41. French Revolution- major change in government in 1789 that brought an end to absolute monarchy and started a representative government 42. First Estate- Roman Catholic Clergy of France who received special privileges and paid no direct taxes 43. Second Estate- The Nobility of France who received special privileges and paid no direct taxes to the King 44. Third Estate- Consisted of the bourgeoisie and the peasants of France who paid high taxes and had no special privileges 45. Bourgeoisie- Urban Middle class of France who were merchants/artisans and were well educated and often wealthy
46. Monarchy- form of government in which a monarch, either a King or Queen, rules the country 47. Rosetta Stone- Found by a French officer, a stone which allowed people to understand Egyptian hieroglyphics 48. Coup d'état- to overthrow the government 49. Nationalism- aggressive feelings of pride in and devotion to one’s country 50. Reign of Terror- period of remorseless repression and bloodshed by the government of France following the French Revolution.