Cisco ASA 5500 Series Transition and Migration Guide for Distributors
End of Sale Products and Timeline: Cisco PIX Security Appliance Product Family Affected Products: All models of the Cisco PIX Security Appliance Series, and all associated software and accessories Cisco PIX 535 Cisco PIX 525 Cisco PIX 501 Cisco PIX 515E Cisco PIX 506E Accessories End of Sales End of Regular Software Maintenance Releases End of Service Contract Renewals End of Support Platform End of Sales 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Key Milestone Date External End of Sale announcement January 28, 2008 End of Sale (EoS) for platforms/bundles July 28, 2008 End of service contract renewals October 23, 2012 End of Support / End of Life (EoL) July 27, 2013
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Built on Proven Cisco PIX Technology, Plus So Much More! Market-Proven Technologies Cisco PIX 500 Series Cisco ASA 5500 Series Firewall Technology Cisco PIX IPS Technology Cisco IPS Content Security Trend Micro VPN Technology Cisco VPN 3000 (No SSL VPN) Unified Communications Cisco Voice/Video Network Intelligence Cisco Network Services ASA is Next Generation – Not New been around since 2005 Built on the PIX technology, Cisco VPN 3000 and IPS 4200 Supports
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Platforms Cisco ASA 5500 Series Solutions Ranging from Small Office to Large Enterprise Best-of-breed Threat Defense and VPN Services Minimize Deployment and Operations Costs Technology Extensibility to Address New Threats ASA 5550 Firewall: 1.2Gbps VPN: 425 Mbps ASA 5540 Firewall: 650 Mbps VPN: 325 Mbps Cisco ASA 5500 Series Platforms ASA 5520 Firewall: 450 Mbps VPN: 225 Mbps ASA 5510 Firewall: 300 Mbps VPN: 170 Mbps ASA 5505 Firewall: 150 Mbps VPN: 100 Mbps Small Business & Teleworker Platform Perf Medium Sized Business Medium Enterprise Large Enterprise
Recommended Migration Path for Cisco PIX Security Appliance Customers Cisco ASA 5505 Series Cisco ASA 5510 / 5520 Series Cisco ASA 5520 / 5540 Series Cisco ASA 5550 / 5580 Series For those customers who want to migrate today, we will offer aggressive trade in programs that will allow customers to transition at their own pace. Typical migration plans would follow what you see here (501 and 506E to 5505, 515E to 5510, 525 to either 5520 or 5540, and 535 to 5550 or 5580). (As well as competitive trade-in offerings.) Cisco PIX 501 Series Cisco PIX 506E Series Cisco PIX 515E Series Cisco PIX 525 Series Cisco PIX 535 Series
Many Compelling Benefits for Selling Cisco ASA 5500 Adaptive Security Appliances Equal or better pricing Better performance and scalability Superior network protection Flexible VPN solution Adaptive Solution Offers Better Protection Built upon 10+ years of innovation Market Proven Platform with hundreds of thousands deployed worldwide Common Criteria, FIPS, ICSA, and NEBS certified Mature, Next-Generation Security Solution Cisco PIX knowledge directly transferable Consistent GUI and CLI interfaces Managed by Cisco Security Manager and MARS Leverages Customer’s Existing PIX Investment Equal or better pricing provides lower TCO Better performance and scalability, solutions scaling to 10+ Gbps Superior network protection from ever-changing threats through IPS, CSC, etc Flexible VPN solution with market-leading SSL VPN capabilities Built upon 10+ years of innovation in Cisco PIX, VPN 3000, and IPS 4200 solutions Hundreds of thousands of Cisco ASA 5500 units deployed worldwide GD quality software available (v7.0.7+) Common Criteria, FIPS, ICSA, and NEBS certified Cisco PIX knowledge directly transferable to Cisco ASA 5500 Series Consistent GUI and CLI interfaces as Cisco PIX Security Appliances Consistent syslog and SNMP monitoring Managed by Cisco Security Manager, MARS, and many 3rd party products
Ongoing Revenues for Channel Partners Selling advanced security services on Cisco ASA 5500 mean more revenue for Channel partners! SSL VPN license upgrades Content Security License upgrades and renewals IPS Signature services See how on the Cisco ASA Up-sell Guide! Posted on the web site: Cisco ASA 5500 Series: The Power of PIX Plus Introduce
Power of the PIX Plus Program Wide range of sales tools available to assist in driving Cisco ASA 5500 sales, and upselling to advanced security services available on the Cisco ASA 5500 Series Includes flash video, presentations, at-a-glances, poster, top 10 list, email / postcard templates, and more
Migrating Customers from PIX to ASA Resellers can offer end customers trade-in credits when migrating their installed base of PIX to ASA Examples of Trade In Values Trade-In Part Numbers Trade-To Part Numbers Trade-In Credit Value Discount Off ASA List Price Cisco PIX-501-UL-BUN-K9 Cisco ASA 5505-UL-BUN-K9 $194 19.5% Cisco PIX-515E-R-BUN Cisco ASA5510-BUN-K9 $682 Cisco PIX-525-R-BUN Cisco ASA5520-BUN-K9 $1,349 16.9% Cisco PIX-535-R-BUN Cisco ASA5550-BUN-K9 $4,499 22.5%
PIX End-of-Sale and Upgrade Program Resources Complete End of Sale Announcement Posted on the Worldwide Distributor Partner Web Site Additional Resources: Cisco ASA 5500 Series: The Power of PIX Plus Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances
Call to Action! New Business: Identify resellers who are still selling Cisco PIX to new customers and work with them to set up a plan to transition selling efforts to the Cisco ASA 5500 Series Upsell opportunity: Identify your resellers with customers who have naked ASA 5500 Series appliances and set up a discussion to talk about enhancing their network security by adding on CSC, IPS, and SSL VPN Migration opportunity: Identify your resellers with customers who have an installed base of Cisco PIX Security Appliances Use the PIX End-of-Sales announcement as an opportunity to discuss a customized migration plan to Cisco ASA 5500 Series appliances