Project Overview Introduction & Product Analysis Drawing & communication Sensing abilities in robots Programming Robots Mechanisms and Systems Designing new products & Packaging Presentation and Rendering Biomimicry Concept Modelling Concept presentations
LESSON 10 STARTER Learning objective: Learn how to present a short presentation of your idea. Evaluate the success of a product design and make activity. Why is it an important skill to be able to present? Presentations are very important in all jobs, not just in design. In design roles, designers share ideas with many audiences. Who do you think these audiences might be? Once they complete a product, or perhaps at a key stage in the development of a product, they will seek to present the idea for critique. Critique is designed to offer encouragement, but propose improvements. Often critique will focus on 2 positives and 1 area to improve. This will give the designer an area to work on, but will also provide areas that work well, so that during further development, these will not be lost. In all roles, you will have to speak publicly to different sized audiences. The best way to avoid feeling nervous is to prepare well what you intend to say, and rehearse. Where possible, presentations should be short, full of information, and provide time for the critique at the end. New words: audience, improvement, present, critique, feedback
Presenting Concept Models Your task is create a short Nano presentation that will last 2 minutes In this 2 minute time slot, you will need to present a considerable amount of information to the group, so that at the end they will have no questions to ask. Here are the areas you will need to plan to talk about in your presentation - What your Hexbug idea is called and what creature it imitates - What sensors it uses and how it works - What unique features it presents, what will surprise the customer/user - Provide a step by step of how the customer will play with it I.e. for the last point, consider this approach: Once the Hexbug has been turned on, the Hexbug will… if the user does… to the Hexbug, it will react by…. If the Hexbug comes into contact with an obstacle it will… if the Hexbug comes into contact with another Hexbug, it will… The Hexbug will return to normal behaviour once it has… The customer will enjoy the Hexbug because of the…. You now have 6 minutes to plan your Nano presentation…
Presenting Concept Models As an observer, you have a job to do too! For some, presenting to a group can be daunting. So how can the audience help settle nerves? Here are a few pointers for you to do: 1. Look at the work being presented, and do not become distracted. 2. Nod, it shows you are listening or at least pretending to, which helps to settle nerves. 3. Make notes on what the presenter says, they will appreciate the attention. 4. Be silent, there is nothing worse than interuptions! 5. Show respect. Your presenter is trying very hard, encourage them with positivity. 6. Use the worksheet to make notes on your presentations…
Presenting Concept Models Body position and engaging an audience hint and tips… To present well remember these golden rules: - speak loud enough for the farthest person to hear - make eye contact - be confident in your work - keep sentences short and precise - focus on detail and quality not quantity - relax and enjoy Have your teacher take a photo of your model if it is too small for the whole class to see in your hand!
LESSON 10 PLENARY As a class, let us consider the following questions? A. How is best to prepare for a presentation? B. Why do presentations offer more than sharing drawings? C. Why might presentation skills be useful to you in the future? D. How could you have enhanced your presentation today?
Summary Learning objective: Learn how to present a short presentation of your idea. Evaluate the success of a product design and make activity. Today you have: Worked in pairs to share feedback on your work, and improve your models. Prepared and delivered a nano presentation on your concept. Evaluated the learning that has taken place in this micro project and developed a clear understanding of your career potential in design and engineering.