Chapter 11 Waiting Line Models Md. Abdullah Al Mahmud Assistant Professor Manarat International University
What is the Queuing Theory? Queue- a line of people or vehicles waiting for something Queuing Theory- Mathematical study of waiting lines, using models to show results, and show opportunities, within arrival, service, and departure processes
A queue is a waiting line. A queuing system involves customers arriving for service who sometimes have to wait. Queuing analysis provides: Summary measures for assessing a queuing system in terms of customers and time. A way to balance the costs of providing service and costs of congestion. Importance of Queuing Analysis: Servicing customers can be costly. Retail environments are plagued with customer congestion. Managing that has benefits.
Elements of Waiting Lines A waiting line system consists of two components: The customer population (people or objects to be processed) The process or service system Whenever demand exceeds available capacity, a waiting line or queue forms There is a tradeoff between cost and service level.
Structure of a Waiting Line System Four characteristics of a queuing system are: the manner in which customers arrive the time required for service the priority determining the order of service the number and configuration of servers in the system.
Waiting Line System Population Service Facility Waiting Line
Waiting Line Examples Situation Arrivals Servers Service Process Bank Customer Teller Deposit etc. Doctor’s Patient Doctor Treatment office Traffic Cars Light Controlled intersection passage Assembly line Parts Workers Assembly Tool crib Workers Clerks Check out/in tools
Characteristics of a Waiting Line System Queue Arrivals Servers Population of customers may be finite or infinite Pattern of arrivals may be random Customers may or may not be patient Queue length may be limited Customers are served in an FIFO sequence There may be more than one queues Service time may be random There may be more than one server
Waiting Line Terminology Queue: Waiting line Arrival: 1 person, machine, part, etc. that arrives and demands service Queue discipline: Rules for determining the order that arrivals receive service Channel: Number of servers Phase: Number of steps in service
Customer Population Characteristics Finite versus Infinite populations: Is the number of potential new customers materially affected by the number of customers already in queue? Balking When an arriving customer chooses not to enter a queue because it’s already too long. Reneging When a customer already in queue gives up and exits without being serviced. Jockeying When a customer switches between alternate queues in an effort to reduce waiting time.
Arrival Characteristics of a Waiting Line System Population Service Facility Waiting Line Pattern of arrivals random scheduled Behavior of the arrivals join the queue, and wait until served No balking; refuse to join the line No reneging; leave the line
Balking Service system Input source Waiting line Service facility © 1995 Corel Corp. Line was too long!
Reneging Service system Input source Waiting line Service facility © 1995 Corel Corp. I give up!
Line Characteristics of a Waiting Line System - continued Population Service Facility Waiting Line Length of the queue limited unlimited Service priority FIFO other
Parts of a Waiting Line Arrival Characteristics Size of the population Population of dirty cars Arrivals from the general population … Queue (waiting line) Service facility Exit the system Dave’s Car Wash enter exit Arrivals to the system In the system Exit the system Arrival Characteristics Size of the population Behavior of arrivals Statistical distribution of arrivals Waiting Line Characteristics Limited vs. unlimited Queue discipline Service Characteristics Service design Statistical distribution of service
Service Facility Characteristics of a Waiting Line System - continued Population Waiting Line Number of channels single multiple Number of phases in service system
Queuing System Designs A family dentist’s office Queue Service facility Departures after service Arrivals Single-channel, single-phase system A McDonald’s dual window drive-through Queue Phase 1 service facility Phase 2 service facility Departures after service Arrivals Single-channel, multiphase system
Queuing System Designs Most bank and post office service windows Service facility Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Departures after service Queue Arrivals Multi-channel, single-phase system
Queuing System Designs Some college registrations Phase 1 service facility Channel 1 Channel 2 Phase 2 service facility Channel 1 Channel 2 Queue Departures after service Arrivals Multi-channel, multiphase system
Factors of a Queuing System When do customers arrive? Are customer arrivals increased during a certain time (restaurant- Denny’s: breakfast, lunch, dinner) Or is the customer traffic more randomly distributed (a café-starbucks) Depending on what type of Queue line, How much time will customers spend Do customers typically leave in a fixed amount of time? Does the customer service time vary with the type of customer?
Important characteristics Arrival Process: The probability distribution that determines the customer arrivals in the system. Service Process: determines the customer service times in the system. Number of Servers: Amount of servers available to provide service to the customers
Characteristics Arrival Process Service Process Number of Servers The probability density distribution that determines the customer arrivals in the system. Service Process The probability density distribution that determines the customer service times in the system. Number of Servers Number of servers available to service the customers. Number of Channels Single channel N independent channels Multi channels Number of Phases/Stages Single Queue Series or Tandem Cyclic -Network Queue Discipline -Selection for Service First com first served (FCFS or FIFO) Last in First out (LIFO) -Random -Priority
Queuing Models Calculate: Average number of customers in the system waiting and being served Average number of customers waiting in the line Average time a customer spends in the system waiting and being served Average time a customer spends waiting in the waiting line or queue. Probability no customers in the system Probability n customers in the system Utilization rate: The proportion of time the system is in use.
Decision Areas Arrival rates Number of service channels Number of phases Service time Priority rule Line arrangement
Assumptions of the Basic Queuing Model Arrivals are served on a first come, first served basis Arrivals are independent of preceding arrivals Arrival rates are described by the Poisson probability distribution, and customers come from a very large population Service times are independent of one another Service times are described by the negative exponential probability distribution The service rate is greater than the arrival rate
Poisson Distribution Poisson role in the arrival and service process: Poisson (or random) processes: means that the distribution of both the arrival times and the service times follow the exponential distribution. Because of the mathematical nature of this exponential distribution, we can find many relationships based on performance which help us when looking at the arrival rate and service rate. Poisson process. An arrival process where customers arrive one at a time and where the interval s between arrivals is described by independent random variables
Poisson Distribution e-x P(x) = for x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … x! where P(x) = probability of x arrivals x = number of arrivals per unit of time = average arrival rate e = 2.7183 (which is the base of the natural logarithms)
Queuing System Operating Characteristics P0 = probability the service facility is idle Pn = probability of n units in the system Pw = probability an arriving unit must wait for service Lq = average number of units in the queue awaiting service L = average number of units in the system Wq = average time a unit spends in the queue awaiting service W = average time a unit spends in the system
Queuing Systems A three part code of the form A/B/k is used to describe various queuing systems. A identifies the arrival distribution, B the service (departure) distribution and k the number of channels for the system. Symbols used for the arrival and service processes are: M - Markov distributions (Poisson/exponential), D - Deterministic (constant) and G - General distribution (with a known mean and variance). For example, M/M/k refers to a system in which arrivals occur according to a Poisson distribution, service times follow an exponential distribution and there are k servers working at identical service rates.
Analytical Formulas For nearly all queuing systems, there is a relationship between the average time a unit spends in the system or queue and the average number of units in the system or queue. These relationships, known as Little's flow equations are: L = W and Lq = Wq
Analytical Formulas When the queue discipline is FCFS, analytical formulas have been derived for several different queuing models including the following: M/M/1 M/M/k M/G/1 M/G/k with blocked customers cleared M/M/1 with a finite calling population Analytical formulas are not available for all possible queuing systems. In this event, insights may be gained through a simulation of the system.
Queuing Models Model Name Example A Single-channel Information counter system at department store (M/M/1) Number Number Arrival Service of of Rate Time Population Queue Channels Phases Pattern Pattern Size Discipline Single Single Poisson Exponential Unlimited FIFO
Queuing Models Model Name Example B Multichannel Airline ticket (M/M/k) counter Number Number Arrival Service of of Rate Time Population Queue Channels Phases Pattern Pattern Size Discipline Multi- Single Poisson Exponential Unlimited FIFO channel
Queuing Models Model Name Example C Constant- Automated car service wash (M/G/1) Number Number Arrival Service of of Rate Time Population Queue Channels Phases Pattern Pattern Size Discipline Single Single Poisson Constant Unlimited FIFO
Queuing Models Model Name Example D Limited Shop with only a population dozen machines (finite population) that might break Number Number Arrival Service of of Rate Time Population Queue Channels Phases Pattern Pattern Size Discipline Single Single Poisson Exponential Limited FIFO
Model A – Single-Channel Arrivals are served on a FIFO basis and every arrival waits to be served regardless of the length of the queue Arrivals are independent of preceding arrivals but the average number of arrivals does not change over time Arrivals are described by a Poisson probability distribution and come from an infinite population
Model A – Single-Channel Service times vary from one customer to the next and are independent of one another, but their average rate is known Service times occur according to the negative exponential distribution The service rate is faster than the arrival rate
Single Channel – Single Phase System Arrivals Queue Served units Service facility Assumptions Arrivals have a Poisson distribution Service times have an exponential distribution This system is called an M/M/1 Queuing System.
Waiting Line Performance Measures Lq = The average number of customers waiting in queue L = The average number of customers in the system Wq = The average waiting time in queue W = The average time in the system p = The system utilization rate (% of time servers are busy)
Formulas: Single-Server Case
M/M/1 Queuing System Single channel Poisson arrival-rate distribution Exponential service-time distribution Unlimited maximum queue length Infinite calling population Examples: Single-window theatre ticket sales booth Single-scanner airport security station
Formulas: Single-Server Case con’t
State University Computer Lab A help desk in the computer lab serves students on a first-come, first served basis. On average, 15 students need help every hour. The help desk can serve an average of 20 students per hour. Based on this description, we know: µ = 20 students/hour (average service time is 3 minutes) = 15 students/hour (average time between student arrivals is 4 minutes)
Average Utilization
Average Number of Students in the System, and in Line
Average Time in the System & in Line
Probability of n Students in the Line
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) M/M/1 Queuing System Joe Ferris is a stock trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange for the firm of Smith, Jones, Johnson, and Thomas, Inc. Stock transactions arrive at a mean rate of 20 per hour. Each order received by Joe requires an average of two minutes to process. Orders arrive at a mean rate of 20 per hour or one order every 3 minutes. Therefore, in a 15 minute interval the average number of orders arriving will be = 15/3 = 5.
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) Arrival Rate Distribution Question What is the probability that no orders are received within a 15-minute period? Answer P (x = 0) = (50e -5)/0! = e -5 = .0067
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) Arrival Rate Distribution Question What is the probability that exactly 3 orders are received within a 15-minute period? Answer P (x = 3) = (53e -5)/3! = 125(.0067)/6 = .1396
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) Arrival Rate Distribution Question What is the probability that more than 6 orders arrive within a 15-minute period? Answer P (x > 6) = 1 - P (x = 0) - P (x = 1) - P (x = 2) - P (x = 3) - P (x = 4) - P (x = 5) - P (x = 6) = 1 - .762 = .238
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) Service Rate Distribution Question What is the mean service rate per hour? Answer Since Joe Ferris can process an order in an average time of 2 minutes (= 2/60 hr.), then the mean service rate, µ, is µ = 1/(mean service time), or 60/2. m = 30/hr.
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) Service Time Distribution Question What percentage of the orders will take less than one minute to process? Answer Since the units are expressed in hours, P (T < 1 minute) = P (T < 1/60 hour). Using the exponential distribution, P (T < t ) = 1 - e-µt. Hence, P (T < 1/60) = 1 - e-30(1/60) = 1 - .6065 = .3935 = 39.35%
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) Service Time Distribution Question What percentage of the orders will require more than 3 minutes to process? Answer The percentage of orders requiring more than 3 minutes to process is: P (T > 3/60) = e-30(3/60) = e -1.5 = .2231 = 22.31%
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) Average Time in the System Question What is the average time an order must wait from the time Joe receives the order until it is finished being processed (i.e. its turnaround time)? Answer This is an M/M/1 queue with = 20 per hour and = 30 per hour. The average time an order waits in the system is: W = 1/(µ - ) = 1/(30 - 20) = 1/10 hour or 6 minutes
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) Average Length of Queue Question What is the average number of orders Joe has waiting to be processed? Answer Average number of orders waiting in the queue is: Lq = 2/[µ(µ - )] = (20)2/[(30)(30-20)] = 400/300 = 4/3
Example: SJJT, Inc. (A) Utilization Factor Question What percentage of the time is Joe processing orders? Answer The percentage of time Joe is processing orders is equivalent to the utilization factor, /. Thus, the percentage of time he is processing orders is: / = 20/30 = 2/3 or 66.67%
M/M/k Queuing System Multiple channels (with one central waiting line) Poisson arrival-rate distribution Exponential service-time distribution Unlimited maximum queue length Infinite calling population Examples: Four-teller transaction counter in bank Two-clerk returns counter in retail store
Multichannel – Single Phase System Service facility Queue Arrivals Served units Service facility Assumptions Arrivals have a Poisson distribution Service times have an exponential distribution This system is called an M/M/skQueuing System where s is the number of servers.
Example: SJJT, Inc. (B) M/M/2 Queuing System Smith, Jones, Johnson, and Thomas, Inc. has begun a major advertising campaign which it believes will increase its business 50%. To handle the increased volume, the company has hired an additional floor trader, Fred Hanson, who works at the same speed as Joe Ferris. Note that the new arrival rate of orders, , is 50% higher than that of problem (A). Thus, = 1.5(20) = 30 per hour.
Example: SJJT, Inc. (B) Sufficient Service Rate Question Why will Joe Ferris alone not be able to handle the increase in orders? Answer Since Joe Ferris processes orders at a mean rate of µ = 30 per hour, then = µ = 30 and the utilization factor is 1. This implies the queue of orders will grow infinitely large. Hence, Joe alone cannot handle this increase in demand.
Example: SJJT, Inc. (B) Probability of n Units in System Question What is the probability that neither Joe nor Fred will be working on an order at any point in time?
Example: SJJT, Inc. (B) Probability of n Units in System (continued) Answer Given that = 30, µ = 30, k = 2 and ( /µ) = 1, the probability that neither Joe nor Fred will be working is: = 1/[(1 + (1/1!)(30/30)1] + [(1/2!)(1)2][2(30)/(2(30)-30)] = 1/(1 + 1 + 1) = 1/3 = .333
Example: SJJT, Inc. (B) Average Time in System Question What is the average turnaround time for an order with both Joe and Fred working?
Example: SJJT, Inc. (B) Average Time in System (continued) Answer The average turnaround time is the average waiting time in the system, W. µ( /µ)k (30)(30)(30/30)2 Lq = P0 = (1/3) = 1/3 (k-1)!(kµ - )2 (1!)((2)(30)-30))2 L = Lq + ( /µ) = 1/3 + (30/30) = 4/3 W = L/(4/3)/30 = 4/90 hr. = 2.67 min.
Example: SJJT, Inc. (B) Average Length of Queue Question What is the average number of orders waiting to be filled with both Joe and Fred working? Answer The average number of orders waiting to be filled is Lq. This was calculated earlier as 1/3 .
Example: SJJT, Inc. (C) Economic Analysis of Queuing Systems The advertising campaign of Smith, Jones, Johnson and Thomas, Inc. (see problems (A) and (B)) was so successful that business actually doubled. The mean rate of stock orders arriving at the exchange is now 40 per hour and the company must decide how many floor traders to employ. Each floor trader hired can process an order in an average time of 2 minutes.
Example: SJJT, Inc. (C) Economic Analysis of Queuing Systems Based on a number of factors the brokerage firm has determined the average waiting cost per minute for an order to be $.50. Floor traders hired will earn $20 per hour in wages and benefits. Using this information compare the total hourly cost of hiring 2 traders with that of hiring 3 traders.
Example: SJJT, Inc. (C) Economic Analysis of Waiting Lines Total Hourly Cost = (Total salary cost per hour) + (Total hourly cost for orders in the system) = ($20 per trader per hour) x (Number of traders) + ($30 waiting cost per hour) x (Average number of orders in the system) = 20k + 30L. Thus, L must be determined for k = 2 traders and for k = 3 traders with = 40/hr. and = 30/hr. (since the average service time is 2 minutes (1/30 hr.).
Example: SJJT, Inc. (C) Cost of Two Servers P0 = 1 / [1+(1/1!)(40/30)]+[(1/2!)(40/30)2(60/(60-40))] = 1 / [1 + (4/3) + (8/3)] = 1/5
Example: SJJT, Inc. (C) Cost of Two Servers (continued) Thus, µ( /µ)k (40)(30)(40/30)2 Lq = P0 = (1/5) = 16/15 (k-1)!(kµ - )2 1!(60-40)2 L = Lq + ( /µ) = 16/15 + 4/3 = 12/5 Total Cost = (20)(2) + 30(12/5) = $112.00 per hour
Example: SJJT, Inc. (C) Cost of Three Servers [(1/3!)(40/30)3(90/(90-40))] ] = 1 / [1 + 4/3 + 8/9 + 32/45] = 15/59
Example: SJJT, Inc. (C) Cost of Three Servers (continued) (30)(40)(40/30)3 Hence, Lq = (15/59) =128/885 (2!)(3(30)-40)2 = .1446 Thus, L = 128/885 + 40/30 = 1308/885 (= 1.4780) Total Cost = (20)(3) + 30(1308/885) = $104.35 per hour
Example: SJJT, Inc. (C) System Cost Comparison Wage Waiting Total Cost/Hr Cost/Hr Cost/Hr 2 Traders $40.00 $82.00 $112.00 3 Traders 60.00 44.35 104.35 Thus, the cost of having 3 traders is less than that of 2 traders.
M/D/1 Queuing System Single channel Poisson arrival-rate distribution Constant service time Unlimited maximum queue length Infinite calling population Examples: Single-booth automatic car wash Coffee vending machine
Example: Ride ‘Em Cowboy! M/D/1 Queuing System The mechanical pony ride machine at the entrance to a very popular J-Mart store provides 2 minutes of riding for $.50. Children (accompanied of course!) wanting to ride the pony arrive according to a Poisson distribution with a mean rate of 15 per hour. a) What fraction of the time is the pony idle? b) What is the average number of children waiting to ride the pony? c) What is the average time a child waits for a ride?
Example: Ride ‘Em Cowboy! Fraction of Time Pony is Idle l = 15 per hour m = 60/2 = 30 per hour Utilization = l/m = 15/30 = .5 Idle fraction = 1 – Utilization = 1 - .5 = .5
Example: Ride ‘Em Cowboy! Average Number of Children Waiting for a Ride Average Time a Child Waits for a Ride (or 1 minute)
M/G/k Queuing System Multiple channels Poisson arrival-rate distribution Arbitrary service times No waiting line Infinite calling population Example: Telephone system with k lines. (When all k lines are being used, additional callers get a busy signal.)
Example: Allen-Booth M/G/k Queuing System Allen-Booth (A-B) is an OTC market maker. A broker wishing to trade a particular stock for a client will call on a firm like Allen-Booth to execute the order. If the market maker's phone line is busy, a broker will immediately try calling another market maker to transact the order. A-B estimates that on the average, a broker will try to call to execute a stock transaction every two minutes. The time required to complete the transaction averages 75 seconds. A-B has four traders staffing its phones. Assume calls arrive according to a Poisson distribution.
Example: Allen-Booth This problem can be modeled as an M/G/k system with block customers cleared with: 1/l = 2 minutes = 2/60 hour l = 60/2 = 30 per hour 1/µ = 75 sec. = 75/60 min. = 75/3600 hr. µ = 3600/75 = 48 per hour
Example: Allen-Booth % of A-B’s Potential Customers Lost Due to Busy Line First, we must solve for P0 where k = 4 1 P0 = 1 + (30/48) + (30/48)2/2! + (30/48)3/3! + (30/48)4/4! P0 = .536 continued
Example: Allen-Booth % of A-B’s Potential Customers Lost Due to Busy Line (l/µ)4 (30/48)4 Now, P4 = P0 = (.536) 4! 24 =.003 Thus, with four traders 0.3% of the potential customers are lost.
End of Chapter 11