Proposal for approval of Labour Budget (FY 2017-18) <State NAME> 1
NRM perspective (No. of MWC blocks & GPs) State Profile Geographical Economical Administrative NRM perspective (No. of MWC blocks & GPs)
Inclusion status of deprived HHs (SECC) Total Rural HHs HHs with at least 1 deprivation Landless Manual Casual Labour HHs (MCL) Total MCL HHs surveyed for ascertaining the need for JC No of MCL HHs Willing for Job Card No of willing MCL HHs provided Job Card Notified Drought affected locations 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 Blocks Districts
Part-I Progress so far (FY 2016-17)
MGNREGA: Coverage Indicators Values No. of Districts No. of Blocks No. of GPs Registered HHs/ Workers Job Cards issued Workers Active Job Cards [% of total jobcards] Active Workers [% of total worker] Note if any: [related to job card verification/ deletion of any other thing State/ UT want to mention]
MGNREGA: Physical Performance Physical Progress FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 so far Total Households Worked Total Individuals Worked Approved Labour Budget(PD) Persondays Generated % of Total LB achieved % of women persondays Average days of employment provided per HH HHs completed 100 Days of Wage Employment NOTE: please mention the performance in drought affected location if any Reasons for poor performance OR Strategy adopted for better performance
MGNREGA: Financial Performance Financial Progress FY 15-16 FY 16-17 so far Central release (In Cr.) Total Availability (In Cr.) Advance States share/ Revolving fund if any Total Expenditure [In Cr] Wages expenditure [In Cr] Material(%) Admin Exp(%) Liabilities of Previous years paid (Rs. In cr) Average Wage rate per day per person(Rs.) Average Cost Per Day Per Person (In Rs.) % Total Exp through eFMS % payments generated within 15 days IMP: Please specifically mention whether full state share so far given NOTE: Please mention reasons for huge delay in payment of wages Reasons for payment of Material and Admin Exp. more than statutory limits, if any State needs to highlight if they have setup corpus/ revolving fund
Status of works FY 15-16 FY 16-17 Total Works taken-up (Spillover + new) Works Completed %age works completed % expenditure on NRM (Community & Individual) works % expenditure on agriculture and allied activities [no. of districts below 60%] ______[ ] % of Category B Works taken-up NOTE: Reasons for less expenditure on agriculture & allied works if applicable Financial Year (since inception) No. of Works Taken-up Works Completed Numbers Percentage Till FY 2014-15 Till FY 2015-16 Till FY 2016-17 (as on date) NOTE: Reasons for not completing the works taken-up till FY 2014-15
State Level NRM Workshop Brief report on Conduct of Workshop Decisions taken [Photographs of Workshop]
Achievements against Focus area targets Indicators Targets Achieved %age Farm Ponds Vermi/ NADEP compost pits IHHLs Aaganwadi Centres (AWC) Roadside Plantation (in Km.) NOTE: Reasons for not achieving the targets (Category-wise) and timelines to complete the remaining ongoing works.
Status of Job card verification/ updation Status of Geo-MGNREGA No. of works completed since inception Asset ID Generated Assets Geo Tagged GPs where no MSE registered GPs where MSE registered but no geotagging done ______ [ %] Status of Job card verification/ updation No. of Job Cards Issued No. of Job Cards Verified %. of Job Cards Verified All Active Adoption of Asset & 7 Registers Number of GPs GPs having New Asset Register maintained at GP GPs where Seven Registers maintained at GP NOTE: 1. Reasons for poor performance on above indicators. 2. Number of job cards deleted/ added during verification and its reasons
DBT Active Workers Aadhaar Seeded in NREGASoft % of Aadhaar Seeding Workers converted to ABPS % of workers converted to ABPS Note: Status of SLBC meetings and reconciliation with LDMs of consent forms shared with Banks for ABP conversion. (Ref: Joint instructions by MoRD and DFS dated 9th Jan, 2017). Strategy and timelines for 100% seeding in NREGASoft and APBS conversion (Banks)
e-FMS Universalization GP-wise e-FMS implementation status Total Number of GPs Wages Material Admin GPs %age Expenditure through e-FMS implementation status Wages (Rs. in lakh) Material (Rs. In lakh) Admin (Rs. in lakh) Total Expenditure (Rs. in lakh) Total eFMS % Note: Strategy and timelines for up scaling e-FMS
Social Audit Establishment of independent Social Audit Unit and timeline: Staffing of the Social Audit Units and timeline: Training of Resource persons (number and percentage against target): Social Audit conducted (Number of GPs covered; percentage) and Action Taken Report:
Status of SEGC and Ombudsman Whether SEGC Constitution Dates of SEGC meetings in FY 2016-17 No. of Ombudsman in place: timelines for filling the vacancies
(no. of GPs : technical personnel) Status of BFTs TARGET TRAINED DEPLOYED Deployment of Technical Personnels DESIGNATION NUMBERS COVERAGE AREA (no. of GPs : technical personnel) Technical Assistant Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer Status of DTRT & BTRT DTRT BTRT Target Trained NOTE: Reasons for poor performance in above indicators
Project LIFE-MGNREGA Skilling of Wages Skilling for Self Employment Targets Achievement Skilling of Wages Skilling for Self Employment Livelihood Upgradation Targets Achievement Targets Achievement
Part-II LB Proposal & Commitments for FY 2017-18
Preparation Of LB – Procedure adopted
Estimated Demand for FY 2017-18 (Persondays in Lakh) Month Cumulative till month During the month April May June July August September October November December January February March Seasonality chart of State for last 4 yrs and current year
Number of works planned against total Proposed Works for FY 2017-18 Category Number of works planned against total Agriculture and allied works ____________ [% ] Individual assets for vulnerable sections NRM Works (Community and Individual)
Works in Mission Water Conservation (MWC) block Blocks No. of Blocks Number of works planned Number of NRM works planned Estimated Cost of Works planned (Rs. In lakh) Estimated Cost of NRM Works planned MWC blocks (NRM Community & Individual) __ [% ] _____ [% ] Note: Whether NRM works are part of District Irrigation Plan (DIP)
Plan for Focus Areas # Type of Work Spill Over of FY 16-17, if any Planned new work for FY 17 18 Total 1 Farm Ponds 2 Vermi/ NADEP 3 AWC 4 Road Side Plantation (in Km) 5 Block Plantation (in Hect.) 6 IHHL NOTE: Action plan for fulfilling the commitments
Implementation Strategy & timelines Linkage of SECC manual Casual Labour with MGNREGA Strategy Timelines Completion of Works taken up before 31st March 2016 Convergence of Works Reducing delay in payment of Wages
Implementation Strategy & timelines Adoption of 7 Register (if pending) Strategy Timelines Job Card verification/ updation DBT (Seeding and conversion to ABP) e-FMS Universalization
Implementation Strategy & timelines Geo-MGNREGA Strategy Timelines BFT training Adequate technical staff deployment
Innovation and Initiatives
Innovation and Initiatives