ODOT District MS4 Liaison Training: Why are we here? Ohio EPA Audit Findings of ODOT’s MS4 Stormwater Management Program April 12, 2017 Session Presenter: Becky Humphreys, PE, ODOT Stormwater Program Manger ODOT Office of Hydraulic Engineering
Introductions Office of Hydraulic Engineering Becky Humphreys David Riley Jon Prier Office of Construction Management Hans Gucker Office of Maintenance Administration Thomas Lyden Gresham Smith and Partners, Task Order Consultant Mark McCabe Kathryn Gruver
Why are you here? ODOTs MS4 Program Audit Summary of Findings What authority does OEPA have? What did OEPA look at? What did OEPA find? What are ODOT’s Responses to each of the violations?
Ohio EPA Authority The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 - the first major U.S. law to address water pollution. Clean Water Act - June 22, 1969: The Cuyahoga River catches fire in Cleveland, drawing national attention and helping the passage of major revisions to Federal Water Pollution Control Act – became known as Clean Water Act. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits - 1992 Ohio became a delegated state. MS4 Permit – (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System)
ODOTs MS4 Program - Overview ODOT has been implementing and reporting on storm water best management practices (BMPs) as part of their MS4 permit since 2003. Permit allows ODOT to discharge storm water from ODOT owned storm sewer systems. ODOTs MS4 regulated area has changed due to 2010 Census ODOT will be updating their existing Storm water Management Plan (SWMP) between now and December 2017. Changes coming with how ODOT will manage, implement and report on MS4 program requirements due to OEPA audit.
ODOTs MS4 Program - Audit What did OEPA look at? Field Audit Audit conducted between January and December 2014. OEPA visited 1 ODOT facility and 2 active construction sites in each district between January and November 2014. MS4 Program Audit OEPA completed ODOTs MS4 audit on December 5, 2014.
ODOTs MS4 Program – Audit Findings Minimum Control Measure Number of Violations MCM 1 - Public Education/Outreach No violations MCM 2 - Public Involvement/Participation MCM 3 - Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 3 violations MCM 4 - Construction Site Storm Water Runoff 7 violations MCM 5 - Post Construction Storm Water Management MCM 6 - Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping 2 violations
ODOTs MS4 Program – Audit Findings MCM 1 & MCM 2 No violations
ODOTs MS4 Program – Audit Findings Failed to map all Home Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) discharging to ODOT’s MS4 Failed to demonstrate a working relationship with local health departments Failed to develop an IDDE plan that meets the expectations of the permit. (i.e. a plan to evaluate, prioritize, and eliminate illicit discharges) MCM 3 (IDDE) Violations
ODOTs Response to MCM 3 Violations Violation: Failed to map all Home Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) discharging to ODOT’s MS4 Ohio Revised Code requires local Boards of Health to locate and keep records on all HSTSs ODOT proposed to create a webpage to be included on ODOT’s Storm Water Webpage that shows: All Ohio counties Hyperlinks to each county health department Contact person from each ODOT District
ODOTs Response to MCM 3 Violations Violation: Failed to demonstrate a working relationship with local health departments. ODOT developed a new process for when illicit discharges are detected: Identify illicit discharges during routine asset inventory, inspection, or maintenance activities. Report any findings to local health department. Annually request status of the identified illicit discharges from local health departments. Report annually to Ohio EPA.
ODOTs Response to MCM 3 Violations Violation: Failed to develop an IDDE plan that meets the expectations of the permit. (i.e. a plan to evaluate, prioritize, and eliminate illicit discharges) ODOT revised IDDE plan: Investigate High and Medium Priority locations by Dec. 31, 2017 (89 locations previously identified dry weather flows). Investigate Low Priority locations by December 31, 2018 (671 locations previously identified dry weather flows). Investigations will include: Test to determine if discharge is likely to be illicit Track illicit discharges to the source where flow enters ROW Contact appropriate local Health Department and/or Adjacent MS4
ODOTs MS4 Program – Audit Findings Failed to demonstrate adequate review of Construction Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) Monthly inspections required to be done by ODOT personnel. Failed to demonstrate implementation of an enforcement mechanism to ensure compliance on construction sites. SWPPPs are developed at final grade. MCM 4 (Construction) Violations
ODOTs MS4 Program – Audit Findings Failed to consistently include construction sequence which addresses the timely installation of sediment ponds. Failed to comply with all permanent and temporary stabilization requirements. Failed to consistently maintain sediment and erosion controls. MCM 4 (Construction) Violations
ODOTs Response to MCM 4 Violations Violation: Failed to demonstrate adequate review of SWPPPs ODOT contends that adequate reviews are required. Construction is not allowed until SWPPP is reviewed by the project engineer. SWPPPs are reviewed on ALL projects not just those within the MS4 boundary. New checklist forms and tracking procedures are being developed.
ODOTs Response to MCM 4 Violations Violation: Monthly inspections are required to be performed by ODOT personnel. ODOT contends Ohio EPA’s interpretation of this part of the permit. The language in the permit does not specify that the inspections must be performed by an ODOT employee or independent contractor. ODOT proposed to implement a software inspection tool. should increase the quality of inspections and documentation of deficiencies. ODOT proposed to do QA assessments on a representative sample of projects.
ODOTs Response to MCM 4 Violations Violation: Failed to demonstrate implementation of an enforcement mechanism to ensure compliance on construction sites. ODOT contends that this is not a violation since we have protocols in place to enforce compliance. ODOT provided a clear explanation of these protocols. ODOT proposed continual assessment of these protocols.
ODOTs Response to MCM 4 Violations Violation: SWPPPs are developed at final grade. ODOT updated specifications to include mandatory use of electronic files to develop the SWPPPs. ODOT contends that interim grading plans are not practical for linear projects. ODOT proposed that adding existing conditions plans will allow inspectors to update the SWPPP and make it the living document Ohio EPA is looking for.
ODOTs Response to MCM 4 Violations Violation: Failed to consistently include construction sequence which addresses the timely installation of sediment ponds. ODOT proposed that revisions to specifications requiring an existing conditions plan will address the timely installation of sediment controls.
ODOTs Response to MCM 4 Violations Violation: Failed to comply with all permanent and temporary stabilization requirements. ODOT proposed that revisions to specifications and implementing the software inspection tracking tool will help resolve this issue.
ODOTs Response to MCM 4 Violations Violation: Failed to consistently maintain sediment and erosion controls. ODOT proposed that revisions to specifications and implementing the software inspection tracking tool will help resolve this issue.
ODOTs MS4 Program – Audit Findings Failed to develop comprehensive map of all post construction practices discharging to the MS4. Failed to develop mechanism to ensure maintenance of all post construction practices. Failed to consistently interpret and implement the post construction requirements found in the General Construction Permit. MCM 5 (Post Construction) Violations
ODOTs Response to MCM5 Violations Violation: Failed to develop comprehensive map of all post construction practices discharging to the MS4. MOU between ODOT and OEPA - all BMPs through July 31 2009 were compliant per an assessment of $2.5M. ODOT developed post construction BMP inventory database for all BMPs from that date forward. ODOT also developed Inventory/Inspection Manual for Post Construction BMPs.
ODOTs Response to MCM5 Violations Violation: Failed to develop mechanism to ensure maintenance of all post construction practices. ODOT proposed to incorporate inspection and maintenance into work plans by July 1, 2017. ODOT is developing Post Construction BMP Collector App. Inspection tracking Maintenance tracking
ODOTs Response to MCM5 Violations Violation: Failed to consistently interpret and implement the post construction requirements found in the General Construction Permit. ODOT made many revisions to the BMP sections of our Location & Design Manual (Volume 2 – Drainage). ODOT conducted 5 training classes on Post Construction BMP Design across the state. ODOT performs self auditing reviews of BMP design.
ODOTs MS4 Program – Audit Findings MCM 6 (Pollution Prevention/ Good Housekeeping) Violations Failed to develop Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for all maintenance facilities. Failed to conduct training of employees regarding the implementation of the SWPPP.
ODOTs Response to MCM6 Violations Violation: Failed to develop Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for all maintenance facilities. ODOT hired task order consultant to develop SWPPPs and provide initial training ($1.22M over 3 years).
ODOTs Response to MCM6 Violations Violation: Failed to conduct training of employees regarding the implementation of the SWPPP. ODOT hired task order consultant to develop SWPPPs and provide initial training ($1.22M over 3 years).
MCM1: Public Education & Outreach Performance Standards: Include more than one mechanism and target at least five different storm water themes over the permit term ODOT’s Storm Water Themes Pollution Prevention General Storm Water Awareness Water Quality Storm Water Control Practices Illicit Discharge
MCM1: Public Education & Outreach Performance Standards: Include more than one mechanism and target at least five different storm water themes over the permit term ODOT’s Mechanisms Policies, Manuals, and Specifications Storm Drain Stamping Storm Water Management Program Webpage Extensive Training Programs
MCM1: Public Education & Outreach ODOT’s Annual Reporting Requirements: Identify each mechanism used, including each storm water theme, audience targeted and estimate of how many people were reached by each mechanism MS4 Liaison Responsibility Provide feedback on publication revisions. Promote themes with ODOTs public. Review and recommend content for the website to the Office of Hydraulics. Collect district staff training records. Assist with scheduling SWPPP trainings at ODOT Facilities.
MCM2: Public Involvement/Participation Performance Standards: Include, at a minimum, five public involvement activities over the permit term. ODOT’s Annual Reporting Requirements: Identify each public involvement/participation activity conducted, including a brief description of activity and include an estimate of how many people participated.
MCM2: Public Involvement/Participation ODOT’s Annual Reporting Requirements: Identify each public involvement/participation activity conducted, including a brief description of activity and include an estimate of how many people participated. MS4 Liaison Responsibility Gather information for the annual report. Provide coordination assistance during participation in district clean- up activities and provide participation totals for the annual report.
ODOT Stormwater Program Manager Questions? Becky Humphreys, P.E. ODOT Stormwater Program Manager becky.humphreys@dot.ohio.gov 614-387-1125