QLIK Overview & Desk Aid
Click Create new app Enter the name for the app Click Create Click Open app
Click to load from Excel Click to run SQL script
All the options as a source connection available for use.
Click Attach files to upload the file: Drag and drop the file Exell Click Attach files to upload the file: Drag and drop the file Exell.xlsx onto the dialog.
Click Prepare data.
Click Tables. Click Add data.
Click Associations
Drag bubbles to each other to connect Drag bubbles to each other to connect. Qlik Sense helps you identify recommended associations with Colors: Green – highly recommended. Orange – indicates a medium recommendation. Red – not recommended.
Loading Data and Viewing the Data Model Click Load data. In the toolbar, click Navigation and select Data Model viewer. All tables are now connected. Click “Expand” to view all. A field connecting one or more tables is called a key.
To Get Data from SQL Script Click Data Load Editor
Main section – settings
The Security view to see only the patients that the user has an access to. To ensure security, one of the parameters has to exist in the tables/views/sections used in the app.
Qualify * ; Each field is attached to a view name, to be unique Unqualified: The View name is not attached, to be able to link the tables.
Always have a field with the same name to join Connect the tables by the same ID
Click Data Model Viewer
Building App Select App overview Click Create new sheet
Click Edit Sheet
CHARTS VISUALIZATIONS – TYPES OF CHARTS Visualizations are used to present the data that is loaded into the app. The selections you make in the app are reflected in all associated visualizations on all sheets. You can convert from one visualization type to another by dragging a new chart to a visualization on a sheet.
Types Of Charts Name When To Use Bar Chart Combo Chart Filter Pane Gauge KPI Line chart Map Pie chart Pivot table Scatter plot Table Text & image Treemap Compare data side by side Combine absolute and relative values Make selections to reduce data set Indicate ratio Display a performance value Display trends over time Display point and area data Display ratio to total Create a cross table view of data and to summarize data Display correlation of measures Display numbers and values Display text, images, links, and measures Display hierarchical data
CUSTOM OBJECTS Are extensions and widgets, that enable new ways of visualizing data and enhance user input and interaction. EX: DateRangePicker plug in.
MASTER ITEMS When creating and building visualizations there might be items worth saving to reuse in other visualizations and on other sheets. These items can be saved as master items in the assets panel.
FIELDS Fields are the data loaded from the load script. They correspond to columns in a database table and can exist in more than one table.
Bar Chart Description: You can include two dimensions and one measure, or one dimension and multiple measures in a bar chart. Each bar corresponds to a dimension, and the values of the measures determine the height/length of the bars. When to use it: Grouping and stacking bars makes it easy to visualize grouped data. The bar chart is also useful when you want to compare values side by side, for example sales compared to forecast for different years, and when the measures (in this case sales and forecast) are calculated using the same unit.
Line Chart Description You can include one dimension and several measures in a line chart. For example: sum of sales, average sum of sales. When to use it The line chart is primarily suitable when you want to visualize trends and movements over time, where the dimension values are evenly spaced, such as months, quarters, or fiscal years.
Combo Chart Description The combo chart combines the features of the bar chart and the line chart. You can use bars and lines to represent different categorical groups in the same visualization. When to use it With the possibility to have different measure scales, one to the left and one to the right, the combo chart is ideal when you want to present measure values that are normally hard to combine because of the significant difference in value ranges.
Filter Pane Description The filter pane helps you to control data that is reflected in the visualizations on a sheet. When to use it With filter panes, you can easily make several selections to define your data set exactly like you want it. With your well-defined data set, you can explore data of particular interest. By using the selection menu options in the filter panes (select possible, select alternative, and select excluded), you can make adjustments to the data set and compare the results with the previous selection.
Gauge Description The gauge is designed to show only one measure value. In addition to the current value, the gauge can also show minimum and maximum values, and color segments of your choice. When to use it The gauge is suitable when you want to visualize a single key measure value. You can use color coding to support the interpretation of the value.
KPI Description Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to evaluate the performance in a company or an organization. The KPIs show to what extent a number of goals have been reached. Different organizations have different goals, and it is important that the goals are well defined so that they are valid and reliable. When to use it Use KPIs to get an overview of performance values that are central to an organization. Use color coding and symbols to indicate how the figures relate to the expected results.
Map Description A map is the representation of data in geographical image. When to use it You can use a map to show the geographical distribution of offices, stores, and other sites of business interest. You can visualize not only locations but also sales values and other measures and display the value differences by bubble size or color.
Text & Image Description The text & image chart is intended for presentation purposes, and does not support selections. However, the measures in the text & image visualization are updated when selections are made. When to use it Use on the first sheet of an app for essential information. Display a company image, or use a background image together with formatted text and measure values to present figures in a compelling way.
Treemap Description Treemaps are used to display hierarchical data. You can drill down in the data, and the theoretical number of levels is almost limitless. When to use it Use a treemap when space is constrained and you have a large amount of hierarchical data that you need to get an overview of. Treemaps should primarily be used with values that can be aggregated.
Hands-On Training Pie Chart Tutorial Example Open Charts and drag a pie chart to the sheet. Click Add dimension and add the field Region. Open Fields. Locate the field Sales, right-click it and select Create measure. In the Create new measure dialog, in the Expression box, add Sum in front of (Sales) to create the measure Sum(Sales). Click Create. The measure is added as a master item. Drag the new measure Sales to the center of the pie chart. In the properties panel to the right, click Appearance > Presentation and select Donut. Still in the properties panel, click Colors and Legend. Click the Colors button and select in the list. At the top of the visualization, add the title Sales per Region. Use the handles to resize the pie chart according to the screenshot.
Hands-On Training Bar Chart Tutorial Example Drag a Bar Chart, click Add dimension and scroll down to select the field Customer. Click Add measure and under Measures, select Sales. In the properties panel to the right, under Appearance > Presentation, select Horizontal. The bars are displayed horizontally. In the properties panel under Data, click Customer to open the dimension. In the list Limitation, select Fixed number. The default setting is to display the top 10. Change the number to 5. Clear the selection Show others. In the properties panel, click Appearance > Presentation and under Value labels select Auto. In the properties panel, click Appearance > Y- axis: Customer. Under Labels and title, select Labels only. Click X-axis: Sales.
Hands-On Training Pivot Tutorial Example Drag a Pivot table, click Add dimension and scroll down to select the field Customer. Add Rows Product Group and Item in Data Properties Click Add measure and under Measures, select Sales. Sales – is a Master Item represents a SUM of sales.
The data is represented as expandable hierarchy and with calculated values in the same row. Dev Prod
Examples of a Custom Functions Count Count(Distinct)
Hand- On Creating Master Item - Dimension Right click on a filed and create custom function. Add dimension DOB. Create AGE as Master Item based on Date of Birth field.
Other Sample Development
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