And other methods of introduction Cover letters And other methods of introduction
Write an Effective Cover Letter Your cover letter is a writing sample and a part of the screening process. By putting your best foot forward, you can increase your chances of being interviewed. A good way to create a response-producing cover letter is to highlight your skills or experiences that are most applicable to the job or industry and to tailor the letter to the specific organization to which you’re applying.
Write an Effective Cover Letter
Write an Effective Cover Letter Some general rules about letters: Address your letters to a specific person if you can. Tailor your letters to specific situations or organizations by doing research before writing your letters. Keep letters concise and factual, no more than a single page. Avoid flowery language. Give examples that support your skills and qualifications (best if not repeated in resume). Put yourself in the reader’s shoes. What can you write that will convince the reader that you are ready and able to do the job? Don’t overuse the pronoun “I”.
Write an Effective Cover Letter Some general rules about letters (Continued): Remember that this is a marketing tool. Use lots of action words. Have an adviser provide feedback on your letter. If converting to a .pdf, check that your formatting translates correctly. Reference skills or experiences from the job description and draw connections to your credentials. Make sure your resume and cover letter are prepared with the same font type and size.
Reminders…. Do whatever it takes to find out who will be reading your cover letter, and greet that person by name. Never use "To Whom It May Concern" or anything else general in nature. Place an attention-grabbing headline—always, always, always––at the top of your cover letter. For example: "Available Immediately: An Executive Assistant Who Organizes And Cares" Select the most unique and valuable piece of work experience in your resume–– something most other competitors for this position will not have under their belts. Include a sentence about this towards the top of your cover letter. For example, "I helped the executive I worked for to increase sales by 30% proactively suggesting our sales reps be reassigned to certain territories based on their experience." Make sure to ask for the interview, and provide some possible dates and times where the interview can occur. Include your best contact information so it is easy for your prospective employer to reach you. Add a "thank you" to the hiring manager at the bottom of your letter. Mention that you know there are other candidates to choose from, and that you appreciate the time spent reading your letter and considering your experience. Make sure you sign your name in pen at the bottom, and include a "positive" P.S. with some personality. Example: P.S. I'm eager to meet and talk with you.
Other Introductions? Once you’ve identified who – then look in your current network for possible connections LinkedIN? Who do you know who knows who you want to know? Ask for an introduction! One-to-one networking conversations – Ask for an introduction! Small groups/events – ask for an introduction! Family events – ask for an introduction What else have you tried? (have a one page summary of you and your career goals to provide to the person making the introduction)