WhAT IS THE SUMMER READING CHALLENGE? Choose books that are of interest to you, keep track of your reading, and challenge yourself as a reader! Your goal will be to read at least 8 books this summer while challenging yourself to meet the Success Criteria.
Why should i accept the challenge? Reading books over the summer is a great way to make sure you maintain your reading skills over the summer. Without this, you may lose the reading progress you’ve made this year. Participating in the challenge is a great way to impress your teachers and show them how great of a reader you’ve become!
completing the challenge - aLL sUMMER lONG! You may choose any book, or use the Recommended Reading List to find books appropriate to your reading level READ! Keep track of your progress on the Reading Record Challenge yourself to complete as many of the Success Criteria as possible
completing the challenge - at the end of summer! Rank the books you read on the Reading Record Complete the Summer Reading Self-Assessment Check off the Success Criteria Score yourself on the Proficiency Scale Reflect on your practices and set goals for this school year
SUCCESS CRITERIA… Your challenge! I read more than 8 books I challenged myself to read a nonfiction book I challenged myself to read a new genre I engaged in the text beyond the reading (e.g. kept a journal, had discussions with family or friends about the book, created a book club, created a book trailer, etc.) I participated in a summer reading program beyond this challenge (school library hours, Fountaindale Library, White Oak Library, online challenge) I made reading part of my weekly routine I challenged myself to seek resources for meaning of words or concepts that were confusing to me I read aloud to someone (sibling, parent, friend)
What You’ll Need!
completing the challenge
Every time you read a book, write down the title, author, genre & number of pages. Leave the rank BLANK until the end of the summer!
Every time you read a book, write down the title, author, genre & number of pages. Leave the rank BLANK until the end of the summer!
TIME TRAVEL to the end of summer!
At the End of the Summer, Rank each Book you read from Most Challenging to Least Challenging. For Example, if you read 12 books, the most challenging book you read should be ranked #1 and the Least difficult should be ranked #12.
Check off the Success Criteria that you completed throughout the Summer
Score yourself on the Proficiency Scale
Record the Total Number of Books you read this summer Describe your summer reading experience Set a goal for yourself 12 My summer reading experience was awesome! I participated in the summer reading program at the library and was able to check out books to take with me on my family vacation to Florida. I read out loud to my sister while we were at the pool and it was great! This year, my goal is to read one book a month at my Lexile level.