U4SSC WG2 Connecting Cities and Communities “Connecting cities and communities with the SDGs” John Smiciklas, BOMA Mythili Menon, ITU Domenica Carriero, OiER
Objective of «Connecting Cities and communities with the SDGs» Objective of the deliverable: to show through case studies of cities worldwide that: Implementing and achieving the SDGs is possible There are already great examples of their implementation Cities and countries should work towards their implementation
Content of the deliverable Process: We associated each SDG to a specific case study showing its implementation
Examples Case study: Creating Climate Smart Cities: The Case of Scotland Case study: Green Bonds for Cities Case study: Smart Water Management: SmartH2O Project Case study: United for Smart Sustainable Cities Case study: Smart Dubai Platform and Dubai Data Initiative
The mapping exercises Mapping the U4SSC deliverables and case studies to the SDGs Mapping the U4SSC deliverables and case studies to existing international agreements and conventions