Distinguish between an experiment and other types of scientific investigations where variables are not controlled,
Describe the common methods and models used in different fields of science and analyze the benefits and limitations of them.
Evaluate a scientific investigation using evidence of scientific thinking and problem solving.
Analyze an experimental procedure to identify a design flaw and propose a method for correcting it (M&M Lab)
Identify test (independent) variable and outcome (dependent) variable in an experiment.
Differentiate between replication and repetition and evaluate the use and need for each in a scientific investigation. Theory vs Law
Interpret and analyze data to make predictions and defend conclusions.
Explain the value of a hypothesis, even if they turn out not to be supported by the data.
science, experiment, scientific investigation , observations, inference, hypothesis, test variable, outcome variable, controlled variable, data, inquiry, claim, empirical evidence, reasoning, predicting, trial, repetition, replication, support, fail to support, analyzing