How to create a graph in MS EXCEL VIRTUAL MEETING Nr. 3 How to create a graph in MS EXCEL Good morning. My name is Andi and It´s our next virtual meeting within the program Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperative interactive learning. Today I´m going to show you how to create a graph in MS Excel. But first of all let me show you some basic graphs. Ok. Basicly we use graphs when we want to show different data, when we want to visualise the differencies between selected data. "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
CLUSTERED COLUMN CHART We use when we want to compare from two to four data series. The most frequently used graph is the column graph. We use it when we want to compare from two to four data series. It´s a very simple way to visualise the differences between selected data. On this graph we compare the number of guests in January in Slovakia, Romania and Italy. On the graph we can see, the nobody wanted to stay in a single room in Slovakia, in Romania four people wanted to stay a single room and one person in Italy. We can also see, that double rooms were mostly requested in Romania. Apartments were requested by 9 people in Italy, 6 people in Slovakia and by 4 people in Romania. It´s clearly visible. Data are fictional, they are not real.
STACKED COLUMN CHART We use it when we want to compare data series along their composition and the overall size of each data series is important. Other type of column chart is the stacked column chart. We use it when we want to compare data series along composition and the overall size of each data series is important. On this graph you can see how many guests did we have in percentages.
BAR CHART Use a bar chart whenever the axis labels are too long to fit in a column chart. Bar chart you can use whenever the axis labels are too long to fit in a column chart.
LINE CHART Use line charts when you want to show/focus on data trends especially long term trends between the values of the data series. This type we call line chart. We use line charts when we want to focus on data trends especially long term trends between the values of the data series. You can see, that the number of guests increased slowly from January, but in March in Italy was a sharp increase. It´s very clearly visible.
PIE CHART Use it when you want to show 100% composition of data. The last graph I want to show you is the pie chart. We use it when we want to show 100% composition of data. As you can see 55% of the guests in Slovakia have chosen double rooms, 30% apartments and only 15% of guests have chosen single rooms during their stay in Slovakia.
Basic types of graphs
Creating a chart Open your Excel file Highlight the data from B1 to E11 Insert – Simple 2D Column Chart Chart Layouts – Add title Type the title: Number of guests Now we are going to create a graph together step – by step. Please go to your computers and open your Excel file.
Highlighing data Highlight the cell from B1 to F11
Choose a graph Insert Column chart 2D
Inserting the graph
Adding a title Chart Tools Chart title Above Chart
Adding a title Type the title: „Number of Guests“
Final Chart
TASK: Gather information with your team members via Facebook about the average price of: average size of pizza – L; beer – 0,5 l; coffee – espresso with milk; ice cream – 3 scoops; museum ticket for a student; public transport – bus fare single ticket; Taxi fare – to the city centre.
TASK: Make a chart using the above mentioned data in MS Excel comparing the gathered prices in Komárno, Pisa and Suceava (use different colours, borders, fonts,....) Make a simple graph (column chart) in MS Excel comparing the prices in Komárno, Pisa and Suceava. Send the MS Excel file to