Digestive system Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) Medical Terminology
OBJECTIVES At the end of this lecture, students should be able to: Explain the functions of the digestive system. Label a diagram of the digestive system. Identify and use the roots pertaining to the digestive system. Describe the major disorders of the digestive system. Define medical terms used in reference to the digestive system.
Digestive system (GIT) The gastrointestinal (GI) system has three functions: Digestion, which is the process of breaking down food by chewing, swallowing, and mixing with digestive juices to convert some of the food into absorbable molecules. Absorption, which is the passage of digested food molecules through the walls of the intestines and into the bloodstream to be carried to the cells of the body. Excretion, which is the elimination of non-absorbable nutrients and waste products from the body.
Digestive system (GIT)
Combining forms Combining form Meaning Or/o – Stomat/o Mouth Palat/o Palate Lingu/o – Gloss/o Tongue Bucc/o Cheek Pharyng/o Pharynx Esophag/o Esophagus
Combining form Meaning Gastr/o Stomach Duoden/o Duodenum Jejun/o Jejunum Ile/o Ileum Col/o – Colon/o Colon Sigmoid/o Sigmoid colon Rect/o Rectum
Combining form Meaning An/o – Proct/o Anus Append/o – Appendic/o Appendix Pancreat/o Pancreas Hepat/o Liver Cholecyst/o Gall bladder
Medical terms related to the digestive system Definition Oral Pertaining to the mouth Stoma Mouth Stomatitis Inflammation of the mouth Palate Roof of the mouth Palatoplasty Surgical repair of the roof of mouth Salivary glands They are exocrine glands which are located in the mouth
Medical term Definition We have 3 pairs of major salivary glands Which are: Pair of Parotid glands Pair of Submandibular glands Pair of Sublingual glands Also we have 800 – 1000 minor salivary glands located in mouth All salivary glands produce saliva
Medical term Definition Saliva Lingual Gingiva (Gums) Watery substance secreted by salivary glands Lingual Pertaining to the tongue Gingiva (Gums) They are found in the mouth of the human beings They are part of the tissue lining the mouth They surround the teeth & provide a seal around them
Medical term Definition Gingivitis Extract Buccal Inflammation of the gums Extract To pull out (A tooth for example) Buccal Usually pertaining to the inside of the cheek
Medical term Definition Dentistry Dentist Dentition A branch of medicine that is involved in the study, diagnosis, prevention & treatment of diseases & conditions related to the oral cavity, especially the teeth Dentist A surgeon who specializes in dentistry Dentition Is the characteristic arrangement, kind & number of teeth in a given species at a given age
Medical term Definition Denture Known as (False teeth) Is a removable replacement for missing teeth Two types: Complete dentures: Are used when all the teeth are missed Partial dentures: Are used when some natural teeth remain
Medical term Definition Pharynx Pharyngeal Pharyngitis Part of the throat that is behind the mouth & above the oesophagus Pharyngeal Pertaining to the pharynx Pharyngitis Inflammation of the pharynx
Medical term Definition Esophagus Gastric Is an organ through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach Gastric Pertaining to the stomach
Medical term Definition Gastroenterology Gastroenterologist Is a branch of medicine related to the study of the normal functions & diseases of the digestive system Gastroenterologist A physician which is specialized in the management of diseases of the digestive system Gastroscopy Visual examination of the upper part of GIT, including: oesophagus, stomach & the upper part of small intestine, by using a thin, flexible tube called: an endoscope
Medical term Definition Small intestine Is a part of the GIT which is located after the stomach Is divided into 3 major parts: Duodenum Jejunum Ileum Most of the food we consume is digested & absorbed in it
Medical term Definition Duodenum Jejunum Gastro-jejunostomy Is the first & shortest part of the small intestine, where most of the digestion takes place Jejunum Is the second part of the small intestine It lies between duodenum & ileum Gastro-jejunostomy To make an opening between the stomach & jejunum
Medical term Definition Ileum Ileectomy Ileostomy Enteral Enteritis The last part of the small intestine Ileectomy Surgical removal of the ileum or part of it Ileostomy To make an opening in the ileum to outside the body Enteral Pertaining to the intestine Enteritis Inflammation of the small intestine
Medical term Definition Large intestine cecum Is the last part of the GIT It consists of the cecum, colon, rectum & anal canal cecum It is the beginning of the large intestine It is the connection between the ileum & ascending colon of the large intestine
Medical term Definition Colon Colitis Is the main part of the large intestine, running from the cecum to the rectum It consists of: Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon Colitis Inflammation of the colon
Medical term Definition Colonoscopy Rectum Visual examination of the large intestine (Colon & rectum) Rectum It is a hollow muscular tube that connects the colon to the anus It stores the fecal matter produced in the colon until the body is ready to eliminate the wastes though the process of defecation
Medical term Definition Anus Proctoscopy Appendix Is an opening at the end of the large intestine from which feces are expelled Proctoscopy Visual examination of the anus Appendix Is a blind ended tube connected to the cecum
Medical term Definition Pancreas Is a gland present in the digestive system It is located in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach Function: Secretion of several hormones as: Insulin, Glucagon Secretion of pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that are used in digestion
Medical term Definition Liver Hepatomegaly Hepatitis Gall bladder Is a large organ that is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen Hepatomegaly Enlargement of the liver Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver Gall bladder Is a small organ which is located under the liver
Medical term Definition Chole-cystectomy Digest Removal of the gall bladder Digest Breaking down the food in the GIT & converting it into elements which are absorbed in the body