University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy International conference for valorisation of the project DEVELOPMENT OF WOMAN SELF – HELP GROUP IN THE AREA OF MULTUFUNCTIONAL FARMING - GROW . Workshop: Comparison of possibilities of integration of prepared programmes into school system International Conference Social agriculture as a tool for employment of disadvantaged target groups 8 th November, 2016 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy Prepared by: Rosana Pahor, moderator School Centre Nova Gorica (project partner)
Partners in the project LP – Foundation BiT Planota (SI) PP1 – School Centre Nova Gorica (SI) PP2 – Institute Gost na Planoti, so. p. (SI) PP3 – University of Budapest (HUN) PP4 – Interland Consortium Social Cooperative (IT) PP5 – SOFORM SCARL (IT)
WHAT WE WANTED TO DO? Main Target Group: - unemployed (countryside) women Our Goal: group of women involved in the project should start their own business or activities and cooperate also after the project is finished (Self – help – group)
WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED? We have developed new methods of work: The most important was to adapt program to the group needs – to focus on the group – identify competences they already have and find out, what they can offer each other and how they can organize themselves as a group – find out the goal of the group, and help them to reach the goal by working with them as a mentor or coach, not as a traditional teacher.
WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED? The most used methods of working: Working together as a group and taking advantage of the group, sharing experiences, support; Proactive participants and teachers; Using methods like interviews, team work, project work, mentoring, coaching; Establishing informal knowledge, Career Plan; Promotional videos to promote self-initiative and self-motivation, entrepreneurship …
WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED? We have prepared 8 new programs: Horticulture – 3 programs (LP, PP3, PP4) Social services – 2 programs (LP, PP4) (socially responsible economy/entrepreneurship) Establishing self-help group – 3 programs (PP1 - entrepreneurship, PP4 – self-help group and entrepreneurship)
WHAT HAVE WE ACHIEVED? We have developed a new model actually: Our task was not simply to educate the group, but much more. In addition to equipping people with the knowledge to start something, we wanted also to foster creative thinking and encourages strong sense of awareness of their own values, their own initiatives. We have learned to accept an error or unsuccess as an experience to learn from, not as a failure. RESULT: Three self – help – groups of women working together in each country.
WHAT STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE? The results achieved should live also after the project finishes. We can move on with the programs and methods in different ways: in the non-formal education or in the formal education (school system) Usally the non–formal courses live on easily. To include the results in the system is the hard part, therefore we will focus on this from now on (this is also the topic of the workshop).
HOW TO DO IT - Slovenia? Open curriculum Projects and project work Optional activities Abot 20 % of curriculum is open, the school decides what to do with it. All the programes developed can be included this way.
Open curriculum The Law on Vocational Education and Training (2006) speaks of an open curriculum in Article 13 and 18. In vocational and technical education it is a novelty that has been introduced since 2004. The open curriculum is part of the educational program (approximately 20%, 570 to 670 hours per year) It allows the creation of modules in accordance with the needs of the economy and the environment. Implementation of these modules gives schools the opportunity to develop and design different approaches and methods of work of teachers with students.
Open curriculum It allows: - to create modules for better employability of students - greater autonomy and visibility of schools - to offer specialized knowledge in the professional field - additional opportunities to work with employers - to develop additional competences for students - is the part of the annual work plan adopted by the school council and has to be public
Open curriculum Problems in the implementation: lack of motivation of teachers to engage in the process, resistances for implementation, a large number of participants involved in process to propose contents (beginning with an analysis of the needs of employers and the local environment, taking into account the personnel, material and organizational possibilities in school … from a wide range of ideas school chooses the most appropriate one) schools usually give these hours to teachers who need them to be fully employed
Program: Entrepreneurship Knowledge gap: In the Slovenian schools we have so-called innovation and development projects which were established long ago, but in a more spontaneous and less organized manner. The concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship are still words on paper, an idea in the various strategic documents, but in practice these competences are still missing. It is much easier to develop this competences among young people – they should be part of the system.
How to include Entrepreneurship Module 1 Module 2 Personal attributes for active entrepreneurship 1. We can only change ourselves, not the others (6 hours) 2. Balance wheel, time management, the characteristics of the entrepreneur (6 hours) 3. Setting and achieving goals (6 hours) 4. Ethical communication, perceptual positions, feedback (6 hours) 5. Interpersonal relationships and behaviour, beliefs, values (6 hours) Economic knowledge to start the business 6. Entrepreneurs and businesses (6 hours) 7. Business idea and introduction into Business plan (8 hours) 8. Preparation for the construction of the Business plan (8 hours) 9. Making the Business plan (8 hours)
How to include Entrepreneurship Module 1 Module 2 Acquired knowledge – competences: more personal power and more success, both in the private as in professional life high level of self-motivation, high ability to motivate others a positive attitude assertive performance with all certainty and responsibility know how to enhance their strength, to realize their plans and wishes Acquired knowledge – competences: generate and evaluate business ideas realizes the possibilities of entrepreneurship in the local environment draw up a business plan for the selected idea establishment of an enterprise or implementation of other planned activities
How to include Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship education should not be confused with the general study of economics - its aim is to promote creativity, innovation and self-employment. Entrepreneurship education should be available to every pupil in all schools and programs, because entrepreneurship is a key competence for life. Module 1 - Personal attributes for active entrepreneurship should be included in each school. Module 2 can be also included in formal education in different schools (some topics are already implemented in Schools of Economics). In particular to highlight the links with local economic and social environment.
NEXT STEPS? Analysis of the interests and needs of the environment (interviewing, meetings, the partners council). Proposed modules Inclusion in curriculum Coordination and the creation of a structure of an open curriculum. Preparation of catalogues of knowledge and skills. Approval of the school board and the public announcement of the open curriculum.
Questionnaire Do you find it necessary to include new contents in the school system? What contents would you consider necessary to include? What about new teaching methods? The role of schools in creating new contents, methods? Other suggestions?
Thank you for your attention Rosana Pahor project manager, teacher School centre Nova Gorica - Intercompany training centre Cankarjeva 10, 5000 Nova Gorica mob.: 00386 41 788 256