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IOTA FORUM HAM RADIO 2017 FRIEDRICHSHAFEN PROGRAMME SD5Y, SD3G & SD7V from EU-037, EU-177, EU-138 (by Klaus DL7UXG) Preparations for AF-111 (by Dickson EL2DT) Developments in IOTA (by Hans DK1RV & Roger G3KMA) Solomon Islands H44GC IOTA DXpedition (by Emil DL8JJ)
TRANSITION From RSGB Committee in early 2016 To A registered UK Company ISLANDS ON THE AIR (IOTA) LTD Not for Profit Partnered with the RSGB
Huge Success In All Areas FIRST YEAR Huge Success In All Areas
ON EXISTING SOFTWARE QSO Matching on Club Log Switch to 52% Paperless QSLing Reduction in Users’ Costs Near 100% Growth in Credits Issued Financial Viability User Appreciation
PROGRAMME GROWTH and the percentage of matched QSOs Year No of Submissions Cards Submitted Matched QSOs* Credits Given 2015 877 56019 3014 (5.1%) 59033 2016 1045 50148 15833 (24.0%) 65981 2015 (Jul-Dec) 231 21587 1127 (5.0%) 22714 2016 (Jul-Dec)** 438 22890 14725 (39.1%) 37615 2016 (at 31 Jan) 497 18511 590 (3.1%) 19101 2017 (at 31 Jan) 486 14967 10992 (42.3%) 25959 2016 (at 9 Jul) 618 27400 1546 (5.3%) 28946 2017 (at 9 Jul) 677 23810 26242 (52.4%) 50052 * Includes IOTA Contest matches in all years ** QSO matching on Club Log started on 4 July See the comparative figures for 2015 and 2016. QSO matching from 4 July 2016 increased the no of submissions from 877 to 1045, a 19% increase in the first 6 months. In credit terms a 11.8% increase. Comparing 2016 and 2017 up to 9 July the increase in submissions is a modest 9.5% but in terms of credits given it is a massive 73%. In terms of matched QSOs the percentage has increased from 5.3% in the first 6 months of 2016 (all IOTA Contest matches) to 52.4% in 2017. It is noticeable that the no of paper cards submitted in this period has dropped from 27400 to 23810, indicating a swing to matched QSOs of some 13.1%. First time applications received to date in 2017 are running at three times the rate in 2016.
FEATURES OF THE NEW SYSTEM Accepts Club Log QSO matching IOTA Contest matching and paper QSLs On a new Website to be launched shortly Allows Payment direct to IOTA Ltd as well as through checkpoints Saves time and money
BUT Club Log QSO Matching depends on matching logs And there is A built in delay of 60 days before credit is given – this allows validation to take place where required
A NEW WEBSITE No listing of forthcoming expeditions – this is better served by others We will collect data from DXpeditions but post event
USER TRENDS TO DATE Huge increase in IOTA Contest credits QSO matching adopted widely but noticeably by Russian and Ukrainian users Lots of hybrid applications, part QSO matches , part QSL Cards
QSO MATCHES OR PAPER QSLS Old timers appear to prefer QSL cards, submitting QSO matches only when they do not have the card First time entrants prefer to submit QSO matches QSO matches are less expensive
FRIENDS OF IOTA Very generous response Funded the costs of the new IT software In its entirety Thank you so much
IN 12 MONTHS Significant growth Programme viability Financial Security Hopefully a Happy IOTA Community
© Roger Balister G3KMA, 2017 © Presentation Management Dokumentationsarchiv Funk Tonaufzeichnung und Post production: Christoph Hubner