Review this PowerPoint carefully. There will be a quiz at the end. ROOTS Review this PowerPoint carefully. There will be a quiz at the end.
ROOTS There are THREE layers to the English language. EXAMPLES ANGLO SAXON: Short, common, everyday words. LATIN: Technical, sophisticated words used in literature and textbooks. GREEK: Specialized words used mostly in science. jump, mother, mouth, cry, blood audience, disruptive, extract, survival, tenacious atmosphere, chromosome, photograph, thermometer
ROOTS LIST 1 GREEK/LATIN ROOT ROOT MEANING CANTO CREDO FUNDO, FUSUM LOCUS NEGO TEN SING (cantata, cantor) BELIEVE (credit, incredible) POUR; THING POURED (infuse, diffuse, refund) A PLACE (local, location) DENY (negative, negotiation) HOLD (tenacious, tenacity)