Describing Graphs & Charts Kyra S. Huismann
The table or spreadsheet: Start for charts Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts The table or spreadsheet: Start for charts Careful when using German spreadsheet programme: Decimal point and 1000 seperator are exchanged
Data for comparing charts Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Exercise Data for comparing charts
Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts
Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Title rounded edges horizontal dimension = x-axis Vertical dimension = y-axis maximum / highest / peak minimum / lowest / trough line graphs legend scale, ranges from x to y Title axis label
Criteria for choosing a chart Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Criteria for choosing a chart main purpose? to support which decision-making process Target audience 2- or 3 dimensional highlight, simplify, compare showing relationship (correlation) combination of different kinds
To plot data & examine the fluctuation over a period Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Line graph To plot data & examine the fluctuation over a period To show trends and relationships - Identifying correlations (Beziehungen) between 2 variables
Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Area Chart
Barchart (horizontal) Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Barchart (horizontal)
Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Barchart (vertical) To simply compare data - a bar represents the measured value or frequency
Column (vertical, here using a picture instead of bars) KYRACOM PROJECTS 08.05.2018 Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Column (vertical, here using a picture instead of bars) To simply compare data - a bar represents the measured value or frequency , use pictures for effect 11
Clustered Column Chart (gruppierte Säule) Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Clustered Column Chart (gruppierte Säule) To compare values across categories
Stacked Column (gestapelte Balken) Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Stacked Column (gestapelte Balken) To compare parts to a whole
Combined Chart (columns & graphs with 2 axes) Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Combined Chart (columns & graphs with 2 axes) To examine the correlation between 2 sets of data
Tornado Chart (two-sided bar chart) Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Tornado Chart (two-sided bar chart) Sensitivity analysis for model simplification (distribution) Source: (estimated resident population)
Tornado Chart (two-sided bar chart) Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Tornado Chart (two-sided bar chart)
To show % of a 100 – using segments Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Pie Chart To show % of a 100 – using segments
To show % of a 100 – using segments Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Doghnut Chart 1 To show % of a 100 – using segments
To show % of a 100 – using segments Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Doghnut Chart 2 To show % of a 100 – using segments
Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Waterfall Chart
Ternary Plot (Finetti diagram) Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Ternary Plot (Finetti diagram) It graphically depicts the ratios of the three variables as positions in an equilateral triangle. It is used in physical chemistry, petrology, mineralogy, metallurgy, and other physical sciences to show the compositions of systems composed of three species. In population genetics, it is often called a Gibbs triangle or a de Finetti diagram. In game theory, it is often called a simplex plot. Source: Wikipedia 3 variables summing to a constant (science / physics) KYRACOM Training Haarenstr. 9, 26122 Oldenburg Tel.: 0441 / 99 84 45 01
Gantt Chart Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Source:
Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Gantt Chart with Excel
Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Radar Chart Data relates to a central point to give an overview – often for performance analysis
To present data with 3 values visually Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Bubble Chart To present data with 3 values visually
Source: Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Bubble Map Source:
Wordle - visualisation Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Wordle - visualisation Source:
Charts German to English Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Charts German to English Source: (4 Apr 2015)
Charts German to English Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts Charts German to English 3.5 14.7 16.4 16.6 48.8 Percentage population Source: (4 Apr 2015)
verbs adverbs prep. degree increase rise go up leap slightly Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts verbs adverbs prep. degree increase rise go up leap slightly moderately considerably sharply suddenly significantly dramatically slowly last year last quarter rapidly by (%/fig.) / to (fig) up to at out remain steady stay at same level level peak by (% / fig.) to (fig.) down decrease drop go down plunge time
Our profit rose considerably to 2 billion $ last year. Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts verbs adverbs prep. degree increase rise go up leap slightly moderately considerably sharply suddenly significantly dramatically slowly last year last quarter rapidly by (%/fig.) / to (fig) up to Our profit rose considerably to 2 billion $ last year. at out remain steady stay at same level level peak by (% / fig.) to (fig.) down decrease drop go down plunge time
verbs adverbs prep. degree increase rise go up leap slightly Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts verbs adverbs prep. degree increase rise go up leap slightly moderately considerably sharply suddenly significantly dramatically slowly last year last quarter rapidly by (%/fig.) / to (fig) up to at out remain steady stay at same level level peak by (% / fig.) to (fig.) down decrease drop go down plunge time
Personnel costs have gone down moderately by 4.5 %. Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts verbs adverbs prep. degree increase rise go up leap slightly moderately considerably sharply suddenly significantly dramatically slowly last year last quarter rapidly by (%/fig.) / to (fig) up to Personnel costs have gone down moderately by 4.5 %. at out remain steady stay at same level level peak by (% / fig.) to (fig.) down decrease drop go down plunge time
Explain graph
Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts
Table Explaining Criteria Vocabulary Charts
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