Alexandra Junior School Year 5 Parents Meeting – Welcome!
Year 5 staff Mr de Haas (5H) Mr Cook (5C) Mrs Ring (TA – 5H) Miss Bennett (TA – 5C)
Working Together and parental support Talk to us on the playground if possible. If not, phone the school office. Arrive on time! Have all belongings named. Have correct PE kit, named, on the right day – PE days Tuesdays (outdoor) and Wednesdays (gym/dance). Support with homework.
Homework Set on Thursday Hand in deadline is Tuesday – policy is that we encourage and reward children who complete homework, but no punishment for those who don’t. Spellings handed out Thursday, tested the following week. Children will be able to bring home a book to read from school – it will be signed in and out here. Children can also bring ‘home’ books to read in school when we have quiet reading time.
Alongside Homework There are some key areas that it is really important for children to develop through the year outside of school: Reading for (on average) twenty minutes or more per night – this is really important. Times tables and their division opposites in maths. Depending on your child’s confidence level, fast mental addition and subtraction of numbers (some children are already very strong in this area). ‘Place Value’.
Key School Improvement Plan Priorities: Quality learning in wider curriculum. Fostering greater resilience and independence in children and their learning. Developing ‘pupil voice’ e.g. in planning which area of a topic to study. More ‘AFL’ – adapting lessons ‘on the hoof’ according to children's understanding. Improving the impact of intervention groups for children of all abilities. Accelerated progress in reading across the school.
The ‘New’ National Curriculum Significant changes – different emphases in learning. Heightened expectations, especially in core subjects. English – increased focus on ‘traditional’ aspects such as spelling, handwriting and grammar. Maths – increased focus on basic use of number, especially fractions. More prescriptive in methods to be used. ‘Mastery’ – key principle. More time to ensure deeper understanding of key aspects before moving on.
Assessment – gap analysis:
Differentiation in learning Ensuring that learning is rigorous and challenging, but achievable, for all pupils regardless of ability. Most important differentiation strategy is always adapting learning within the classroom for different groups e.g. questions in a maths lesson may be on the same subject matter, but have different orders of difficulty. Similarly, strategically planned use of resources and adults within the class. Additionally, use of intervention groups outside the classroom for various children.
AJS Motto A R C A - Achieve R - Respect C - Care A R C
Behaviour Management Strategy All children begin here in class rewards. If a child behaves inappropriately, they are given up to 3 verbal warnings After a verbal warning, if behaviour persists time out in class if appropriate If behaviour persists, then time out in another class, loss of part or all of play time Serious misbehaviour (repeated disrespect, refusal to do as asked, bullying, violence ...) HT / DH Key Principle: if a child moves down the ladder, they are encouraged to move back up quickly so they end the session/day well. Golden Book The Golden Book
Happy to help! Your class teacher is your first port of call, we are more than happy to help! We are looking forward to working with you and your children this year.