Unit-1 Introduction to HRM Free Powerpoint Templates
Contents HRM: Concept & Its Definition Importance of HRM Functions of HRM HRM Department: Organisation & Role HRM vs. HRD Limitations of HRM Challenges before HRM 1
Human Resources… Are an organisation’s greatest assets All other resources get connected through men To make them deliver they need to be – Properly selected Properly trained Properly motivated 2
Definitions of HRM Byers & Rue: “HRM is the function facilitating the most effective use of people to achieve both organisational and individual goals” Michael Jucious: “HRM is that field of management which deals with planning, organising & controlling the functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilising a labour force such that organisational & individual goals are fulfilled” 3
HRM is Process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees such that they are motivated to achieve both the organisational and individual goals 4
Till now… HRM: Concept & Its Definition Importance of HRM Functions of HRM HRM Department: Organisation & Role HRM vs. HRD Limitations of HRM Challenges before HRM 5
Importance of HRM Importance of human resources can be discussed at four levels: Corporate Professional Social National
Corporate HRM can help an enterprise in the following ways: Attracting talent through effective HRP Developing necessary skills & attitude with training Securing cooperation through motivation Retaining talent through the right policies
Professional HRM helps improve quality of work life and contributes to growth in the following ways: Opportunities for personal development Motivating work environment Proper allocation of work Healthy relationships between individuals & groups
Social Society benefits from good HRM in many ways: Good employment opportunities Development of human capital Generation of income & consumption Better lifestyles
National Drivers of development of a country Deliver economic growth
Till now… HRM: Concept & Its Definition Importance of HRM Functions of HRM HRM Department: Organisation & Role HRM vs. HRD Limitations of HRM Challenges before HRM 5
Functions of HRM The process of HRM consists of 4 basic functions: Acquisition of human resources Development of human resources Motivation of human resources Maintenance of human resources
Acquisition Function Process of identifying and employing people possessing required level of skills Job Analysis HRP Recruitment Selection
Development Function Process of improving, moulding and changing the skills, knowledge and ability of an employee Employee Training Management Development Career Development
Motivation Function Process of integrating people into a work situation in a way that it encourages them to perform / deliver to the best of their ability Understanding needs Designing motivators Monitoring
Maintenance Function Process of providing employees the working conditions that help maintain their motivation and commitment to the organisation Satisfaction Levels Retention
Till now… HRM: Concept & Its Definition Importance of HRM Functions of HRM HRM Department: Organisation & Role HRM vs. HRD Limitations of HRM Challenges before HRM 5
Organisation of HRM Department
Role of HR Manager Job Design / Job Analysis Human Resource Planning Recruitment & Selection Training & Development Performance Appraisal Compensation / Benefits Personnel Information Systems Employee Motivation / Assistance
Till now… HRM: Concept & Its Definition Importance of HRM Functions of HRM HRM Department: Organisation & Role HRM vs. HRD Limitations of HRM Challenges before HRM 5
HRM vs. HRD HRM is the process of effectively employing people in an organisation HRD is the process of training & development of employees to make them effective HRD is an important subset of HRM
Till now… HRM: Concept & Its Definition Importance of HRM Functions of HRM HRM Department: Organisation & Role HRM vs. HRD Limitations of HRM Challenges before HRM 5
Limitations of HRM HRM only a ‘support function’! Training programs only a ‘cost’! Not an ‘as & when needed’ function! Not specifically qualified / trained people! Inadequate information systems / records! Misunderstood as HRD!
Till now… HRM: Concept & Its Definition Importance of HRM Functions of HRM HRM Department: Organisation & Role HRM vs. HRD Limitations of HRM Challenges before HRM 5
Challenges before HRM Globalisation (More productivity) Technological Trends (New skill set) Increasing Service Sector (Customer Interface) Working Trends (9 to 9!) Demographic Trends (Young India!)
Summary (Unit – 1) HRM: Concept & Its Definition Importance of HRM Functions of HRM HRM Department: Organisation & Role HRM vs. HRD Limitations of HRM Challenges before HRM