Invasion species Sapozhnikova Elena
Invasions can be caused by: Invasions are processes of the penetration of alien species into ecosystems located outside their natural areas and their impact to the native communities. Invasions can be caused by: natural migrations of organisms by climatic changes and fluctuations of population abundance introduction of the economically useful organisms accidental drift with ballast water, agricultural products etc
The types of invasion species influences on native species: alien species can essentially change habitat of indigenous species invasion species can become superior competitors, predators or pathogens for native species and promote their replace
G. fasciatus is successful invader from Lake Baikal. 1989 1989 1986 1986 1988 1988 1986 1986 1969 1977 1969 1973 1964 1968 1967
The main factors, which promoted replacement of Gammarus lacustris by Gmelinoides fasciatus in Lake Ladoga G. fasciatus is superior competitor for food G. fasciatus has shorter generation time and higher productivity G. fasciatus has a higher ability to avoid the fish predation Gmelinoides fasciatus Gammarus lacustris
The ways of invasion prevention careful studying of the influence of alien species on native species at all levels toughening of the customs inspections informing of the population about possible danger
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