Chpt. 2 prentice hall world history Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile Part I Chpt. 2 prentice hall world history
Ancient kingdoms of nile- key pts p.24-27 P.27 #3- What were two examples of how the Nile shaped ancient Egypt?
2 Examples of how Nile shaped Egypt- Nile’s water & silt supported agriculture & rise of civilization. Nile served as a natural highway for trade & helped unite Egypt.
Ancient egypt- 3 time pds. Old Kingdom (about 2700 B.C.- 2200 B.C.) Middle Kingdom (about 2050 B.C.-1800 B.C.) New Kingdom (about 1550 B.C.-1100 B.C.)
What was the Old Kingdom well known for?
Old Kingdom Created a strong, centralized state Famous for building pyramids
PYRAMIDS Tombs for eternity Egyptian belief in afterlife So they preserved the bodies of their dead rulers & provided them with everything they would need in their new lives. MUMMIFICATION and EMBALMING
Embalming and Mummification
pyramids Workers lifted millions of limestone blocks (…or did they…?) The people building the pyramids had no iron tools or wheeled vehicles!!! Building a pyramid took so long that often a pharaoh would begin to build his tomb as soon as he inherited the throne.
The Pyramids at Giza obelisk
Pyramids Must have involved incredible amount of planning & organization For example- Thousands of farmers, who had to be fed each day, worked on the pyramids when not planting or harvesting crops.
Pyramids First emerged during the Old Kingdom Why do historians believe that Egyptians who were living during the Old Kingdom created the pyramids?
pyramids Historians believe Egyptians built the pyramids as a demonstration of the strength and wealth of their society.
Middle kingdom Rocky or difficult time (referred to as turbulent by our text) because Nile did not rise as regularly Still, there were a couple key achievements: -Nile drainage project -Conquered part of Nubia
Middle kingdom 1700 B.C.- Catastrophe arrived when the Hyksos came to Egypt. Hyksos- Had horse-drawn war chariots & adopted Egyptian customs, beliefs and names After more than 100 yrs, Egyptian leaders drove out the Hyksos & set up the New Kingdom.
New kingdom Period of expansion where Egypt’s borders were expanded to the Euphrates through conquest Egypt was affected by this expansion because the region grew too large & couldn’t maintain itself
Images from freer sackler gallery
Images from freer sackler gallery
Images from freer sackler gallery
Images from freer sackler gallery
Images freer sackler gallery
Egyptian civilization- key pts p.28-33 Story of Osiris and Isis -Set: jealous Why could Egyptians relate to this story? Goddess- Isis, God- Osiris Osiris- Ruled until he was killed by his jealous bro. This brother cuts him into pieces and tosses them all over Egypt. BUT. Osiris is saved by his wife, Isis. She puts the pieces of Osiris’s body back together and brings him back to life. However, Osiris could no longer rule over the living- he became god of the dead & of souls seeking admission to the afterlife.
Partner work Why could Egyptians relate to the story of Osiris and Isis?
osiris Roles of Osiris Promised the faithful they would have life after death Ruled the underworld God of the Nile
isis Promised the faithful they would have life after death Roles of Isis Care for children Weave cloth Spin flax Grind corn
Egyptians could relate to the story of osiris and isis….. Because it was a story that all Egyptians could understand and connect to since it was about universal feelings (such as love, jealousy, fear of death.)
A fateful test Egyptians believed….. Each soul had to pass a test in order to win eternal life. Turn to a new partner & come up w/a 2-3 sentence response describing what the “fateful test” involved.
Fateful test- The test each soul had to pass to gain eternal life Dead soul ferried across a lake of fire to the hall of Osiris Osiris weighed the person’s heart vs. the feather of truth Vs.
Fateful test Heart vs. Feather of Truth Sinners Worthy Souls Eater of the Dead Worthy Souls Happy Field of Food… living here forever in bliss
The gods Horus Amon Ra
Describe the practice of mummification. Find a new partner to work with on these questions- Why did Egyptians practice mummification? Describe what the process of mummification involved.
Rosetta Stone