English 7 Reading
Class reading list Semester 1 Semester 2 House of Dies Drear The Giver Night Individual book club books (The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Tuck Everlasting, A wrinkle in time etc.) Various Short Stories Class Text ( Common Core Coach) Independent Reading Book Non-Fiction (current events articles) House of Dies Drear Twelve Angry men Individual book club books (Face on a Milk Carton, Midnight Magic by Avi etc.) Class Text (Common Core Coach) Independent Reading Book Non-Fiction (current events articles)
Skills Identify and examine genre Writing about literature Cite evidence to support analysis or claims Effective one on one and whole group discussions about a text Identify and examine main ideas and arguments to support it. Identify and examine plot, character and theme development Identify and examine the purpose of literary elements Understanding and examining tone and mood Compare and contrast different arguments/claims Develop vocabulary
Classroom Guideline Be Productive Be Attentive Be Respectful and Responsible Be Cooperative
Need to knows Grade Breakdown Extra-Help Assessments=25% Vocabulary/ Word study= 15% Homework=15% Reader’s Workshop=20% Small Group work & Participation=10% Interactive Notebook = 15% Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Set appointment before hand swilliams@pacsnewark.org
Other need to knows Pop-Quizzes ( Depending on modifications students with IEP’s will receive partial credit with review) SSAT/ISEE Prep (within class and other resources will be posted online for independent work) Email (swilliams@pacsnewark.org) Homework policy Class Pages Announcements
Class Schedule Three days per cycle Days Two, Four and Five Students read for the first 10-15 minutes of class There will always be homework: Reading, worksheets, studying or writing about reading.
Thank you!!!