Idea for the low field dipoles near to IP in 2mrad crossing Cherrill Spencer, SLAC BDS weekly meeting 16 May 2006 16 May 2006 Cherrill Spencer Idea for B1/B2 dipoles
Cherrill Spencer Idea for B1/B2 dipoles AVAILABLE SPACE NEAR 2MR IP Units are meters. RED lines are photons to be avoided 16 May 2006 Cherrill Spencer Idea for B1/B2 dipoles
Cherrill Spencer Idea for B1/B2 dipoles Regular H shaped dipole with solid low carbon steel core & solid Cu wire #9AWG round C1010 steel core 100 turns coil Aperture Overall width23.5 cm POISSON model :top RH quarter of dipole. 6cm full gap. 14cm wide poletip 16 May 2006 Cherrill Spencer Idea for B1/B2 dipoles
Cherrill Spencer Idea for B1/B2 dipoles Regular H shaped dipole with solid low carbon steel core & solid Cu wire #9AWG round:details Would be used for B1,B2 and B2DPA/B/3 dipoles Range of gap field : 5- 292 gauss for 45-500 GeV beams These magnets have 12m effective lengths. Would divide each one up into six 2 meter long dipoles Using 100 turns of #9 AWG round Cu wire, magnet resis = 2.49 ohms (AIR COOLED) To reach 292 gauss need ~700 amp-turns: 7 amps Voltage= 17.43 V per 2m long dipole. Power=122 watts For 6 strung dipoles : 6x 17.43 = 104.6 volts (=B2DPB) Question for PS experts: can you provide a 7 amp, 105 volt ,BIPOLAR PS. ?? 16 May 2006 Cherrill Spencer Idea for B1/B2 dipoles
Cherrill Spencer Idea for B1/B2 dipoles Issues regarding strung power supplies and getting repeatable strengths at very low fields For B1 dipoles, nom field= 25 gauss at 250GeV At 500 GeV/beam need 50 gauss. Current for 50 gauss= 1.19 amps Voltage for one 2 m dipole = 2.97 V Need to string 36 dipoles on one PS (=6B1s x 6 parts each) This string would need 6x6x2.97V= 107 volts. Running at 45 GeV/beam need 14 amp-turns= 0.14 amps! Would need to interleave dipoles on various PS and turn some off to reach very low integrated strengths. Question to Andrei: jitter issue? Experience at SLC with v.low field dipole shows that can be repeatably set with 10(-4) precision- needs degaussing w/ bipolar PS and carefully followed standardization procedure . (Will write memo on SLC data another day) 16 May 2006 Cherrill Spencer Idea for B1/B2 dipoles