Senior Design Project Bus Tracker By Alfredo Moreira
Project Origin Idea from a friend! Interesting idea! Learning experience!
Project’s Objective Security Functionality Simplicity
Tools used Mobile (Android) directed. Hosted in own laptop using WAMP 2.2. HTML 5. PHP. MYSQL.
Difficulties Limited skill set. Structural changes to the project. No experience tackling a project of this magnitude. Being the sole programmer.
Project’s Structure 2 Main components: -Web side -Mobile App side (Android)
Web side
Web side
Android Side
Mobile App side
Future plans Add features to the project. Expand to new platforms. Take it to the market one day.
Personal Experience Exciting new experience. Personally challenging. Opportunity to experience the possible work area stress and environment. Opportunity to increase my skill set. Eager to expand and utilize my learned skill set. Great experience in general.
Q&A “No matter how slick the demo is in rehearsal, when you do it in front of a live audience, the probability of a flawless presentation is inversely proportional to the number of people watching, raised to the power of the amount of money involved.” (Mark Gibbs)