WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment Preliminary Work Plan IWDW Technical Committee Meeting, Oct. 11, 2016
WAQS Network Assessment Outline Objectives Background Monitoring Status of current network Planning for expanded WAQS region AQ Regulations Design Values Emissions AQ modeling Workgroup Timeline Cost analysis
WAQS Network Assessment Objectives Monitoring objectives of Cooperating Agencies; Air Quality MPE Do current sites meet objectives; are additional monitoring sites needed? Is there a need/ the capacity to incorporate new technologies? Historic – compare current status to goals set forth in previous Network Assessment; State of the science – literature review/consideration of emerging science.
WAQS Network Assessment Background 3SAQS Network Recommendations (27 Feb, 2014); Final Technical Memorandum (May 2014) Meeting archive EPA Guidance 40CFR Part 58.10(d) Guidance doc (2007) LADCO 2015 Network Assessment - ArcGIS Story Map (Prepared by R5 EPA) NetAssess Network Assessment Application EPA Green Book NAAs, DVs as GIS web services, reports, excel downloads DV spreadsheets NetAssessApp - select area of interest, add new sites, area served (voronoi polygons) (shows population stats for area served - for O3, PM25 shows exceedance probablity at 65, 70, 75ppb thresholds for O3), correlation matrix & removal bias (O3, PM2.5, 88502)
WAQS Network Assessment Monitoring Sites Previous network assessment Monitoring sites: 92 O3, 128 PM 3 states Current network n sites 4 states 3SAQS (97 AQS O3 sites); add NM (123) Expanded Study region 192 additional AQS O3 monitoring sites 7 expansion states (183); add NE, ID (192) State agency collaboration, etc.
WAQS Network Assessment Monitoring Sites Modeling domain progression AQS sites included in respective 4km and 12 km domains State AQS O3 monitoring sites Texas 76 Arizona 45 Colorado 33 Wyoming 33 Utah 31 Oklahoma 28 New Mexico 26 Kansas 11 North Dakota 9 Montana 8 Nebraska 6 South Dakota 6 Idaho 3
WAQS Network Assessment Monitoring Sites Define spatial analyses GIS spatial tool Monitoring site rankings Evaluate population/area served, number of parameters monitored, length of monitoring record, design values, correlation with other sites, removal bias; Identify potentially underserved areas; Overlays (Class I, II Areas; population centers; O&G development areas, etc.) Special studies 2014 winter Utah - UBWOS 2014 summer - Colorado FRAPPE
WAQS Network Assessment Regulations National, SLT NAAQS Nonattainment areas Consider 4 States (CO, WY, UT, NM) and expanded region (AZ, MT, ND, SD, OK, KS, TX), add ID, NE? Pollutants – Ozone, PM2.5 (other NAAQS species, O3 precursors) Other Regulations – Regional Haze, deposition, Cooperators needs for monitoring, modeling, reporting
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values States in expanded domain have O3, PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2 and CO NAAQS exceedances; Increase in number of county level O3 NAAs with 70ppb standard; 2015 (2013-2015) DVs released June 17, 2016. EPA OAQPS map service used to create DV maps of potential expanded study region.
WAQS Network Assessment NAAs 8-Hour O3 NAAs 2008 75ppb Standard COLORADO (Region VIII) - Denver-Boulder-Greeley-Ft. Collins-Loveland WYOMING (Region VIII) - Upper Green River Basin Area TEXAS (Region VI)- Houston- Galveston-Brazoria; Dallas- Fort Worth ARIZONA (Region IX) - Phoenix-Mesa (Moderate - Nonattainment) What monitoring period was used to establish NAAs?
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values 2015 O3 DVs (2012-2014) 70ppb Standard
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values 2015 (2013-2015) O3 DVs, 70ppb NAAQS Counties State 28 California 13 Texas 8 Pennsylvania 7 Colorado 6 Connecticut 6 Utah 6 New Jersey 5 Michigan 4 Arizona 4 New York 3 Wisconsin 3 Maryland 3 Georgia 2 Illinois 2 Ohio 2 Nevada 1 New Mexico 1 Rhode Island 1 Kentucky 1 Louisiana 1 Missouri
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values 2015 O3 DVs 70ppb NAAQS Monitor State 82 California 27 Texas 20 Arizona 11 Colorado 10 Connecticut 10 Utah 8 Pennsylvania 8 Nevada 7 New Jersey 5 New York 5 Michigan 3 Maryland 3 Georgia 3 Wisconsin 2 Ohio 2 New Mexico 2 Illinois 1 Kentucky 1 Louisiana 1 Missouri 1 Rhode Island
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values O3 DV Projections (2025 Base) No states west of Colorado exceed NAAQS in projection! where do projections come from? What modeling, what emissions projections?
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values NO2 2015 County Level DVs WAQS assessment: Augment with VOC, CH4 monitoring? Gather speciated VOC data where available; develop speciation profiles, use CH4 surrogate to estimate VOC emissions? What is NO2 NAAQS?, year of standard?
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values CO (1971) COLORADO (Region VIII) Colorado Springs, CO (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance) Denver-Boulder, CO (Serious - Maintenance) Fort Collins, CO (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance) Greeley, CO (Not Classified - Maintenance) Longmont, CO (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance) MONTANA (Region VIII) Billings, MT (Not Classified - Maintenance) Great Falls, MT (Not Classified - Maintenance) Missoula, MT (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance) NEW MEXICO (Region VI) Albuquerque, NM (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance) TEXAS (Region VI) El Paso, TX (Moderate <= 12.7ppm - Maintenance) [1hr and 8hr maps are the same?; what is CO NAAQS?
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values SO2 (2010) MONTANA (Region VIII) Billings - Maintenance ARIZONA (Region IX) Hayden - Nonattainment Miami - Nonattainment
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values Lead (2008) ARIZONA (Region IX) Hayden- Nonattainment KANSAS (Region VII) Saline County -Nonattainment TEXAS (Region VI) Frisco - Nonattainment
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values PM2.5 2015 Site Level DVs PM 2.5 (2012) IDAHO (Region X) West Silver Valley (Moderate – Nonattainment) WAQS assessment: Look at proximity to CIAs; assess AQRV impacts?
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values PM2.5 2015 Site Level DVs Adds IMPROVE sites
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values PM10 2015 County Level DVs The level of the 1987 NAAQS for PM10 is 150 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3). The metric for the PM10 NAAQS is the 3-year average expected number of exceedances (ENE). Pinal, AZ AQS site 040213013 => 50.5 ENE
WAQS Network Assessment Design Values PM10 2015 Site Level DVs WAQS assessment: Look at transport patterns?
WAQS Network Assessment Emissions WAQS methodology; Show 2011b O&G – Show comparison to 2011v2 NEI, 2014 NEI; Trends – examples of significant trends by state, pollutant, sector.
WAQS Network Assessment AQ Modeling Base and Future PGM modeling; Projections (how do projections affect considerations for additional monitoring); Model validation (maps of standard network monitors, special studies, Wx monitors).
WAQS Network Assessment Approach Network Assessment Work Group Identify IWDW-WAQS representations (Reps. from WAQS Cooperating Agencies) Set 1st work group call Initial Timeline Develop cost share recommendations by end of 2016 Have Network Assessment outline/approach/preliminary monitoring site list in place before Oversight/Governing Board meeting in early 2017. Request most recent monitoring assessments from State air agencies.
WAQS Network Assessment Cost Analysis Cost for new monitoring sites; Cost for potential site removal; Funding need/sources (in-kind contributions by Agency); Consider costs associated with current network and for expanded network; Other considerations,