Action Research: Getting to the Bottom of Instructional Problems Uncovering Solutions Through Inquiry and Reflection Donna H. Ziegenfuss, Ed.D. Visiting Associate Librarian J. Willard Marriott Library, 1705Z
The Agenda today is to discuss: WHAT is action research? WHY would you want to do action research? HOW do you conduct action research?
session you will be able to: By the end of this session you will be able to: List the stages of the action research (AR) process Brainstorm an instructional problem Map out a preliminary AR plan Know where to gather resources for conducting AR
What is Action Research? + Practice + Reflection ___________ =Action Research
What is Action Research? Research Practice Schon, 1983 “IN”
What is Action Research? “Action research is a form of self-reflective inquiry” Kemmis, (1983) Informal and descriptive (usually qualitative) model of inquiry with a purpose to inform and improve practice Fosters an understanding of an identified problem and public sharing of findings A more systematic version of trail and error for solving real problems in context Aligns to Schon's model of reflection-in-action (1983)
Characteristics of AR It is a cyclical process that involves distinct research steps It is participative (the researcher and subject are active participants in the research process); can also be done collaboratively It usually involves qualitative methods It is a reflective process Collaborative and open
Susman, G.I. (1983). Action Research: A Sociotechnical systems perspective, In G. Morgan (ed.) Beyond Method: Strategies for Social Science Research, pp. 102 London: Sage Publications
Muir, P. (2007). Action research in the scholarship of learning & teaching, The RMIT Journal of Teaching and Learning, v2 n3. 280
Step 1: Identify your Problem (Question) How to do AR? Step 1: Identify your Problem (Question) Draw from your own experiences Reflect on why this problem is important? Research this issue What has been done already? What learning theory or bodies of work have already been associated with this idea Gather stakeholder perspectives What do students say about this? What do your peers say?
Step 2: Designing a Research Plan How to do AR? Step 2: Designing a Research Plan Reflect on what can you do to resolve the problem? What will you do, how will you implement your plan? What is your best idea for solving issue? Think of it as a recipe (step-by-step) What data do you need to collect What type of data will you collect? When will you collect data, and how?
Step 3: Collecting & Organizing the Data How to do AR? Step 3: Collecting & Organizing the Data Reflect on how the data you collected answers your question? How will you organize data to look at your questions Think of using a variety of data collected at different times What data analysis strategies will you use? What stakeholders need to be involved? Did you consider different perspectives?
Step 4: Reflect On & Analyze the Data How will you analyze the data? How to do AR? Step 4: Reflect On & Analyze the Data How will you analyze the data? Develop an analysis methodology to make the process more rigorous Set up a timeline for analysis What tools/knowledge do you need to complete analysis Excel or Nvivo, or Atlas.ti – support is available in the Marriott Library Where will you store and archive data?
Step 5: Using the Data – Did It Work? How to do AR? Step 5: Using the Data – Did It Work? How will use your findings to make new changes or adjustments? This step is what makes action research unique – the purpose of using data and findings for improvement How will you share your findings? Share with peers what you learned and find outlet for you’re your findings Reflect and look for patterns and themes that could be shared across disciplines
Questions? Resources & Support for Action Research Library Action Research Resources 94853/wiki/actionresearch Questions?