Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 1 Explain why Greg was unable to continue his journey to the top of K2. What character trait describes Greg based on his actions in this chapter? Explain why this trait describes him using text evidence. Describe what happens to the human body in high altitudes. Use details from the chapter to support your answer. What is the problem faced by Greg at the end of chapter 1?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 2 Based on his actions, how do you know Mouzafer cares for Greg and his well being? Use pages 9 & 10 of the text to find details to support your answer. What circumstances lead Greg to meeting Haji Ali? Describe the events leading up to their meeting using details from the text. How did Haji Ali feel to have a stranger in their village? Use details from the text to support your answer.
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 3 What was special about the quilt that Greg used while he slept? Use details from the chapter to support your answer. Describe the hardships faced by the people living in the village of Korphe. Compare and contrast the “school” in the village of Korphe with our school. Use details from the chapter to support your answer.
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 4 Describe how Greg’s father helped the people of Tanzania. Use details from the chapter to support your answer. How did Christa struggle with her health while growing up? How did she die? Re-read the last two sentences at the end of this chapter. Why do you think he says “this might be even harder than climbing the second-highest mountain on Earth”?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 5 On page 28, Greg says, “ And they did it with something that’s basically worthless in our society- pennies. But… pennies can move mountains.” What does “pennies can move mountains” mean? Explain your answer. How did Dr. Tom Vaughan help get Greg’s school in Pakistan funded? Who is Jean Hoerni? How did he help Greg?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 6 How did Abdul help Greg get the best prices for the materials needed to build the school? On page 35 it says, “after three days of hair-raising travel…” What does the author mean by hair-raising travel? Use details from page 34 to explain your answer. Explain the problem presented at the end of chapter 6. Why is Greg upset about this? Use details to support your answer.
Three Cups of Tea- Chapters 7 & 8 How does Haji Ali respond after Greg tells him he has come to build a school? What do you think? Do you think he should do this before he builds a school? Why or why not? At the end of chapter 8, it says that Greg reached a “hard time” in his life? What did this mean? Who is Dr. Louis Reichardt? What does he tell Greg to do?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 9 What was the obstacle that prevented the jeep from traveling to Korphe with the steel cables? How did Greg and the people of Korphe overcome this obstacle? What are ibex? Who are their predators? Why do the Balti people like theses animals? Who does Greg think will make a perfect teacher once the school is built? Why does he think this person is good for the job? Use details from the chapter to support your answer.
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 10 Who is George McCown? What did he do that helped Greg get the money he needed to build a school? How long did it take to build the bridge? Where will they build the school? Why does Greg like this spot?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 11 What does Hoerni tell McCown to give to Greg? Why does he think Greg needs this? What is Greg’s reaction? How did Greg meet Tara? What is unusual about their marriage?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 12 When Greg returned to Skardu, what did he discover? Who helped Greg get what he needed? When Greg visited the site where the school would be built, what did he find? What reason did Haji Ali give for not laying the foundation of the school yet? What did Jean Hoerni do for Greg that would later help many children and villages in Pakistan? Use details from the chapter to support your answer. How did the bridge help the women of the village? Explain your answer using details from the chapter.
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 13 How did everyone, men, women, and children, come together to help build the school? Explain the meaning of “Three Cups of Tea”. Use details from the text to support your answer. What is Haji Ali trying to tell Greg when he takes him for a walk? What is a “mullah”? What are they and what is their job? What do you think Greg means at the end of this chapter when he says “Here was this illiterate man, who’d hardly ever left his little village… Yet he was the wisest man I’d ever met.”
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 14 Explain how Greg’s impatience gets him into a real predicament in this chapter. What lie does Greg tell Khan? Why does he tell him this lie? Who decided Greg’s fate? What happens to Greg at the end of this chapter?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 15 Why is Joen Hoerni so eager to see a picture of the school? What did Haji Ali say when he found out that Greg had been kidnapped in Waziristan? When was the school in Korphe finally completed? What did Hoerni do for the Central Asia Institute before he died? Why did he do this?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 16 After finishing the school in Korphe, how long did it take to finish the next three schools? Why do you think they were able to build these more quickly? At the request of Syed Abbas Risvi, what did the CAI do for the children of Pakistan? Why was this just as, or more, important as building a school? How did people respond when they heard Shakeela was going to school? What did Shakeela do after attending elementary school? Children all over Pakistan are now going to school, both boys and girls. These children, and their parents, are very excited about this opportunity and value the education. These children are able to stay focused and engaged while learning and put forth much effort. How is this different from many classrooms across America? Explain your thinking.
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 17 What does Greg wish most Westerners understood about Muslims? Who is Mullah Gulzar? Why did he, and many other men, come to Skardu? What happened to Aamina? How do you feel reading about the drastic living conditions faced by the children of Brolmo? What did Greg and the CAI do for the refugees?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 18 Why did Greg finally hire an assistant? Who is Vera Kurtz? During his short layover in Calcutta, whom did Mortenson visit? Why does he visit this person?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 19 1. What is Wahhabi madrassa? Why isn’t Greg excited about these? 2. Who is Ahmed Shah Massoud? What happens to him? 3. Chapter 19 recounts the events of September 11th and concludes with a speech by Muslim leader Syed Abbas at a CAI school celebration. How did reading his speech make you feel? Explain.
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 20 America is at war with Afghanistan and the embassy is telling all Americans to leave Pakistan. Yet, Greg stays in the country. Why does he stay? What does this tell you about his character? Which quote from the chapter proves that Uzra Faizad believes education is extremely important? As Greg visits Uzra’s school, he sees “ students had to climb ladders built of logs to get into classrooms on the second floor, because the stairs had been blown away.” Students in this country, in the midst of a war, were continuing to do everything they could to go to school. Can you imagine this? How is this different from how many American children feel about school? What can we do to change this attitude in our own country?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 21 Who is Jahan and what does she ask Greg? What do you think Greg means when he says, “ we need to understand that this is a war that will ultimately be won with books, not with bombs.” What is Greg’s new idea in this chapter? (relating to students graduating? What does Jahan want to do with her life?
Three Cups of Tea- Chapter 22 What happened when Greg was traveling inside the Salang Tunnell? Why was this the “worst possible place” to be stuck? Explain. When Greg walked outside the tunnel, what did he find? What did this mean? After repairing the jeep, what was the next obstacle Greg, Abdullah, and Kais encountered? What did Khan mean when he said, “we must turn those stones into schools”. What did the stones symbolize? Did you enjoy reading this book? Explain why or why not. Greg had a goal: to bring education to children of Pakistan, and later, to girls in Afghanistan. As you are about to graduate from elementary school, name 2-3 goals, big or small, that you have for your future.