1.4 The Biosphere · All parts of Earth that support and contain life · Contains lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere · From floor of ocean to top of highest mountain 12.4 mis. or 20 km thick
Life on Earth Life is limited due to pressure, temperature and O2 From 0.5 mis. below surface of ocean to 3.5 mis. above sea level Below this, too high of pressure and very little food Above this, air pressure is too low and temperatures are too cold Organisms obtain materials they need from the biosphere 1.air from the atmosphere 2.water from the hydrosphere 3. food from the lithosphere
Organisms are affected by changes in the biosphere A change in composition of seawater affect organisms in ocean Eruption of a volcano affect organisms in the surrounding area
Biosphere is affected by what organisms do Damming of a river by a beaver Release of gases by a factory