WP 7 – Integrated Sustainability and Business Viability Assessment Consortium Meeting 14-15 June 2017 Stockholm, Sweden
WP7 Integrated Sustainability and Business Viability Assessment Objectives To assess the sustainability of the system developed in SALTGAE, by identifying the positive and negative impacts and implications of the system from a technical, economic, environmental and social perspective, using a life cycle approach. Tasks 7.1. System modelling (M2-M10) 7.2 Techno-Economic evaluation (viability study) (M2-M36) 7.3. Environmental assessment (M12-M33) 7.4. Social assessment (M10-M32) 7.5. Integrated sustainability assessment (M18-M36)
Brief progress report Deliverable D7.1 «System settings and model» submitted and approved Definition of data needs soon finished – points of view and approval sought! Data collection to begin now! Next Deliverable is due at M24 (end of May 2018)
Deliverable D7.1 System settings and model Archimede basic scenario Algae: Spirulina and Tetraselmis
Deliverable D7.1 System settings and model Arava basic scenario Algae: Spirulina
Deliverable D7.1 System settings and model KOTO basic scenario Algae: A mixture of naturally occurring species
Deliverable D7.1 System settings and model --- example of individual process Data needs
Partner competence matrix Self-evaluations at CM in Lissabon
LCC of system configuration The economic evaluation of the technical solutions will be pivotal in fulfilling the most overarching of the expected impacts – to ensure a wide and fast deployment of the novel sustainable innovations, thereby creating new business opportunities. WP 7 will develop business plans for the benefit of industrial partners and for the wider spread and adoption of the project’s results.
LCC of system configuration
LCC comparison of system/process configurations
Data collection The systems are divided in 4 parts For each part there is one sheet for Economic parameters Process flows Process inputs and emissions Labour
Data collection – Economic parameters Purchase cost Economic lifespan The number of years in which the asset returns more value to the owner than it costs to own, operate, and maintain. Read as the number of years you would expect to have it in operation. Residual value Value after the economic lifespan. Can be negative if costs of getting rid of the equipment costs more than the scrap value.
Data collection – Process flows Main inputs and outputs
Data collection – Process flows Main inputs and outputs How to handle parameters influencing e.g. needs of electricity and chemicals? Which parameters are important for the processes? Do you have data regarding these parameters? How to collect the data?
Data collection – Process inputs and emissions
Data collection - Labour Labour for maintenance and replacements of parts Labour for cleaning filters/membranes Labour for operation
Data collection - timeplan Initial comments by end of June Trial round by mid/end of July
Thanks for listening! Finn Englund finn.englund@ri.se