Oxide
PP (POLYPROPYLENE) Non-absorbable Monofilament Permanent Blue Ethylene Oxide
PA (POLYAMIDE) Non-absorbable Monofilament Permanent Blue / Black Ethylene Oxide
SILK Non-absorbable Multifilament Permanent Black Ethylene Oxide
PROPERTIES OF KATSAN SURGICAL NEEDLES The needles used in the sutures manufactured by Katsan company is subjected to electro-polishing. This process provides surface smoothness and brightness by electrolytically ejecting piece from the metal surface. Brightness and smoothness of the needle is not lost by amount of use or time. After the polishing process is perfoermed, “medical grade silicon” coated needles become fully smooth and slippery.
Dual-stage grinding made at the end of the needle points (by giving two different angles) allows penetration of the needle without causing trauma even passing through the most hard tissue. Excellent penetration comfort during the tissue passage is provided.
Alloy Elements In Stainless Steel Carbon (C ) : Carbon content is the most affecting factor for the mechanical properties of the steel. Carbon increases the yield and tensile strength of the steel; decreases percentage elongation, formability and welding capability. Carbon content is kept low in steels when the malleability is priority. In case of high strength, carbon content of the steel is kept high. Manganese (Mn) : Manganese is always present in the structure of the steel. After melting process, manganese reacts with the residual sulfur and generates iron sulfur. This decreases brittleness of the steel.
chromium ( Cr ) : Provides corrosion and oxidation resistance chromium ( Cr ) : Provides corrosion and oxidation resistance. Increases the hardenability capability. Wear resistance increases in the steel which has high carbon content. Sulfur ( S ) : Sulfur is residual element of the melting process. Because of decreasing strength and toughness of the steel, all kinds of transactions are made to eliminate it. This negative effect is eliminated by the reaction of the sulfur with manganese. Silicium ( Si ) : Increases the yield and tensile strength, and elasticity of the steel. Phosphorous ( P ) : Phosphorous is an element of steel left over from the manufacturing process. Causes a weakening in the steel and amount of phosphorous should be below the 0.05%. In addition, enhances the handling properties of the alloy.
Copper ( Cu ) : Addition of 0 Copper ( Cu ) : Addition of 0.5% copper to alloy enhances the corrosion resistance of the steels. Molybdenum (Mo) : Increases hardenability capability of the steel. Titanium (Ti ) : Increases yield and tensile strength of the steels by grain reduction effect. Also increases the hardenability capability. Nickel ( Ni ) : Enhances strength and corrosion resistance of the steel. Nickel is second most important alloy element after than chromium for austenitic stainless steels. Silicon : Up to 0.3%, silicon increases the smoothness together with the phosphor without decreasing mechanical properties of the alloy. Addition of silicon up to 1% enhances thermal resistance of the alloy. Nitrogen : Increases resistance value of the steel. Most of the time, nitrogen is as effective as nickel.
300 302 Series stainless steel alloyed needles are used. Element Content (%) Chromium, Cr 17-19 Nickel, Ni 8 - 10 Manganese, Mn 2 Silicon, Si 1.00 Carbon, C 0.15 Sulfur, S 0.03 Phosphorous, P 0.045
455 Element Content (%) Iron, Fe 73 Chromium, Cr 11.8 Nickel, Ni 8.5 Niobium, Nb (Columbium, Cb) 2 Copper, Cu Titanium, Ti 1.1 Manganese, Mn 0.50 Molybdenum, Mo Silicon, Si Carbon, C 0.050 Phosphorous, P 0.040 Sulfur, S 0.030
420 Grade C Mn Si P S Cr min. max. 0.15 - 1 0.040 0.03 12.0 14.0
NEEDLES 8 1 2 7 3 6 5 4