Health, Wellness, and Illness Chapter 17 Health, Wellness, and Illness
Health Presence or absence of disease Complete physical, mental, social well-being Ability to maintain normal roles Developmental and behavioral potential is realized to the fullest extent possible Striving toward optimal functioning Individual perception
Wellness and Well-Being Wellness is a state of well-being Self responsibility An ultimate goal Dynamic, growing process Daily decision making
Seven Components of Wellness Fig. 17-2 pg. 300
Models of Health Clinical Model Role Performance Model Health-Illness Continuum
Clinical Model Provides the narrowest interpretation of health People viewed as physiologic systems Health identified by the absence of signs and symptoms of disease or injury State of not being “sick” Opposite of health is disease or injury
Role Performance Model Ability to fulfill societal roles Able to fulfill their roles are healthy even if they have clinical illness Sickness is the inability to perform one’s role
Health-Illness Continuum Health and illness/disease opposite ends of a health continuum Move back and forth within this continuum day by day
Health-Illness Continuum Fig 17-5A-B pg. 304
Variables Influencing Health Status, Beliefs, and Practices Internal variables Biologic dimension Psychological dimension Cognitive dimension External variables Physical environment Standards of living Family and Cultural Beliefs Social support network
Health Care Adherence Locus of control Box 17-3 pg. 308 What can nurses do when identify non-compliance?
Illness & Disease Illness Disease
Classification of Illness/Disease Acute Chronic Remission Exacerbation
Stages of Illness Behavior Stage 1- Experiencing symptoms Stage 2- Sick role Stage 3- Seeking professional care Stage 4- Dependent client role Stage 5- Recovery
Effects of Illness Impact on the Client Impact on family
Small Group Work Describe your personal view of health. Identify an individual who characterizes health. What characteristics do you identify in this individual that represent health? What factors do you think contribute to this individual’s health status? What characteristics or life experiences do you have as an individual to offer in your role as a nurse?