Career Exploration Naviance Family Connection UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Learning Outcomes Students will identify their top career clusters based on their interests, personal qualities and school subjects. Students will gain an understanding of the preparation required to pursue future careers. UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Lesson Tasks Discuss current fastest growing occupations Define a career cluster as an organizational system Take Career Cluster Finder assessment (if previously completed, review and update previous results) Add top three career clusters to your list Complete Career Cluster Finder Complete Career Exploration Reflection UNIT 1 LESSON 1
How Do You Choose an Career? How do you think someone chooses a career? What careers are in demand? What careers do you think will have the best employment outlook for the future? UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Career Exploration
What Are Career Clusters? There are 15 Career Clusters Careers are grouped by similar occupations and industries Career clusters help find careers of interest, college matches, and majors related to career choices Career clusters help you strategically make academic plans and allow for more informed decision making about future career choices UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Career Clusters UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Career Clusters and Example Careers Environmental Engineer, Animal Scientists, Farming, Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists Contractor, Architect, Electrician, Carpenter, Plumber Actor, Video Producer, Journalist, Audio Engineer Human Resources, Financial Analyst, Accountant, Entrepreneur Teacher, Principal, Coach, School Counselor, College Professor UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Career Clusters and Example Careers Stockbroker, Banker, Insurance Agent, Loan Officer, Tax Examiner Legislator, City Manager, Policy Analyst, Recreation Director, State Agency Director, Urban Planner Pediatrician, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Medical Assistant, Nurse Lodging Manager, Chef, Food Server, Restaurant Manager, Leisure Manager Social Worker, Psychologist, Substance Abuse Specialist, Employment Specialist UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Career Clusters and Example Careers Software Engineer, Network Administrator, Web Designer, Technical Writer Attorney, Firefighter, Police Officer, Judge, Paramedic, Paralegal Machinist, Manufacturing Engineer, Production Engineer, Welding Marketing Management, Merchandising, Marketing Research Engineers, Technology, Physical Science, Social Science UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Career Clusters and Example Careers Transportation Operations, Warehousing Operations, Transportation systems, Planning Management, Sales and Services Not finding what you are looking for? Use the Career Finder to search the name of the career directly. UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Career Interests
Log-in to Naviance Family Connection username: student ID password: last 4 digits of your student ID and the day you were born (xxxx-last four digits of student ID and XX Birthday day) Example: 999321 UNIT 1 LESSON 1
What Are Your Interests? To get an idea of the type of future career you might be interested in, Complete the cluster finder survey under the what are my interests? UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Cluster Finder Survey This survey will ask you to select from a list of activities, school subjects, and personal qualities. Click let’s begin UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Cluster Finder Options You have two options if you have previously completed Cluster Finder: 1. view my previous survey results and work from there or 2. start-over from the beginning and take the assessment UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Cluster Finder Results Upon completion of the survey, your top three career clusters will appear based on: activities that interest you personal qualities you have school subjects you enjoy in school UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Explore Your Career Clusters Open your top 3 career clusters or click the link to show all and start exploring. Read the Overview, Credentials, Related Careers, Related Majors and Plan of Study. UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Understanding a Career Cluster Click this button to add this cluster to your list. Provides a list of links to college majors in that cluster. Clicking on a link leads you to a list of colleges offering that major. Provides general information about careers in this cluster and the employment outlook. Tells about the type of education you will need for a career in that cluster and credentials you can earn. Allows you to zoom in on a table outlining the types of courses you should take in both high school and college for the degree you want to earn. Provides a list of links to related careers in that cluster. Clicking the link gives details about specific careers. UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Take a Closer Look at a Plan of Study Open the Plan of Study tab located in the career overview. The Plan of Study will list the classes required in both secondary (high school) and post-secondary (college) for that particular career. This will help you see if the courses you have taken align with the ones you will need to take for your future career. UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Not Finding Your Desired Career? Click on the careers tab. Click the link to explore careers & clusters. UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Search Using Career Finder Start your search using the Career Finder. You can search or browse by keyword, alphabet, category, or Holland Code. UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Related Careers Open the Related Careers tab Click on a career Read the Overview, Knowledge & Skills, Tasks & Activities and Wages UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Explore Wages To find out the average annual or hourly wage in a career, you can click on the different links by state. Think about why the average salary in Idaho is lower than California? What would you need to do to increase your earning potential and be in the top 10%? UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Let’s Review…
Review Career Cluster Finder survey helps you make a more informed decision about? What are some examples of a career cluster? What is an area that helps you identify career clusters of interest? UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Review Career Cluster Finder survey helps you make a more informed decision about? Possible careers What are some examples of a career cluster? Health Science, Education and Training What is an area that helps you identify career clusters of interest? Activities of interest Personal qualities Favorite subject in school UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Lesson Assignment Using the Unit 1 Lesson 1 Career Exploration Career Cluster Finder assignment, explore your top 3 career clusters and careers related to them. UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Complete the Lesson… Complete Career Exploration Career Cluster Finder Complete Career Exploration Reflection UNIT 1 LESSON 1
Naviance Questions? If you have any questions, please contact . Be sure to provide your name and school. To check messages sent to you through Naviance Family Connection, login and click the link for your messages on the right-hand side. To contact your counselor, click the contact us link. UNIT 1 LESSON 1