Writing about literature Robert DiYanni
Writing about literature: Why? To read it attentively and notice things we might miss during a more casual reading. To be stimulated, we will discover what we think about literature we read. To express ourselves – we state our views about the ideas and values expressed in literary works. We enhance our enjoyment of the many pleasures they offer and deepen our appreciation of their artistic achievement.
Ways of writing about literature To respond to a work (writing about our experience of literature). To explain a work (writing about our interpretation of literature). To evaluate a work (writing about our evaluation of literature).
Ways of writing about literature: To respond to a work (writing about our experience of literature). Freewriting. Annotating Listing Journal keeping: The Double-Entry Notebook (on the one hand „taking notes“, on the other „making notes“) (see Di Yanni, p. 1674)
Ways of writing about literature: To explain a work (writing about our interpretation of literature). „When we write to explain a literary work, our concern is largely to make our understanding of it clear to others.“ (DiYanni, s. 1675) We make observations about textual details We establish connections among our observations We develop inferences (informed interpretative guesses) We formulate a conclusion or interpretation
Ways of writing about literature: To explain a work (writing about our interpretation of literature). Commom approaches: Analyzing and explicating Comparing and contrasting: A)Compare things worth the trouble... B) Compare works that have a significant feature in common (authorship, style, genre, historical period, subject...) C) Make a point. Use comparison and contrast in the service of an idea... D) Decide whether to organize your comparative duscussion according to the ‘’block“ method or according to the “alternating” method…
Ways of writing about literature: To evaluate a work (writing about our evaluation of literature). Considering values (see DiYanni, p. 1686)
Writing the paper (useful points) Be fairminded Be cautious Be logical Be accurate Be confident Divide the text into paragraphs, include an introduction and a clear conclusion. (List your themes by drawing an outline).
Remember!!!! If you use outside sources, always acknowledge them! “If you incorporate the work of others into your paper, it will be necessary to credit your sources through documentation. You should always provide source credit when quoting directly, paraphrasing (rewriting a passage in your own words), borrowing ideas, or picking up facts that aren’t general knowledge.” (DiYanni, p. 1706)
Revising the paper To adjust thought, structure and style “However you choose to end your paper, remember that your conclusion should answer the question: ,So what?’” (DiYanni, p. 1679)
Literary analysis See the glossary by DiYanni (p. 1711), and see Javorčíková, 2012 Full name of the author Full title and its symbolism First published Genre Setting Main characters Plot Language, style, tropes Explain symbols Theme […]
Sources DiYANNI, R. 1990. Literature – Reading fiction, poetry, drama, and the essay – second edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. 1748 pp. ISBN 0-07-557112-9. JAVORČÍKOVÁ, J. 2012. Contemporary Literature in English – Selected Historical, Social and Cultural Contexts. Banská Bystrica: UMB BB FHV. 204 pp. ISBN 978-80-557-0430-2.