Exploring High School Endorsement Pathways Victoria Bustos, ESC-20 Counseling Specialist
House Bill 5: The Foundation HS Program
Implementation of House Bill 5 How can we connect careers with House Bill 5 Endorsements? How can School Counselors work collaboratively with students & parents? What are Best Practices surrounding endorsement selection & career exploration? Videos, Resources & Achieve Texas
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House Bill 5 Best Practices Postsecondary Education Career Exploration Interest Inventories Student Self Exploration Labor Market Data Student Interest Curriculum Offerings Endorsement Selection
House Bill 5: The Foundation HS Program
HB 5: SECTION 28.02121 A personal graduation plan under Subsection (c) must identify a course of study that: promotes college and workforce readiness and career placement and advancement; and facilitates the student's transition from secondary to postsecondary education. 9/23/2014 The POS models provide details relevant to student decisions regarding items 1 and 2. COPYRIGHT © 2014, TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY
Postsecondary Education Can be defined as ANY further study beyond high school: College Certifications/Licenses Trade School Military
www.learn421.net/transition Success in the New Economy Video
Texas Workforce Data
/ Currently: 38% or 300,000 PS credential; 550,000 in 2030. Massachusetts: 65% rate; Diplomas
Specific POS career goal is listed first Specific POS career goal is listed first. Related career goals are listed with the assigned O*NET Code. Hyperlinked to the specific occupation as described in the Occupational Outlook Handbook. 9/23/2014 The blue title illustrates the specific name of the pathway. Revised models will also identify the appropriate endorsement. COPYRIGHT © 2014, TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY
Examples are provided of on-the-job training and certifications that are available at the secondary level. Certifications will be important for student performance acknowledgement. 9/23/2014 The certification section will be revised as a result of HB 5. COPYRIGHT © 2014, TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY
Postsecondary section is hyperlinked to additional pages providing more details about programs. Sample career options are provided with each degree level. Occupations reflect entry-level through professional-level positions that require advanced degrees. 9/23/2014 At this point, move to the AchieveTexas website to show participants where they can locate the POS models. COPYRIGHT © 2014, TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY
College Board Tools PSAT 8/9 PSAT 10 PSAT/NMSQT - 11 SAT/AP Kahn Academy Partnership/ Big Future resources like Cafe College, or any other support (i.e. Go center, partnership person; schools website
Education & Labor Together www.achievetexas.org Click on More, then Resources/Livebinders
CAREER DEVELOPMENT SPANS ALL GRADES Steps to Success Employment: Career Advancement Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Postsecondary: Career Preparation Achieving credentials: college, certification, apprenticeship, military 9-12: Programs of Study Related to a Career Goal Academics and technical courses, intensive guidance, individual graduation plans Grade 8: Career Exploration and Transition Develop graduation plans based upon personal interest/cluster areas 6-8: Initial Career Exploration Discovering interest areas K-5: Understanding the Importance and Value of Work and Jobs Introduction to the world of careers
Connected Educators Victoria Bustos, ESC-20 Counselor Specialist www.learn421.net/counselors : weekly update Google+ Twitter: @tx_sch_cnslr @escRegion20 https://www.google.com/+VictoriaBustos20