The Miserable Manor By William A & Finlay
Chapter 1: Waking Up. “Where are we?” asked Patrick. “I don’t know,” answered Ashton in a worried voice. The 2 boys sat on the uncomfortable, wooden bed, at a bedroom of a house they have never seen before. “What is this?” questioned Ashton, who was looking at a yellow piece of paper. “It says the miserable manor will lock in 24 hours!” Ashton started to weep loudly like a someone saw a ghostly figure. “Don’t worry,” soothed Patrick. Finlay And William A
Chapter 1: Waking Up. Looking around, Patrick saw some wooden, creaky stairs going downstairs and a dusty ladder leading to the top of the manor. “Which way should we go?” Patrick said suddenly. Which way did they go? Downstairs Up to the attic Downstairs Up into the attic. Finlay And William A
Chapter 2a: The Creaky Corridor They chose to go downstairs. “Where are we now?” mumbled Ashton. “I don’t know,” replied Patrick in a scared, shaky voice. CREAK! A loud noise came from the other side of the vast hallway. “I’m petrified now mate,” Patrick said, trying to be calm but trembling with fear. “Don’t worry people,” whispered a young girl’s voice in the air of the ghostly manor, “I won’t hurt you.” Finlay And William A
Chapter 2aThe Creaky Corridor “WHAT!” bellowed Patrick “We need to get out of here FAST!” The two scurried to try and find an exit. There were two doors, one going outside and one going to the kitchen. “I don’t know where to go, but one might be our fate, so we need to choose carefully,” mumbled Ashton. Then he found a note on one of the doors saying, “You have 20 hours left.” They were both horribly shocked to see that note and started to panic and started screaming, “HELP!” Finlay And William A
Chapter 2a: The Creaky Corridor. “What should we choose then?” asked Ashton. “I really don’t know,” answered Patrick. They didn’t realise one led to their doom. Which door did they choose? To the kitchen To the garden. Finlay And William A
Chapter 3a: The Killer Kitchen. You chose to go to the kitchen. “Ok,” said Ashton, “I think we’re safe.” “I hope you are,” whispered the ghostly voice. The two boys stopped for a second. “Uh oh,” they said in a kind of synchronised way. “The mysterious figure is stalking us,” Patrick quietly whispered to Ashton. “Well we are going to have to find out who this creepy stalker is!” Ashton said in a way that a superhero would talk in. CREAK! They looked around scared about what they might see. They turned around to see lots of blood and bones coming from the oven. Bravely, Ashton and Patrick walked towards the oven, then suddenly Patrick slipped, he slipped on the grim blood. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he shouted with the voice, Ashton looked suddenly, Slowly, Patrick was pulled into the oven, soon to be roasted to death. Ashton tried pulling him out, heaving with all his might. BAM! The oven slam shut with Patrick inside. “PATRICK!” cried Ashton. Patrick didn’t reply, then Ashton turned off the oven and went into the heated oven. It was a long, thin tube in the dark. Ashton was soon at the end of the tunnel, there was light, a small, dim light, flickering. Ashton crawled out of the tunnel into the room where there was a boy. Finlay And William A
Chapter3a: The Killer Kitchen “Patrick?” Ashton called. “Ashton?” Patrick answered the voice that sounded like Ashton. In the dark, dirty and grim room. BANG! They clashed heads. “I thought you died.” Looking around for the mysterious figure, Ashton heard weeping from a corner, then Patrick heard the loud weeping too. There was this young girl in a clean white dress kneeling down weeping on the floor. “Are you alright?” asked Ashton. “Yes I’m fine,” cried the mysterious girl. “What’s your name?” asked Patrick. “My name is Hannah,” she replied. “Why are you crying in in the corner?” said Ashton, as he crouched down to the girl. “Everyone is scared of me,” Hannah wimped. Finlay And William A
Chapter3a: The Killer Kitchen. Patrick and Ashton both looked at each other in a confused way. “Hannah, do you want to come with us and find a way out of this manor?” said Patrick. “Yes please,” Hannah replied swiftly. All three of them went to see if there was actually an exit. It didn’t take long for Hannah to easily find a way out. “Look here!” shouted Hannah, “I think the blue door is the exit to this evil manor.” There were two doors the green door and the blue door. “Should we believe her?” whispered Patrick to Ashton. “I don’t know,” answered Ashton still whispering so Hannah couldn’t hear. What did they choose? believe her don’t believe her Believe her Don’t believe her Finlay And William A
Chapter 4:The Mysterious End You chose to believe her. Both boys slowly started to walk towards her and they peeped around the corner. There was light. “WOW! Thank you!” they both shouted. Hannah smiled, then she walked away into the foggy, dark night. They both wondered where she would go, because she was trapped there for many years. They looked at each other, then back at the manor, then back at where Hannah was walking. She was gone, all there was, was fog. Finlay And William A
Chapter 1b: Creaky. You chose to go up to the attic. “The floor is a bit unsteady,” Ashton told Patrick. The attic door locked. “WHAT!” shouted Patrick, “THE DOOR LOCKED!” “HELP!” Ashton shouted as loud as a sports coach. Then, a part of the floor cracked, then a little bit more. Every time they stepped on the floor it broke and fell. It was slowly leading to their death. They both knew they would fall and perish soon. Their eyes were starting to fill up in tears. Then they were on the last plank of wood so they stepped on it, and they fell, screaming while they were falling. They sadly never got out of the manor. Come back alive? Finlay And William A
Chapter 2b: Not A-maze-ing Luck. You chose to go outside. “Wow!” Ashton said sarcastically, “A grass maze.” “Well, we will have to go through it.” Patrick told Ashton. Both of them started to walk slowly, not sure where to go. They were walking for hours, then they saw something dreadful. A timer. They only had 5 minutes left. The boys were tired and weary. “ONE MINUTE REMAINING!” the timer boomed. They knew they weren’t going to make it. Then all doors shut and they were both cold and tired. They closed their eyes and never opened them again. Click the skull to come back alive. Finlay And William A
Chapter 3b:The End!!!! You chose to not believe Hannah and go to another route. “Hannah, We’re going the other route.” they told her. Finlay And William A